Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 23: Goodbye

Nathan's POV

"Did you make the team?" I asked

"No, it was between me and Mark but they chose him" Zach said quietly.

"Hey at least you tried" Kira said

"Yeah there is always next year" Cameron said. That sucks because Zach was very excited, making the team was something he really wanted. I wonder why they chose Mark over Zach? Mark sucks, he is not good at ANY sport.

"Guys I'ma walk home see ya later" Zach said walking away texting someone. We all looked at each other then ran after him.

"Zach wait up we'll walk with you!" Cameron shouted and Zach stopped.

"Buddy cheer up they were stupid not to chose you over Mark" Kira said

"Yeah whatever" Zach said walking with his head down. Kira, Cameron, and I were telling jokes the whole time and we saw Zach smile a few times.

Zach's POV

I got home and saw Mom and Dad hugging on the couch which is weird since my dad has should be working.

"I'm home" I said in a low voice that reflected my mood and I dragged myself up stairs. From the corner of my eye I saw them give each other "the look"

"Aww did Zachary have a bad day" Vic said in a mocking voice

"Shut up" I said

"Let’s talk about your bad day" Vic said still in his mocking voice and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up!" I yelled. Can’t anybody leave me alone!

"Zachary, Victor just stop it NOW!" Mom yelled and i stormed off to my room.

I laid dropped on my bed and buried my face on my pillow. Maybe Taylor was right, I am a failure. I have failed at everything. Minutes later my mom walked in.

"Honey what’s wrong?" she asked sitting down next to me placing a hand on my back.

"Nothing" I mumbled

"Please tell me" she insisted

"Mom I don’t want to talk about it" I said helplessly.

"Zach" she said in her I’m-waiting-tone as she rubbed my back

"But Cameron, he is going to yell at me again...but Cameron...what if-...fine" I heard Vic say on the other side of the door, "Zach Cameron um... wait I forgot" he said and asked Cameron

"Vic just go away" I said

"He wants me to go away...fine" Vic told Cameron then turned to me, "Cameron says that he knows why you didn’t make it"

"I do too; because I suck" I said and Vic repeated that to Cameron

"He said that that not true and you know it" Vic said

"No it is true, I suck at everything" I said

"Zach don’t say that" Mom said

"Cameron said that Mark paid the coach" Vic said

"What!?" I yelled in disbelief as I spun around to look at him. "tell him to stop joking with me because it’s not funny"

"He said that it’s not a joke, he said that someone on the team heard Mark talking on the phone about it to someone" Vic said

"I can’t believe this" I said

"Cameron said that you better believe it and see you didn’t suck" Vic said

"What are you guys talking about?" Mom asked

"Well I didn’t make the hockey team and apparently its because Mark paid the coach" I said

"Zach I’m sorry about that, that’s not fair" she said

"Vic tell Cam thanks and that I'll see him later" I said and dropped back to my bed.

"You won’t be able to see him today" Mom said

"What? Why?" I asked

"We just found out that... your aunt and uncle... got in an accident and... today we are... attending their funeral" Mom said

"What!?" I said sitting back up

"Wait who?" Vic asked

"Taylor's and Kristen's parents" Mom said

"Whoa whoaa how’s Dad?" I asked

"This had been hard on him" Mom said. Vic was still in shock.

Taylor's POV

I feel horrible. I can’t believe Mom and Dad are gone. What am I going to do now? Right now I’m at the funeral trying my hardest not to cry. I feel that if I cry it shows weakness. The only people who have seen me cry are my best friends. Melisa is here with me helping me stay strong. We were talking when I saw someone I wish I never saw; Zach. Why couldn’t he have taken my parents place! I wish they were here and not him! I wish it was his funeral I was attending not my parents! No one needs him! He’s a nobody! He isn’t that great, he isn’t grate at all! Ughh I hate him!

"Sorry about your parents" Zach said quietly

"Yeah sure whatever just leave me alone and don’t talk to me" I said. I wish he could disappear from this world!

"Zach" Melisa said hugging him

"Melisa" he said hugging her back

"Glad to see you again" she said

"Yeah me too" he said

"Z-Zach" Kristen said crying and Zach let go of Melisa and turned to Kristen. Vic came next to her and she hugged him tightly

"I'm sorry" Vic whispered to her. The rest of the family came and gave me hugs.

"Zach I feel empty, I-I wish I was with them" Kristen cried to him

"No princess please don’t say that" Zach said. Princess, is he serious. Ok I have to admit that I have wanted a guy call me princess but after Zach said that no.

Zach had Kristen sitting on his lap and hugged her while she cried. Why did he have to be here? Can’t he just go away? Isabella walked in with her boyfriend, they came up to me and talked then he went with some friends. She turned and saw Zach and I could have sworn she eyes sparkled.

"Zach is here, he looks much better and its adorable how he is comforting Kristen" Isabella said

"Isabella you have a boyfriends so lay off Zach and I’m pretty sure he has a girlfriend too" Melisa said.

"Maybe... I could go ask Vic" Isabella said

"Just forget about him ok" I said

After the funeral they stayed at my house. Then later I found out Kristen and I will have to live with them. So we packed our stuff into a moving truck that was to be sent to Poway. I really dont want to live there but i dont really have a choice.

Days later
Zach's POV

I can’t believe they have to live with us now. She is going to live in MY house and go to MY school and ruin MY life. I guess I will try to avoid fights with her.

We are finally home. I grabbed all of Kristen’s stuff and almost fell to the ground but I want to make her feel better.

"Zach you do know that I have hands right?" Kristen asked

"I am aware of that" I said struggling

"Then let me help you" Kristen said

"No" I said walking slowly.

