Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 11: A Chance At Something New

Cameron's POV

I'm at the park with Melina. At first we were swinging on the swings just having a new good time and now we are taking a walk. Melina and I are just good friends and nothing more. I haven't seen Kira all week, all the time she is with Rob. As we were walking I got a text from Zach telling me he was teaching his new friends how to surf. I think this vacation did him well because he is changes, he is no longer the same person as he left, he is no longer Zach the robot he is my Zach my friend. I'm glad he is having fun.

Kiara's POV

I'm getting ready to go on my date with Rob. I seem to be going out with him a lot... But what am I supposed to go, he's my boyfriend...

I finished getting ready so I decided to call Zach

"Hello." I heard say a girl that I never heard before

"Isn't this Zach's cell phone?" I asked beginning to get confused

"Yes it is."

"Then why do you have his phone?"

"Because he is busy and I was here when the phone rang so I answered, who are you?"

"I'm Zach's friend, who are you?"

"I'm also a friend of Zach's."

"Lisa what are you doing over there, c'mon!" I heard Zach yell at the background

"Well I got to go so try calling him later." she said and hung up. Well that was a weird conversation.

Zach's POV

We were at the beach and I have been trying to teach my new friends how to surf. Taylor never comes, I guess she doesn't like that I became friends with her friends.

"Alright Andrew just keep going like that, keep your knees bent, you're doing great" I said as a wave was coming.

"Zach can you help me!?" Isabella asked. I taught her how to stay on the surf board.

"Zach you're such a good teacher." Isabella hugged me excitingly.

After I taught her I taught Lisa, I can't teach them at the same time because we are sharing the same board. Lisa just fell and that was hilarious and I started laughing but quickly stopped

"That’s not funny Zach!" Lisa yelled embarrassed

"What's wrong Zach?" Isabella asked

"Oh nothing it's just that I haven't laughed in a long time." I said

"Well you have a cute laugh." Lisa said

"Don't your friends back in SD make you laugh?" Isabella asked

"My friends are the funniest people you can find but after Janet... I-I just wasn't myself." I said looking at the water

"Who's Janet?" Lisa asked

"My ex." I said

"Please tell us why you guys broke up." Isabella said

"I wish I knew myself..." I said

"What do you mean?" Lisa asked

"Well she broke up with me with no explanation on Valentines Day." I answered

"Wow." they said at the same time

"Hey Zach come join me!" Andrew shouted

"Can I borrow your board?" I asked them. She lend me the board and I left with Andrew.

We all had a blast today at the beach but then we headed back to Taylor's house. When we got there Melisa was there. After chatting for a while Kristen came down.

"Zach," she said

"Yeah." I said

"Can you please come play tag with me and Vic?" she asked shyly noticing everyone was looking at her

"Yeah sure, I can't say no to you." I said smiling at her

"Ok then... Zach you're it!" she yelled tagging me and ran up stairs

"Well I gotta go show them they can't beat The Zach in tag." I said

"Why are you going to play with them?" Taylor asked as if I committed a crime

"Like I said 'cus I can't say no to her and 'cus tag is MY game." I said going up stairs

"Vic he's coming!" I heard Kristen yell and I ran up stairs.

I looked for her in her room and I heard her run down stairs so I ran after them. I saw Vic hiding behind the couch and I jumped over it and tagged him and ran away

"I forgot how fun it was to play tag, you guys should play." I said

"I'll play." Isabella said and stood up

"Me too." Lisa said

"Me three." Andrew said

"I'm going to play too." Melisa said

"Well I'm not." Taylor said

"Aww how come?" Isabella complained

"Because I don't feel like it." she said then we heard Kristen scream and Vic came in saying she was it and we all ran as we saw her come.

“Time out!” Lisa yelled and we all stopped

“What now.” Melisa said

“Since there are more people playing how about we play freeze tag and you can’t unfreeze the frozen people.” Lisa explained

“Ok in a 1, 2, 3!” Andrew yelled and ran

After some time Kristen finally tagged Vic

“I bet you can’t catch me.” Lisa challenged and after Kristen chased her she finally got her then she went after Melisa and got her too

“Hey Zach run in a different direction.” Andrew suggested

“Ok!” I yelled and ran out side

“Hey you can’t go out side!” Kristen whined

“No one said I couldn’t.” I said and kept running

“You know what I’m going after Andrew he runs slower.” she complained and ran back inside

I ran after her and tried to confuse her and give Andrew a hand… um never mind he just got tagged.

“Go Zach! Go! Don’t’ let her get you!” Lisa yelled

“Don’t count on it” I said.

“Zach!” Kristen yelled after chasing me for about 15 minutes

“What!?” I yelled from across the living room

“I quit.” she said. The moment she said that I dropped to the floor

“I’m all tired and sweaty now.” I complained

“That was so fun.” Kristen said and dropped next to me

“Zach you run so fast.” Lisa said sitting next to me

“I’m going to miss you when you leave next week.” Isabella said and she sat behind be by my head

“Well I’m going to miss you guys too.” I said. I won’t forget the people that brought me back to life.

