Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 14: Beach Party

Kiara's POV

I've been waiting for Zach for the past 10 minutes. After Samantha's little out bust about ditching my friends I decided to hanging out with them. Today Zach and I are supposed to spend the day together but he is not coming and I'm getting really impatient. Finally I decided to call him

"Zach" I said when he answered

"Yeah" he said

"Where are you?" I asked

"At this beach party" he said. I couldn't believe it, he's at a party! He is supposed to be with me!

"Well if I must remind you, you were supposed to meet me 15 minutes ago to hang out together" I said getting mad

"Oops, I kinda forgot" he said

"Yeah I could tell" I said already mad

"Well um I gotta go, hey just chill with Cam, bye" he said and hung up. I threw my phone on my bed. I can't believe he just did that. He just blew me off after I told Rob I couldn't hang out with him today and he wasn't pleased. Few minutes later my phone started ringing, it was Cameron.

"What!?"I answered

"Hey, wait are you mad at me?" he asked

"'No not you Zach" I said

"Why?" he asked

"He ditched me to go to some party" I said

"Oh yeah Zach told me about that earlier today" he said

"Wait he told you?" I asked getting madder

"Yeah, you know Ronny, well his older brother the senior is having a beach party and invited everyone" he explained

"Did he ask you to go with him?" I asked

"Yeah but I told him I couldn't go at that moment, I wish I did though I heard it was gonna be good" he said sounding like he missed the event of the year, "Hey wanna go and meet up with him?"

"No I'm mad at him so I don't want to see him right now" I said

"Oh well... If you want I can go to your house and keep you company" he said

"Okay..." I said and he hung up on me. Why is everyone hanging up on me?

An hour later I had forgotten about being mad at Zach. It's just something Cameron that makes you happy.

"Hey Cam remember how you fell that one time in school when you were trying to act cool in front of this girl" I said laughing, we were remembering funny things that happened over the years but then his phone rang. It was Zach and I told him to put it on speaker

"Hey Zach" Cameron said

"Dude get your ass over here you're missing the party it's bomb wooow!" Zach shouted sounding a bit too happy

"Well I'm with Kira" Cameron said.

"Then bring her too!" Zach shouted again

"I don't think she will want to go" Cameron said looking at me

"Fine, well I'ma go k bye" Zach said and hung up.

"So...." Cameron said

"So...." I replied

"Wanna go buy ice cream?" he asked

"Yeah sure" I said and we left my house

Cameron's POV

We are now at my house, we just got here from the ice cream shop. I bet Zach is having so much fun right now, I wish I was with him. When we walked in Anna and Vic were together

"Hey guys" I said

"Hey" Anna said

"Why aren't you guys at the party with Zach?" Vic asked

"We had a little problem" I said

"Did he say at what time he was going to be home?" Kira asked noticing it was past eight

"Nope but I'm guessing late because he told Mom he might sleep over at a friend’s house and he told me to make sure I leave his window open" Vic said and we left to my room. Well apparently Zach didn't tell his mom we was going to the party

"What are you laughing at?" Kira asked

"Oh I was just thinking that Zach is going to get busted when he gets home" I said and she sighed "Are you still mad?"

"No not really" she said.

We played truth or dare but we realized it was boring with only two people playing so we watched 2 home alone movies and I couldn't stop laughing

"What time is it?" she asked after the movie finished

"Past 10:30 why?" I asked

"Well Zach should be back by know I'm pretty sure he would come here instead of his house" she said

"True" I said and I took my phone out to call him

"It's ZP how may I help you and you better speak now or hold your peace" Zach said laughing

"Zach..." I said

"Hey CamCam" he said laughing

"What are you doing?" I asked hoping he was on his way but I hear music so I guess not

"Having the time of my life wooot woot" he said. I could barely understand anything he was saying

"Zach are you drunk?" I asked

"Umm I don't know but I feel great" Zach said

"I'ma go look for you ok so don't leave" I ordered him

"I don't plan on it" Zach said laughing and I hung up

"Is he really drunk?" Kira asked

"Yeah he is..."I said her

"But he is not even 15 and he's getting drunk!" she said in disbelief

"I'm going to go get him are you going to stay or are you going to come with me?" I asked. She pushed me out my room so I guess she is coming too and we left to the beach.

It wasn't very hard finding the party, there were so many people here. And apparently Ronny has a beach house. We walked around looking for Zach when I started dancing and singing

"Cameron focus, we're not here to party, we came to look for Zach" she said pulling me by my hand and then stopped

"Why did you stop?" I asked

"Look" she said pointing at someone

"Yeah what about..." I stopped talking when I realized she was pointing at Zach and two girls.

Zach was in the middle of the two girls who which were dancing dirty on him. He had a red cup and drank from it then one of the girls started kissing him while putting her hands under his shirt and kept dancing on him, Zach took a drink from his cup and threw his hands up in the air.

"Get away from him!" Kira yelled as she tried to pull them of him

"There is no need to ruin our fun I'm just getting somewhere with our new friend" the girl said kissing him and he just laughed, "My new boy toy." she said smirking as she ran her hand down his chest.

"Zach come with me" Kira said grabbing his hand and he started to come with us but the girl pulled him back

"Hey hey hey he stays with my! I already worked him up to where I want him and you are not gonna ruin this!" the girls yelled

"There is no need to fight over him there are plenty of more guys here" I said

"The problem is I want HIM and like I said, I already worked him up to where I want him and I want him NOW so we will just get going" she said pulling on his hand

"He's drunk, he doesn't know what he's doing" I said

"Oh I see your so pathetic you need the guy to be drunk so he can be with you" Kira said

"Hey there's no more" Zach said frowning holding his cup upside down.

"I have some more at my house, I'll give you some if you come with me" Kira said and after a minute Zach smiled and stumbled towards Kira

"Hey sexy wait I have some too, stay with me" one of the girls said

"Stay away from him!" Kira growled

"Oh come on just let me have a little fun with him, I promise to give him back in the morning." the girl said

"Are you out of your mind I am not going to let you alone with him for another minute! Go find yourself some other guy and leave my friend alone" Kira said and dragged Zach away from them

"Imagine what would have happened if we didn't get there in time! Cameron who knows what he would have doen..." Kira said.

"Well it didn't look like he was complaining" I said as I tried to keep him still

"Cameron he was drunk!" Kira exclaimed "If he was sober he would never do something like that"

"Yeah after his "I want nothing with girls" speech, yeah he wouldn't do that" I said

It took us like 20-30 minutes to get home because Zach walked so slow and stumbled a lot. Thank goodness my parents are out this weekend or they would have caught us. We brought him to my house because we didn't want to have to sneak Zach in his house and it was much easier to just bring him to my house. We just dropped him on my bed.

"Go sleep with him and I'll sleep on my couch" I said

After we got Zach to calm down and stop jumping we finally fell asleep
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I have have a other part for this but I will post it later on this week if I have time