Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 21: Troubles

Kiara's POV

Every day it’s getting harder and harder to keep my secret from the guys. Every day at all times I would get looks from Rob or his friends and it's just creepy. I wonder how much longer this will last. Oh well off to class. I am sort of kind of starting to like my classes. The teacher was talking when I got a text from an unknown number, most of the times they are different numbers. I have a feeling I am not going to like what I read but I see it anyways

From ???: I can see you

I looked around but it didn’t seem like it could have been someone in the class. It must be someone from the outside and that makes it worse. It’s a good thing my friends are always around me or if I am alone they never come approach. I just got another text

From Zach: I love you and keep smiling

I smiled reading his text

To Zach: Why did you send me that and btw I love you too

From Zach: I felt like I had to say that for some reason

To Zach: or maybe you are just too cute

From Zach: I can live with that

To Zach: Zach I really want you to know that what I do is because I care please never doubt that

From Zach: what did you do!?

To Zach: nothing I just want you to know that

From Zach: hmmm ok

To Zach: k pay attention to class! See you at lunch

Texting Zach made me feel a lot better. I should take his advice and keep smiling.

Its lunch and before I went to go meet up with the guys I went to my looker to drop off some stuff. That was a big mistake. I was putting my books away and someone grabbed my waist and I know that touch pretty well.

"Hey there sexy" I heard Rob whisper in my ear and kissed my neck

"Get away from my" I said trying my best to sound angry but I was actually terrified

"You know you want me back" he said hugging me from behind

"No I don’t! I will NEVER take you back not even if you were the last man in the universe!" I said as I tried to get him of me

"I see your two dogs aren’t here" he said turning me so I can face him and then he started to brush his hands up and down my thigh

"let go of me!" I screamed trying to get loose

"Let her go!" I heard Nathan said from beside me

"And who are you?" Rob asked finally letting me go and I get closer to Nathan

"That doesn’t matter to you just leave her alone and don’t bother her again" Nathan said. Rob glared at us and walked away

"Thank you SO much for helping me" I said hugging him

"No problem. Are you ok? Who is he?" he asked

"Yeah I’m ok and he is my ex but please don’t tell the Zach or Cam" I said

"I won’t tell them but you have to tell me why" he said as we started to walk

"I don’t want them to have problems because of me and besides Zach already did enough" I said

"What did Zach do?" Nathan asked

"Last year Zach got beat up pretty badly because of me, Rob wanted to beat me up but Zach got in the way to protect me and ended up getting knocked out" I said, the anger coming back to me, "And I’m afraid if Zach finds out about what Rob is doing Zach might try to do something and get hurt again... I don’t want him to get hurt... No not again... Nathan I have a feeling Rob will do something horrible to them because of me"

"Relax nothing will happen ok" Nathan said trying to calm be

Cameron's POV

Kira came with Nathan and we went to get our food. We did the same things we usually do but Kira seemed different. She has been acting all weird lately. I need to find out what is going on with her!

We are having a little hangout at my house; Kira, Zach, and Nathan are here.

"So what should we do this fine day?" I asked

"Let’s get in your pool" Zach said

"Yeah good idea Zachy its hot" Kira said

"Oh the pool it is" I said

"I'll be right back, I'ma go to my house to go change" Zach said getting up

"Wait I'll go with you" Kira said and Nathan smirked at them

"I will go with Zach so we can change at the same time" Kira tried to explain causing Nathans smirk to grow and her to blush "Well not together!" Kira said, "I'm his neighbor ok"

"Nathan you can borrow my... Zach can you lend Nathan something to wear" I said since Zach is skinnier than me

"Sure" Zach said and walked out with Kira

"Did you see how red she turned?" Nathan said laughing

"Yeah that was funny" I said laughing.

Ten minutes later they came back

"10 minutes humm that was fast" Nathan said smirking

"Nothing happened between us" Kira said blushing again

"Oh come on lets tell them the truth" Zach said and Kissed her on the corner of her mouth not really on the lips. She turned super red and Zach turned to look at me and Nathan

"Guys calm down I was just kidding she is only my best friend" Zach said

"You should have really kissed her haha" I said

"No I couldn’t, I wouldn’t be able to do that" Zach said

"Oh come on just a little kiss" I insisted

"No, no kissing. Why don’t you do it?" Zach asked

"No not me, you’re the one that goes around making out with any random girl you see" I said

"I don’t go around making out with random girls" Zach said quietly looking down. Shit that’s not what I meant

"Well you know how you kiss lots of girls" I said as I was trying to figure out what else to say

"They were only three and I did know them for your information" he said looking down. Why can’t I say anything right?

