Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 25: The New Neighbor

Kiara's POV

Today is soo hot, it’s like almost in the 100s. We are all chilling in Cameron's pool. It feels good to be in summer vacation. No school just having fun all day.

Zach is swimming under water and then stopped under Cameron who was on his inflatable bed thing. I know what Zach is going to do. Zach jumped up and Cameron fell in the water, Zach emerged and ran away as fast as he could away from Cameron.

"Good one Zach" Nathan shouted

"Hey guys!" Anna yelled getting in the pool with Vic and Kristen. We saw Bridget run out the door with a floaty.

"Zach!" Bridget yelled excitingly s she ran and jumped on him.

"Hey Bridget" Zach said holding her and poked her nose and she giggled. Bridget loves Zach. She always finds a way to win his attention; I think that is so cute.

"What do you want to play?" Nathan asked Bridget

"Piggy back races" Bridget said getting excited. We all got our partners it was; me and Nathan, Cameron and Anna, Zach and Bridget, and Vic and Kristen. We got on one side of the pool ready to go and at the signal we started to race. Zach and Bridget won the race.

"No fair, she doesn’t weigh much!" Vic complained

"Not my fault you’re slow!" Zach yelled back

"Guys it’s just a game" Nathan said

"Try telling that to Vic" Zach said.

"Rematch!" I yelled

"How about we trade partners" Kristen suggested

"um o-" I was saying as Bridget started talking

"No I want Zach!" Bridget yelled hugging Zach

"Bri how about we stay out of this one... some people are big babies" Zach said whispering the last part to her.

We had our rematch and this time Cameron won, well he is a fast swimmer. We had another race but this time with no partners and Cameron won again.

"Woooow! That was so fun!" Zach shouted. Some didn't take the loss at good as Zach and there was a lot of complaining. We decided to just have fun because everyone was complaining. Everyone is just so competitive. Anna wanted to play charades, so we all watched her and tried to guess what she was doing. She was the only one doing the charades. After Anna stopped we just swam as music played.

"Zach!" I called

"Maybe he didn't hear you" Nathan said

"Zach!" I said louder. Zach was floating around on that inflatable bed.

"I think he is sleeping" Anna said and Cameron smirked. He swam towards Zach. I know what he is going to do; he is going to try to get Zach back for what he did earlier.

"Cam stop!" I yelled

"Why!?" Cameron complained

"It won’t be a good idea" I said

“Why not?" Cameron asked

"Go to his other side and tell me what you see" I said.

"He is one lucky guy" Cameron mumbled and we all laughed. Bridget was sleeping with Zach so he couldn't get him back. A little while they woke up we went to the store for some snacks.

Zach's POV

"I will not give you the number...because I don't want don't need it...I don't want you talking t-...I told you NO...that's not what I want for you, you disserve better...fine bye" I heard Taylor saying as I walked in the door. That was weird... whatever.

I took a shower and then I stayed in my room.

"Your mom said to go down and eat" Kristen said and left.

"How was your day?" Mom asked as I grabbed my sandwich

"It was fun" I said

"What did you do you were gone all day?" she asked

"We were all in Cam's pool, even Vic, Kristen, and Anna were with us. Then we when to the store for snacks" I said

"That sounds like fun but how come you didn’t take Taylor with you! Mom asked

"Mom you should know; Taylor plus me equals bad" I said

"I wish you two would get along" she said

"Hey don’t look at me like that! I have tried to be nice to her many times" I defended rising my hands in defense.

"Oh Zachary what am I going to do with you..." she said touching my shoulders and walked out. Hey what’s that supposed to mean? I was eating when Taylor walked in giving me a dirty look.

"Zach eating like the pig you are?" she asked rudely

"I'm not a pig so shut up" I said and took my sandwich up to my room. After I finished eating I sat by my window and practiced with my guitar. I couldn't help but sing along.

"Zach that was beautiful!" Kira exclaimed causing me to jump up. I wasn’t expecting her to hear.

"Sorry if I disturbed you or something!" I said putting my guitar down.

"Did you not hear what I said!!? That was BEAUTIFUL!" Kira said. We were shouting because we were each in our rooms talking form the window.

"I wasn't expecting anyone to hear that!" I said blushing

"Well then next time you should try not to sing so loud!" Kira said laughing

"Finally you shut up!" Taylor said running in my room and then slammed the door.

"Apparently you weren't the only one to hear!" I said

"Don't listen to her! Keep doing it, you were great!" she yelled smiling

"I hate this place! I hate this house! I hate this town! I hate everything here! I don't what to live here!" I heard a girl yelling. I looked at Kira and she had a confused look on her face. I looked out my window and saw a girl in the house behind mine. The girl was not short but not tall either; she had black hair that was a little passed her shoulder. She must be new here and apparently not to please about it.

"Stop yelling so loud everyone is going to hear you!" said an older woman, probably her mom.

"I don’t care! The whole world can hear for all I care!" the girl yelled

"Marina you will like it here" her mom said

"No I won’t" the girl yelled back "Mari just give it a chance" her mom said

"Yeah like last time" Marina (I think that’s what I heard her name was) said.

"Go choose your room" the mom said losing patience

"I want that one" Marina said pointing to a random window

"Fine" her mom said and walked away. That girl has some temper haha. I looked over at Kira and she was looking at me and just shrugged.

"Come over to my house!" I said

"Ok I'll be there in a bit" Kira said leaving

"Kira wait, just come through the window!" I said. She came across the tree and from the corner of my eye I saw the new girl looking at us.

"So what do you think of our new neighbor?" I asked Kira once she was in my room.

