Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 15: Hangover

Kiara's POV

I woke up to some grumbling noises, I turned and saw Zach, his hands clutched to his stomach and groaned. Cameron and I hardly seeped last night taking care of Zach, that was hard. Zach looked very pale, I'm not sure if I should be concerned. I wonder if it's just a hangover or more serious. Zach quickly opened his eyes and stood up but then sat back down and put a hand on his head, I guess got dizzy. He looked confused and then stumbled to Cam's bathroom and threw up. I was about to get up but he came back and laid down, then he groaned and shot up and ran towards the bathroom. He stayed there a while so I decided to go with him. I found him with his head over the toilet, he looked so miserable, I patted his back and he looked at me, his eyes were so red. He was about to say something but he turned around and threw up again, it looked like he was done so I helped him up.

"Eww" he said when he looked down at his shirt

"You should take off your shirt" I suggested and he did as told.

I couldn’t help but look at him. I feel weird thinking this because he is my best friend but I couldn't help it he did look good. He turned around and washed his mouth. I am so glad he is not fully awake or he would have noticed me looking at him.

"Thank you" he whispered softly

"No problem" I said and we walked back to the bed.

I tried making him go back to sleep but he kept whining about his stomach and his head. I told him to close his eyes and I rubbed his belly, within minutes I heard his breathing change, he fell asleep and I smiled. I looked at the clock and it was 5 o' clock so I decided to go back to sleep.

I woke up a little later after I heard Cameron walk around his room.

"Good morning Ki" he said smiling like always

"Good morning" I said and he went in his bathroom to change "Oh by the way Zach's shirt is there on the floor, don't touch it" I said and turned to look at my sleeping friend, he looked to peaceful but I have a feeling it won’t last.

"Why isn't Zach wearing a shirt?" Cameron asked

"He puked all over it" I said

"Ew" he said scrunching up his nose, "That's gross"

Zach woke up and clutched his stomach and curled up into a ball

"Ow everything hurts" Zach grumbled

"Well you got drunk last night" Cameron said

"Did I really?" Zach asked through his teeth, I could tell he was in pain.

"I... I remember going to a party...then I started drinking from those red cups everyone was getting...oh gosh I did get drunk"

"Is that all you remember?” I asked after he paused for a while

"Um... um... I meet some girl... we danced... I drank some more... then they told me to go back with them...after that it's kinda confusing" he said still curled up in a ball

"You don't remember after that?" I asked

"No I just can't... How did I get here?" he asked

"We brought you" Cameron said

"Did I do anything stupid?" Zach asked, when he asked that Cameron and I looked at each other "Oh gosh what did I do?"

"How do you know where I was?" Zach asked

"Because you called Cam telling him to go join you" I said remembering what happened yesterday, "Oh and don't forget about your dumb slut."

"What slut?" Zach asked

"Oh that’s right you don't remember, well she most likely got you drunk and who knows where you would have ended up today." I said. Zach had a shocked look on his face then he buried his face in the pillow groaning.

"What where you doing getting drunk anyway you're 14?" I said

"I didn't plan to get drunk" Zach said

"By the way you ended up it looks like you drank a lot, you should have saved some for me" Cameron said and I glared at him

"Guys I think I'm gonna die" Zach complained

"Zach don't say that!" I exclaimed. I think you should never joke around with death, one time my cousin was joking and saying he was going to die and week later he died in a car crash.

"It's just that it really hurts" Zach closing his eyes tight

"On a 1-10 how bad does it hurt?" Cameron asked

"Like a 7 or 8" Zach said

"Do you want us to tell your mom?" I asked getting concerned

"No!" he yelled and then grabbed his head

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yeah I'll be fine" he said clenched his teeth, he didn't look fine.

"Do you have Alka-Seltzer?" I asked Cameron

"Yeah I think so" Cameron said and went to go look for some

"No that it tastes funny" Zach complained

"If you don't drink it I will go get your mom" I said. He doesn't look so good, he looks like he is in pain by the way he grabs his head and his stomach and he looks so pale. Maybe if I hadn't been so selfish and so mad at him Cam and I would have gone to the party and maybe all of this wouldn't have happened, he wouldn't have gotten so drunk.

Cameron came back with a cup and the tablet was fizzling. We had to force Zach to drink it. When Zach gets sick he gets sick and he gets week and always gets headaches so it wasn't that hard to force him.

Zach's POV

Half the day has gone by and I feel way better. I feel bad that Kira and Cameron had to take care of me and I can only imagine how bad it was at night.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered to Kira while she slept "I'm such a horrible friend, I-I don't deserve to have friends like you and Cam"

"Zach you're a great friend" Kira said

"I thought you were sleeping" I said

"Actually you are the one how should be sleeping" Kira said

"Are you kidding, I can't sleeps everything aches, my stomach feels funny and my head is pounding, I feel like it will explode. Man I am never gonna drink like that again” I said

"Does it hurt a lot?" Kira asked

"Not as much as before, thanks" I said "I'm sorry"

"Sorry for what?" Kira asked

"For yesterday, I forgot we were supposed to hang out and then I was such a jerk to you I'm sorry" I said

"You know about forgive and forget right?" she asked

"Yeah why?" I asked confused, this isn't helping my headache

"Because that’s all in the past, I forgive you and there it's forgotten" she said

"But you can't forget" I said

"Well I do, you are my best friend, I love you Zach, a little fight isn't going separate us" she said.

Cameron's POV

"Zach I brought you some food" I said

"I'm not hungry but thanks" Zach said

"C'mon you have to eat, besides do you know how much effort I had to make to make you're cup noodles and how hard it is to put it in the microwave, you can't let my hard effort go to waste" I said dramatically like if it was a big deal

"Oh yeah so much work" Zach said laughing

"Laugh all you want but just eat it" I told him and he nodded no so I turned to Kira "Please make him eat it"

"C'mon open your mouth" Kira said and he nodded again

"Zach you like to eat why don't you wanna eat?" I asked

"I don't feel like it, I told you my stomach feel weird Zach said covering his mouth with his hands before he spoke

"Look at the airplane flying around looking like a place to land so open your mouth so it can land in there" Kira said flying the spoon like an airplane like if he was a baby.

"Guys I'm not a baby" Zach said covering his mouth, "Fine I'll eat but you don't feed me"

"No you're my little baby" Kira said squishing is cheek.

We finally got him to eat, when Kira finished feeding him we gave him a pill after he ate he fell asleep.

I was in the kitchen and I guess Kira didn't know I was there and went in
there to talk with Rob

"...I'm taking care of Zach...he was a little too crazy at the party last night were there! come you didn't stop him? should have done something...he is my best friend...yes Cameron, I can have best friends that are guys there is nothing wrong with are impossible...I don't want to talk to you right now...yes I am mad...yeah sure whatever, bye" Kira said and hung up.

Well I think they just had a fight

"Oh shit Cameron! You scared me I didn't know you were in here" Kira said

"Sorry for scaring you" I said

"Did you hear that conversation?" she asked

"Yeah I heard well your side of the conversation" I said

"I'm so mad" she said

"Yeah I kind of noticed" I said

"Let’s go back to your room" she said. We when back and we saw Zach still sleeping sound asleep. I think we did a good job with him.
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ok so I have never gotten a hangover so I dont know how it feel so my bad if thats all wrong

oh and sorry I did not post last week like I said I would