Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 16: Things Are Different

Kiara's POV

"Oh come on that was like two weeks ago" Rob said. I was still kinda mad at the whole Zach thing. It's not that hard to go up to him and get him to stop drinking, he should have done something.

"Whatever let's just go." I said getting up from his couch

"Where do you want to go?" he asked

"Let’s just go to the beach" I said. We didn't say much on the way, lately he has been acting weird.

"What did you do yesterday?" I asked, it was just too quiet for me

"Played video games with my bro, and you?" he asked

"I hung out with the guys." I said smiling remembering the day

"Why do you have to be with them so much?" he asked

"Maybe because they are my best friends." I said, he has been getting annoying with the whole why do I always hang out with the guys thing

"Sure" I heard him say and then mumbled something. We got to the beach but there were lots of people there already.

"Where do we put our stuff?" I asked

"Let’s just go over there." he said pointing to a place so far from the water

"But it's so far from the water." I said

"So." he said

"Hey look it's Cam." I said

"Where?" he asked

"In the water, surfing." I said, I wish I brought my board

"Let's go sit over there before we get our spot taken." he said

"Do you think Zach is here?" I asked

"How would I know." he said

"I bet they came together but why isn't Zach surfing with Cam, I need to go find him." I said looking for Zach

"Why do you need Zach? Can't we just forget about him." he said annoyed, Zach and Cameron are my best friends so he better get used to them because they aren’t going anywhere. I ignored him and continued looking for Zach.

"Hey I think he's that guy sleeping." I said and I started to run but Rob stopped me by grabbing my arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked

"Let go." I said slapping his hand off and ran towards the guy I thought was Zach. Yup it was Zach, he was sleeping on his board and had his shades on, he was also shirtless and was beginning to get a tan. Why did I have to have good looking friends because not only does Zach look good but so does Cameron. I still feel guilty for what I did back in 6th grade…

"What are you doing?" Rob asked

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You don't stop looking at him." he said

"I'm just trying to figure out how to wake him up." I said, I'm such a liar. Why did I just lie to him?

"Maybe you should just leave him there." he said. I ignored him and bent down next Zach, barely putting my finger I started moving up and down. Since Zach is very ticklish I think this would wake him but then again he is also a deep sleeper.

"Just leave him there sleeping, let's go." he said

"No, I always wanted to try this." I said

"Try what, touching him everywhere while he sleeps?" he asked

"No, to tickle him while he sleeps I think it will wake him up." I said and continued what I was doing, few minutes later Zach started moving a little then all of a sudden he shot up and pushed me of him. He looked so confused, he got up so fast his sun glassed flew off.

"That was you!" he said noticing me next to him. I couldn't help it anymore, I burst out laughing and the two of them just stared at me like if I went crazy.

"You-you should have seen your face." I said laughing between my words

"Ok so why did you do that?" Zach asked

"Too tempting, man I should have gotten a bucket and filled it with water and dumped it on your face." I said

"Oh you're nice." Zach said being sarcastic and out of nowhere got me in a headlock and tickled me.

"S-stop! Stop!" I tried to yell while laughing uncontrollably

"Payback" Zach said

"Rob help me!" I pleaded and he sighed and pulled us apart. Rob is bigger than Zach in anyway.

"Hey no fair" Zach said pouting and crossing his arms over is chest

"Aww my little baby is sad" I said pretending to be sad

"I'm not a baby, besides I'm older than you" he said and frowned while he continued pouting

"You're still my baby" I said and hugged him. As if my reflex he wrapped his arms around me I buried my head in his chest, I felt so comfortable, I wanted to stay there forever but Zach let go of me

"You guys were probably on a date huh" Zach said

"Yeah" Rob said

"Then why wake me?" Zach asked

"Ask Kiara" Rob said

"Well I couldn't help but spot this good looking guy in some bad ass shades, oh yeah don't forget the sexy abs" I winked

"Well I'm glad I woke up to a beautiful angel" Zach said flirting back, that’s just how we get along.

Zach's POV

Today I hung out with Cameron at the beach there saw Kira and Rob. (I think he hates me or something) I'm excited, my birthday is next month, I'm going to be 15.