"Zach I- that's-" I was trying to say but he cut me off

"Whatever I understand if that’s how you feel about me" Zach said in a low hurtful voice

"No Zach-" I said getting cut if by him again

"Cameron just forget it ok oh and Nate I brought you this" Zach said handing Nathan some shorts and quickly walked. Um where is he going? Kira ran after Zach leaving me and Nathan.

"Nathan I messed up big time" I said walking back and forth

"Just talk ok I’ll listen" Nathan said

"Zach has had a rough past with girlfriends and they all have ended up hurting him and since last year a girl wanted to be friends with benefits with Zach and with him not wanting a relationship he thought that was ok afraid to fall for a girl again and get hurt. He had more of his little friends but he doesn’t go with any random girl like I said. Nathan he thinks I have him in this image of some kind of player but I don’t" I said

"You guys are best friends I'm sure you guys will make up" he said

"But you don’t know Zach, he is very stubborn he is not going to talk to me" I said

"Don’t give up ok and yes I know I haven’t known Zach for long but I know that your friendship is very important to him. It might take him a while to realize that you didn’t mean what you said to him but he will eventually" Nathan said

"Why are you so good at this?" I asked

"I like helping people and I like to make them happy so I want to help people with the problems they have" he said

"Guys come on! What’s taking so long?" Kira said barging in my room.

"Where's Zach?" I asked

"In the pool, I convinced him to stay" Kira said

"Is he mad?" I asked

"No he’s not mad but he won’t talk to me, I've been trying to cheer him up and boy its hard" Kira said

"Kira I didn’t mean it like that the words just came out wrong" I said feeling guilty

"Let’s go down and just give him some space" Nathan said

Nathan's POV

We were in the pool, everyone was racing except Zach who was swimming backwards and then he got in the Jacuzzi. Kira tried to talk to him but Zach told her to leave him alone.

"At least he said something" Kira said

"I should go tell him I'm sorry" Cameron said

"No don’t go just leave him alone, if you try talking to him now he won’t listen to you" I said

Kira and Cameron were chasing each other in the pool and I was diving in the pool. I got closer to Zach and when I dove in the water I splashed him.

"Sorry!" I yelled

"It’s ok" Zach said

"It feels good in the water huh" I said trying to start a conversation

"Yeah it does, it’s very relaxing" Zach said

"Yeah I always feel so calm in the water" I said

"Yeah especially in the Jacuzzi, come in with me" he said. I got in and from the corner of my eye I saw Kira and Cameron looking at me with amazement.

"Oh you're right it feels good in here" I said

“I have this fascination for water, I love the beach and I also love it when it rains especially to get wet in it" Zach said

"I love the beach too; I like to go play my guitar there" I said

"You play the guitar! Cool! Me too! Well... not really... I'm barely learning and I SUCK" he said laughing

"Don’t worry, with practice you will get better, I wasn’t good when I started either" I said. I'm glad he is opening up to me. He told me a lot about himself, he told me all about his past and about his past and what he wants for himself in the future. I also told him a lot about myself.

"Zach" Cameron's mom said interrupting our conversation and we realized it was dark, "Your mom called and wants you home"

"Wow I didn’t realize we talked that long" Zach said getting up looking at the sky

"Yeah me neither" I said. He got out of the water and started shivering

"Bye!" he yelled and ran home. Once he left I got attacked with questions from Kira and Cameron.

"What did you do to Zach!?" Cameron asked and his mom gave me a funny look

"I didn’t do anything to him" I said

"But you got him to talk, when Zach is upset no one can get him to talk" Kira said

"Why is Zach upset?" Cameron’s mom asked concerned

"Because I told him something stupid, something I shouldn’t have said" Cameron said

"So tell us what happened, how he started talking to you?" Kira asked

"Well I dived in the water and splashed him, I told him sorry and he said it was ok and from there we started talking" I said

"Wow Nate you work wonders, Zach is the most stubborn person I know and you got him to talk to you for hours, did you talk about what Cam said" Kira said

"No I didn’t talk to him about that, I told you guys to give him space and time, little by little he will relax because if you keep pressuring him he won’t listen to you and he will get frustrated" I said and all three of them looked at me in wonder

"Wow you should have been here when Zach had his beak ups, he was devastated, it was hard to see" Kira said. Zach told me about that earlier and about how he felt.

Cameron's mom left and Cameron kept saying that Zach will always remember that and stuff like that. I told him that everything will be fine. I left home after I ate at Cameron’s house, his mom had told Kira and me to stay.
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Took me forever to get Nathan in the story didnt it? now you just have to wait for Micheal :)