Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 17: Disaster

Kiara's POV

Yesterday I got into this big fight with Rob. We have been doing a lot of fighting lately. He just doesn’t understand the relationship with me and the guys. Oh and also he is trying to control my ever move. I am getting really tired of his new attitude. I haven't told the guys about this because they are going to think it is their fault but it isn't.

I wasn't paying attention as I was walking to my locker and I ran into Zach and we fell to the ground me landing on top of him

"Ow" we said rubbing our heads

"Sorry" I said

"I see you two are getting comfortable" I heard Rob say. I quickly got up and so did Zach

"It's not what it looks like" I said

"Yeah really I just got ran over by a crazy girl" Zach said laughing trying to lighten the mood

"I don't believe you" Rob said

"Dude seriously it's nothing she just ran into me and we both fell and you happened to come at that time, there is nothing going in between us" Zach said

"Rob you have to believe us" I said

"Whatever" he said and walked away

"Sorry bout that" I said

"Don't worry about it go talk to him" Zach said and I ran after Rob.

"Rob we have to talk" I said

"Get away from me" he said in a tone he never talked to me in before

"Please just listen" I pleaded

"Go AWAY!" he yelled with so much anger it was scary

"Fine" I whispered feeling hurt and ran away from him to my locker. It’s a good thing its early and not much people are here yet. I shoved everything in my locker then slammed it shut.

"Kiara" Rob said from behind me

"What?" I asked starting to get angry at him for not trusting me

"I'm willing to forgive you" he said

"Oh really and how is that" I said even though there is nothing to forgive NOTHING happened

"If-" he started saying

"What do you mean if" I said

"If you stay away from Zach and Cameron" he said like if it was the most obvious thing

"Are you crazy!?" I yelled

"Do you like me?" he asked

"Yes" I answered not so sure anymore

"Who is your boyfriend?" he asked

"You" I answered

"Who will be there for you no matter what?" he asked

"Them" I answered

"Yes- no that's not the right answered" he said

"Just forget about those two and stay with me" he said

"No I can't do that to them" I said

"So you are choosing them" he said getting mad

"They are my best friends I am NOT going to leave them" I said

"It's me or them" he said and he got close to me, "I'll give you some help" he said kissing me roughly and in such a dirty, he pressed his body hard on me so I pushed him off

"I chose them!" I yelled

"Bitch" he said as he slapped me hard across my face. I sank to the floor and cried as I held my face. He was going to punch me again and I closed my eyes preparing for the pain but nothing happened. I opened my eyes and saw that Zach punched him hard in the face

"Don't ever touch her ever again!" Zach yelled at him, he turned to me and said,

“Are you-" he didn't finish that sentence because when he turned to me from Rob to look at me Rob punched him in the stomach. Zach bent over and gasped for air. Rob turned to me, he was going to hit me again but Zach got in the way and took the blow, I could tell Rob hit Zach hard on his back because of how hard is sounded. What scared me the most was that that punch was going to be for me. Zach’s eyed widened in pain from the pain and fell on me. Rob tried to kick me but Zach put his body around me like armor. I was crying very hard and Zach would grunt in pain from every time he got hit. Rob wouldn't stop going at Zach

"Rob stop!" I yelled from under Zach

"Rob you're hurting him! Stop! I promise to go back with you but please stop hitting him!" I cried desperately

"I-it's...o-k" Zach whispered in my ear. I felt bad Zach is getting hurt and all because of me. Every time Zach got hit I felt his body pressing harder and harder on mine.

After more time of Zach getting hit I felt him starting to loosen his grip on me and then his arms just dropped, he just dropped on me and didn't move but felt that Rob was still hitting him and I got scared

"Zach..." I said in a shacky voice but he didn't respond "Zach" I said louder "Zach!" I yelled crying much harder. Rob stopped hitting him

"Let go!" Rob complained I moved my head from under Zach to see Rob being held back by Cameron and some other guy. I tried to move from under Zach and he just slid off from me to the floor.

"Zach! Zach! Zach!" I yelled shaking him but he didn't move and turned to Rob "Look at what you did to him! I hate you! I HATE you!"

"He deserved it anyways, he was getting to close to you" Rob said

"Shut up" Cameron said. I put Zach in my arms and cried on his chest

“Zach please wake up, Zach please" I cried. Rob tried to kick him but Cameron pulled him back. Where's a teacher when you need one? Some guy went off to get a campus superviser, one of them took Rob away and the other two tried to take Zach away from me but I wouldn't lose my grip on him. I just couldn't let go.

"Kira let go, they are going to help him but let him go" Cameron said softly and they took him to the nurses office

"Cam I'm scared" I whimpered on his shoulder as he hugged me

"I wish I would have gotten here sooner" Cameron whispered

"It's my fault Zach couldn’t defend himself, he tried to make sure I didn't get hit and he ended up sacrificing himself from me" I said feeling guilty "Cam I hate him I hate him"

"You Kids should get to class" the secretary said

"I won’t leave until I see he is fine" I said

"You are needed in the principal’s office" the secretary said a few minutes later but I didn't want to go

"Go, I'll stay here" Cameron said and I reluctantly walked to the principal's office and saw Rob sitting there in a chair with a big smile that made me sick. What happened to Rob my boyfriend? What happened to the sweet Rob? Where did he go?