"Zach!" I heard Mom call me from downstairs

"What?" I asked walking in the kitchen

"I need you to go get me something from Cameron's house, his mom has something for me" Mom said

"Yeah sure" I said and left to his house. Cameron opened the door

"Hey Zach what’s up" he said

"Can you get your mom, my mom says your mom has something for her" I said

"Mom Zach is here!" Cameron yelled for her

"Cam come here" Mrs. Q said and he went to her. He came back helping his mom with a box

"Take this box to your mom and please please don't open it" she said which caused me some curiosity

"Cam, Honey help Zach with the box and come back". The house was heavy so when we got to my house I kicked the door until Vic answered the door

"Mom where do we put this box!?" I yelled to where ever she is

"Just leave it in the living room" she yelled back. We did as told and Cameron left home and I went up to my room. I ended up taking a nap and woke up to Cameron sitting in my bean bag chair. What is that boy doing here?

"Cam what are you doing here?" I asked, I really don't mind him being in here in my room even if I'm not here but it's just weird to find him here.

"I have something to tell you" he said

"Why were you watching me sleep you creeper!" I said

"Not my fault you were sleeping and I was not watching you sleep I was just chillin’ here" he defended

"Yeah sure whatever you say so anyway what did you need to tell me?" I asked

"I know what that box is for" he said. I remembered how I wasn't supposed to open it and curiosity reawakened in me

"What is it for?" I asked

"For you" he answered

"Me?" I questioned

"Yeah for your birthday" he said

"But my birthday is next month" I said confused

"Well after you left I heard our moms talking on the phone saying it was for your birthday" he explained

"Let's go see if we can open it" I said standing up.

We found the box in the same place we left it. I even saw the label it said Zachary Porter but Cameron's address, that’s weird. We took the tape off and I was getting excited.

"Don't think about looking in that box" Mom said as Cameron and I were about to look in the box

"What's the big deal it's for me anyway, it even has my name on it" I said

"That doesn’t matter now forget this was ever here" she said closing the box

"But-" I started saying

"No buts" she said interrupting me

"How about we go outside" Cameron suggested

"Sure whatever" I said and we left outside. We threw a ball back and forth playing catch to see how dropped the ball less times. Who won? Cameron of course. He left after Dad got home.

During dinner I tried convincing Mom to let me see what is in the box but I didn't get anywhere. Vic said he wanted to see and that he wouldn't tell me but they said that he is not good at keeping things and would end up telling me.

"Why send ne something and then not let me see it and what is it with Cameron's address on it if was for me?" I asked

"I am only going to tell you one thing; it's from your aunt Silvia" Mom said. Why would she send me something? Aunt Silvia is Mom's sister and she lives in Maine. She is very cool with me and Vic.

After we ate I left to my room and went on the computer but no one was online so I started watching funny videos then I remembered that Cameron had said the box was for my birthday. Did she send me a birthday present and if she did why a month before? My thoughts were interrupted by an IM from Kira so I clicked on the MySpace tab

From Kira: Zach you there???

To Kira: no this is not Zach

To Kira: it’s a ghost from the world of the dead

From Kira: haha very funny but I need to talk to you

when she wrote that I got serious

To Kira: are you ok!?

From Kira: I dont know...

that got me more worried

To Kira: what do you mean you dont know Kiara whats wrong!?!?!?

From Kira: I dont know what to do with Rob...

To Kira: did he hurt you!?!

From Kira: no he didnt hurt me he has just been deferent with me has changing

To Kira: how is he changing

From Kira: he is being more controlling with each passing day :/

To Kira: dont let him force you to do anything you dont want! If he hurts you dont doubt calling me no matter what time it is! I will go to you even at 3 am

From Kira: are you going to be my knight in shining armor :)

To Kira: yes because I have to save my princess

From Kira- aww Zach you are so cute! If you werent my best friend I bet I would be head over heels for you

To Kira: I am sure I would too if you werent my best friend

From Kira: but I think I would rather have you as my king

To Kira: and you as my angel

From Kira: thanks for making me feel better

To Kira: thats what friends are for

From Kira: I have to go so see you 2morrow

To Kira: bye :)

I was about to fall asleep when Vic came in my room to help him with his home work he didnt understand. Since I'm pretty good at math he always comes to me for help. After he left I fell in a deep sleep.
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I was able to get one more chapter

I am planning to put 2 more chapters by thrusday but if I cant sorry