"I think she is a bit cranky" Kira said

"Yeah looks like someone wasn’t happy with the idea of moving... Then again I would I hate to move and leave Poway behind..." I said

"Let’s go do something outside" Kira suggested

"Ok but let’s take another route" I said

"What route?" she asked

"Follow me" I said as she followed me out the window. We got on the tree then we jumped off.

"Zach it looks so pretty" she said pointing to the sky. The sun was setting and the sky was mixed with colors.

"Yeah it is" I said

"You know summer is almost over and we haven’t done anything memorable" Kira said

"Tomorrow we should plan something with the guys" I said.

"Gina! You have no idea how happy I am to hear you!" we heard our neighbor say

"Um yeah I can tell haha" Gina said. I think the neighbor is on the phone with someone and has it on speaker and of course Kira and I being us listened to the conversation.

"Haha shut up, I miss you" Marina said

"Aww I miss you too" Gina said

"Don’t forget about us when you meet new people and go surfing with the guys" Gina said

"Oh shut up! I don’t even know how to surf and I'm not too well with guys and besides I could never forget my friends" Marina said

"So how is Poway?" Gina asked

"It’s horrible and I hate it!" Marina said

"No way it can’t suck that bad!" Gina said

"Yes it does cus your not here" Marina said

"Awww ok well I have to go, I'll call you later bye, I'll miss you... Oh yeah and don’t forget me" Gina said

"Chismoso" Kira whispered and playfully hit my arm

"A what?" I asked

"That you are nosey" Kira said

"Oh shut up so are you!" I defended

"Zach nooo! I know that look, I know what you're gonna do nooo!" Kira pleaded and I started tickling her

"No! Zach no! Stop! Stop! Please stop!" Kira cried

"Would you two shut up!" Taylor yelled from her room, which was facing the back yard.

"You know what I can be as loud as I want!" I yelled back

"Zach just shut up for once in your life! You are so embarrassing!" Taylor yelled

"Zach Is not embarrassing!" Kira yelled to Taylor

"You want embarrassing, you'll get embarrassing!" I yelled back and started singing loud and obnoxiously.

"Zach I wish you were never born!" Taylor yelled

"Well sorry your wish didn’t come true!" I yelled back and she walked away from the window.

"How could you be related to someone like her!?" Kira exclaimed

"I wish I knew what I did to make her hate me?" I asked, more to myself that to anyone actually.

"She was probably jealous she isn’t as awesome as you" Kira smiling at me

"You know I love you right" I told her

"And you know I love you too right" she said

"Look at all the stars" I said amazed

"It looks beautiful but you know what would make this even better?" she asked with a twinkle in her eyes

"What?" I asked

"If you sang to me" she saw

"What? Me sing? Why? I dont even sing that good. Why would you want ME to sing?" I asked

"Please" she pleaded

"But Ki" I complained

"Please sing... With you by Chris Brown... Please" she pleaded and I couldn’t say no to her. Figures she would pick that song, it’s her favorite.

I sang her the song at first I started quietly but then I started to feel the song and started to get more confident. It felt as if something inside of me awakened when I sang and it felt good; like some much emotions finally letting out. I don’t know how to explain it but I felt... alive. When I finished the song she stared at me and didn’t say anything and I started to think she didn’t like it.

"You didn’t like it did you" I said after a long silence.

"Zach that was-" she was saying as I interrupted her with my ranting

"I should have sang louder at certain parts and-" now it was her turn to interrupts me

"NO! That was incredible! Zach... you're... wow... Zach just wow" she said

"So you liked it" I said smiling big

"Of course!" she exclaimed.

I think the neighbor heard me because I just heard a door close, wow embarrassing. I bet she will change her mind about Poway once she sees the beach.

We were in my room watching Drake and Josh. They kind of remind me of Cam and I.

"Zach come down for diner- oh Kiara, I didn’t know you were here. You are welcomed to stay with us" Mom said standing in the doorway

"Sure I'll stay, I'll just call my mom" Kira said taking out her cell. We were all sitting in the table waiting for my mom to bring in the food.

"Mr. Porter did you know your son could sing?" Kira asked and I glared at her. Dad looked at Vic and then at me not sure who she was referring to.

"I'm talking about Zach, I was just wondering if you know he could sing" Kira said innocently

"Shh" I said trying to get her to shut up.

"Well... He used to sing a lot when he was little and I've occasionally heard him sing in the shower" Dad said

"Dad!" I exclaimed. Why are they doing this to me?

"Zach you should sing for us" Vic suggested smirking

"No I wont!" I said

"Don't be shy" Taylor said

"I said no!" I said getting frustrated

"Hey what’s going on? Why is Zach red?" Mom asked walking in our little argument

"They were taking about Zach singing" Kristen informed her

"Did you know Zach could sing?" Kira now asked my mom

"I remember that when Zach was younger, for my birthday he memorized a song and sang it to me, it was the cutest thing ever. You should have seen his cute little face as he sang." Mom said smiling huge from the memory. I had completely forgotten I had done that.

"Awww that’s so cute!" Kira and Kristen exclaimed

"I'm going to have to look for that video... Why did you ask?" Mom asked Kira

"Oh because I got Zach to sing to me earlier and it was WONDERFUL and I was wondering if you know if you know how good he was" Kira said

"Zach why don’t you sing for us" Taylor suggested knowing perfectly well I don’t want to.

"No! I'm hungry, let’s eat already" I said changing the subject. The things Kira makes me go through.
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I noticed I have became a bit lazy about posting so I should change that haha