"I’m going to jump on your back" Kristen threatened

"No please don’t" I said

"Then let me take something" Kristen said

"Fine" I said and she tried to take something

"You didn’t let me finish, fine then get on my back"

"Kristen just get on him or whatever but shut up!" Taylor said pushing Kristen to me and I almost fell.

I threw the things in her room and dropped to the floor then quickly got back up. I walked out the door and I got tackled to the grass.

"Mi Rey!" Kira shouted hugging me tightly as she laid on top of me, "I missed you soo much mi Rey, where were you?"

"I missed you too... wait my name is Zach was I gone so long that you forgot my name?" I asked rising an eyebrow. She started laughing and buried her face in my chest.

"Oh Zach you make me laugh" she said still laughing

"Why? What did I say?" I ask

"Because Rey in Spanish means king and I called you my king" she said laughing

"How do you say my little angle in Spanish?" I asked

"Mi Angelito" she said

"Ok they you are Mi Angelito" I said

"Oh Zachary why are you so cute?" she asked. I turned her over and now I was on top.

"And why are you so awesome?" I asked

"Because I have a best friend like you" she said looking in my eyes. I rolled off of her but still kept hugging her and we looked at the clouds.

"I hate to spoil little moment but I need some help" Kristen said trying to get more stuff than she could carry and Taylor was just standing there.

"Yeah I'll help you" I said getting up and helping Kira up and we walked over to them.

"Hi Kristen" Kira said waving

"Hi Kira" Kristen said. I took the stuff from her

"Zach let me help you" Kira said

"No you can’t, you’re my angle and I’m nott going to let you do that, that’s what I’m here for" I said smiling

"Aww Zach you’re too cute but I’m a tough girl I can do things on my own... well most things..." Kira said and her smile dropped when she said the last part and I dropped the things I had and hugged her.

"Hey don’t say that. You ARE a tough girl ok the toughest" I said looking directly in her hazel eyes.

"You always know how to make me feel better, I love you so much, thanks best friend" she said

"I love you too, I'll always be here for you, promise" I said and kissed the top of her head.

"Would you look at that Zachary making a love scene" Taylor said mockingly

"Taylor just leave me alone" I said and picked up all the things I dropped and took it inside.

"Who are you?" I heard Kira ask.

Kristen's POV

I don’t like how Kira is always with Zach and I don’t like how he treats her like is she was the best thing ever. Taylor was talking to her and then Zach came back.

"So what have you done without me?" Zach asked Kira

"Oh nothing JUST GOING CRAZY WONDRER ING WHERE YOU WERE, you wouldn’t answer your phone and Cam has been busy after school so I haven’t hangout with him" Kira said and Zach laughed when she started yelling at him for not knowing where he was.

"Now that you remind me Cam has my phone, I'll call you later. Oh and Kristen can you please tell my mom I went to Cam's house to get my phone" Zach said and ran off.

"Well I should get going. Bye" Kira said and left to her house.

"You don’t like her do you?" Taylor asked

"No! She is always taking Zach away from me and Zach treats her like a princess but I’m his princess, he told me" I said

"You can’t believe what Zach says" Taylor said

"What about Zach?" Vic asked

"Oh that he left to Cam's house" I said

"He left already, not even home 30 minutes and he is gone already" Vic said shaking his head and walked back inside.

Minutes later Zach came back.

"Zach where were you and why did you leave!?" Aunt Kate asked

"I went to Cam's-” Zach said getting interrupted by my aunt.

"You went to his house!? Is all you think about having a good time!? Not everything is about fun Zach! I’m tired of you always leaving without saying anything! You can’t even do that right! You know there are rules in this house! Couldn’t you have waited until tomorrow go to his house!? It won’t be the end of the world if you don’t go! Gosh Zach!" she yelled at him. I know Zach’s tried to pretend those world didn’t affect by masking his face with an I-don’t-care-look but I can tell by looking at his eyes what she told him hurt.

"Don’t get mad at Zach, he told me to tell you he was going to pick up his phone but I forgot to tell you please stop yelling at him" I said felling bad.

"Kristen it doesn’t matter just forget it, let her think what she wants" Zach told my

"But Zach" I said

"I'll just stay in my room and I'll just stay there forever I don’t care" Zach said and went up to his room.

"Zach! Zach come back here! Zach ughh!" Aunt Kate yelled after him but he didn’t look back and she stormed off

"Looks like the perfect child got in trouble" Taylor said smirking. I ignored her and went to Zach's room and heard him strumming on a guitar. I didn’t know he could use a guitar. I was going to open the door but then he started singing.

"I can’t do anything right
No can’t do anything
Nothing right
Not good enough
What I do is never enough
Always wrong
Always fail
Can’t do anything right"

What song was that I've never heard that song. Then he started strumming the guitar again. I opened the door and Zach stopped playing and turned to me.

"Sorry I intrupted you" I said

"Doesn’t matter" he said

"What song were you singing?" I asked

"You heard that?" he asked

"Yeah what’s the name?" I asked

"Um it doesn’t have a name" he said

"Really why?" I asked

"Because I just made it up" he said and I gasped

"You made that up?" I asked. That sad.

"Yeah" he whispered

"Why?" I asked

"Because it’s the truth, that song describes me" he said

"No Zach no that’s not true" I said

"Yes it is even my own mom thinks so" he said with pain in his eyes.

"Zach that’s not true" I said

"Yes it is you even heard her" he said

"But Zach-" I stared saying

"Please just leave me alone" he said and walked out

“She wants a Zach who doesn’t have fun, fine I’ll give her what she wants” I heard him whisper so himself and I sighed.

Later at night I went back in his room and asked him if I could sleep with him because I was scared and he let me. I wish my parents were here.
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thanks for reading :)