Later Andrew had to go and gave Melisa and Lisa a ride home. Vic went up stairs and Kristen followed

“Zach you look very tired.” Isabella said sitting next to me

“I haven’t ran that much in a long time.” I said

“Well you ran like a pro.” Isabella said and Taylor rolled her eyes at the comment

“When I get home I’m going to get Kira and Cam to play tag with me, it was so fun.” I said

“Who is Kira and Cam?” Isabella asked

“They are my best friends.” I said smiling

“Well if they are as fun as you I want to meet them.” she said

“Isabella I can’t believe you think Zach is fun, I bet they are all losers like him.” Taylor said and just then Kira texted

From Kira: hey Zach what’s up

To Kira: so tired x/

“Who are you texting?” Isabella asked

“My friend Kira.” I said just as she texted me back

From Kira: you lazy boy

To Kira: I am not lazy I surfed and played tag for a long time

From Kira: really Zach you played tag??? What has gotten into you??

To Kira: something about my new friends changed me

“Zach you look like you’re going to fall asleep any moment.” Isabella said

“No I won’t.” I said fighting to keep my eyes open. I didn’t realize that playing for that long would get me so tired

From Kira: I’m glad for that so tell me about them

To Kira: they are really nice and don’t know why but after few minutes of meeting them I told them almost everything about them they are also friends with my cousin I don’t know what she did to have such good friends

My eyes were getting so heavy I could hardly keep them open

“Zach why don’t you go up to your room and go to sleep.” Isabella said

“Yeah Zach we don’t need you here.” Taylor said

“I’m too lazy and tired to move.” I said

Taylor’s POV

It annoys me so much that my best friends like Zach so much. What do they see in him anyway, he is so pathetic? I could tell Isabella and Lisa are drooling over him. Isabella scooted closer to him

“I think you should sleep.” Isabella said softly to him

“Naww I don’t want to.” Zach said

“Well to me it looks like the complete opposite.” she said then his phone rang

“It’s Kira I told her to call me instead of texting.” he said

“You should let it ring you look tired.” she said

“I think I can manage a conversation.” he said smiling lazily

“Hey…no it’s ok…so how was your day?... how was your day?...yes me Zach Porter.” he said before dropping his phone and fell asleep

“Sorry Zach fell asleep he was very tired…bye.” she said to his friend on the phone

“You know your cousin is really cute.” she said giggling

“I can’t believe you like him.”

“Well why not?”

“He is a total loser don’t you see that.”

“Why don’t you like him?”

“Because… he annoys me.”

I can’t stand that Zach is seen as this perfect child, my friends like him, they think he is the best, my sister loves him, and that he is always so nice. I know what he is he is a spoiled little boy who wants and has everything.

Isabella and I have been sitting here in the living room for like an hour and she keeps looking at him nonstop.

“What do you see in him anyways.” I asked

“Well he has blue eyes, looks really hot, he has such a cute laugh and smile, he is flawless, I mean look at his abs.” she said lifting his shirt and lingered he fingers over him up and down softly afraid to wake him. Kristen and Vic walked down stairs and Isabella quickly put his shirt down.

“I see Zach fell asleep.” Vic said laughing at Zach

“How long has he been sleeping?” Kristen asked

“Like an hour.” Isabella answered

“Then why are you still with him and didn’t leave?” Vic asked

“Because Isabella wanted to stay here.” I said

“I think she likes him.” I heard Kristen whisper to Vic and he chuckled

“You know Zach is such a deep sleeper that if you were to scream you loved him at the top of your lungs he wouldn’t wake up.” Vic said and Isabella’s eyes got all big

“Let’s go who wants to watch Zach sleep anyway.” Vic said and left back up stairs with Kristen following behind him

"I bet if you were to kiss him right now he will never notice." I said very well that he wouldn't want that and pretty sure he would wake up and he will get mad at Isabella for trying to kiss him and he won't talk to her and she will forget about him.

"No I can't do that." she said

"Sure you can just try it, who knows if he wakes up he will probably like it." I said. She gave him a quick peck

"No not like that more passionate." I said. She got on top of him and gave him a little kiss but he didn't wake up and I told her to do it again. This time she took a deep breath and gave him a big and really long kiss and Zach shot up looking confused and I smiled to myself.

"Shhh," she said laying him back down with one hand and placing a finger on his lips, "Don't worry this means nothing serious, this is just for fun, you know friends with benefits." she said seductively and he looked even more confused, she looked at him so intensely that she practically devoured him with that look, she kissed him forcefully and then he kissed her back. Wait that's not supposed to happen! He is supposed to hate her! No! She separated from him for a moment and looked straight in his eyes and then I saw her stick her tongue down his throat and soon they started making this huge make out session. How did she learn to kiss like that, Zach was her first kiss. Zach rolled her over and now he was on top of her, he started kissing her with more passion and she started moaning. Okay she did not need to do that.

"Um hello still here." I said and Zach pulled away from her

"Sorry about that." she said out of breath

"Whatever it's not like I haven't seen someone make out." I said

"So that didn't bother you?" she asked

"Of course not you guys could continue for all I care." I replied and with that said she pulled him down back on top of her and they started making out again. What did I do...
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why i wrote this i have no idea haha
if i have time i will post another chapter later on :)