"Good you're here I want to know your side of the story on what happened out there" the principal

"I already told you Zach tried to hit on my girl and I was not going to take that so I decided to teach him a lesson" Rob said. Ugh he got me so mad how could he say such a thing!

"That's not true Robert and I got in a fight so I left to my locker, he came up being me and we started fighting again and he wanted me to chose between him or my best friends and I choose my best friends and he got mad and hit my face see" I said pointing to the hand print he left on my face, "He was going to hit me again but Zach got in the way which got him more mad started hitting him uncontrollably until he knocked him out and still kept hitting him. I HATE him I HATE him please make him pay for what he did" I said rising my voice

"Thank you sharing, you may be excused to take the day, we will contact your parents" the principle said and I got up

"It was his fault for getting in the way, nothing would have happened if he would have minded his own business, it's all your fault bitch" Rob said

"What your language" the principle said and I walked out

Zach's POV

I woke up in a little room and I have no idea where I am

"Zach you're awake" Cameron said quietly but happy

"Where am I?" I asked trying to sit up but the moment I did that pain shot through my body and I laid back down

"Zach I'm so sorry" Kira said

"Guys I feel so sore and ugh pain" I said complaining and Kira burst out crying

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked trying to sit up again but again the pain was too much and I fell back

"This is all my fault" Kira said crying

"Kira please don't cry and someone tell where I am" I said

"You're in the nurses office" Cameron said just then the nurse walked in

"I see you're awake, how do you feel?" the nurse asked

"I feel horrible" I replied

"We contacted your mom she will be here shortly, we are not allowed to touch you without your parent's permission " the nurse said and left

"Zach you really scared me" Kira said

"How did I scare you?" I asked

"You wouldn’t wake up, you were unconscious for like 20 minutes" she said

"Wow really" I said

"You didn’t deserve what he did to you" she said crying

"What’s done is done" I said

"But that was all my fault, if I would have been watching were I was going I never would have fallen on you and he never would have gotten mad and not he made me choose" she said

"What do you mean made you choose?" Cameron asked

"To choose between you guys or him and I choose you guys" she said

"I'm glad we're that important to you" Cameron said

"But that caused Zach to end up here" she said still crying. I hate seeing her cry.

"If I didn’t get there in time you would have been the one laying here, I rather it be me here than you" I said

"But that not fair, he hurt you bad and don’t lie and tell me it was nothing, I heard how hard he hit you. Zach you didn’t have to do that, I appreciate what you did for me but please promise me you won’t put yourself at risk for me, please Zach, you could have ended up worse if Cam didn’t get there, please Zach promise me" she pleaded

"Yeah man he was like possessed or something he would punch you and kick you nonstop which all his strength" Cameron said

"I can’t make a promise I can’t keep" I said. She is my best friend and I’m not going to let anyone hurt her. I will die for her if I have to.

"But Zach" she whined

"No buts" I said

"Thank you, I love you" she said hugging me still crying

"Please stop crying" I said.

Few minutes later my mom came in and gave me a tight hug and I winced in pain

"I-I'm so s-sorry Mrs. P, it’s all m-my fault, I’m so sorry" Kira said sinking to the floor crying and Cameron walked over to her and gave her a hug

"Oh Zach honey what happened?" Mom asked concerned

"Some jerk tried to hurt Kira and I didn’t let him, I tried protecting her the best way I could" I said

"Honey where are you hurt?" Mom asked her voice shacky, just then the nurse walked in

"Zachary now that you are awake and you mom is here let me see your injury, please sit up" the nurse said. I tried to get up again but I just couldn’t the pain wouldn’t let me. I tightened my fist and tried to get up again but I fail again

"Oh Zach" Mom said gently touching the side of my face and I felt more calm

"How about we help him turn over" Cameron said. They agreed and helped turned me over. The nurse pulled up my shirt and I heard Kira cry even more (I didn’t that was possible) and my mom gasped

"Does it look as bad as it hurts?" I asked. The nurse tended my wounds, as she would touch me I would wince, then she put bandages

"That was quite a beating you took" the nurse

"Will he be ok?" Mom asked I could tell how worried she was by the way she spoke.

"Yes he should be back to normal in no time" the nurse said. They helped me get up and I got to the car.

My back hurts, it hurts to do anything, it hurts to stretch, move, sit, and even a little to walk.

I’m at home and Mom is forcing me to eat

"I'm not hungry" I said

"Well you have to eat" she said trying to force the spoon in my mouth and I finally gave in. Why does everyone like to force me to eat?

"You know I can eat by myself right" I said

"Yes I do but I want to spoil you so shush and eat" she said.

After I finished eating she gave me some medicine and then turned on the TV for me. She would gently move her hand up and down the side of my face softly and I started getting sleepy. I closed my eyes for awhile.

"I love you" she gently whispered in my ear then she kissed my forehead and I fell asleep.
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ok well this will be the only chapter for today I wasn't able to type the other one sorry