Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 29: Exposed

Marina's POV

I am sitting under a tree in my back yard being a nerd reading a book. I am reading Eragon. Gosh I love that book, I'm such a nerd. At the same time I was reading I was listening to my IPod. I like to listen to music at the same time I read. Yeah I'm weird like that. I realized my song; Lloraras by RKM y Ken-y came on I couldn't help but sing along. I pretty much call all the songs I like my songs. After that song I sang to a bit of Linkin Park then Dreaming of You by Selena then some Pop and R&B. Yeah I listen to a wide diversity of music. I like pretty much any kind of music. I laid down on the grass and was in the middle of singing I Wanna Be by Chris Brown when I opened my eyes to look at the sky, I felt someone looking at me. I stopped singing and looked around to find Zach lying on his roof looking right at me. Wow how embarrassing! I felt myself blush. Wow he heard me sing! None of my friends have heard me sing... well only one. Zach got down from his roof and came over to the fence.

"Hey" Zach said

"Hey" I said covering my face

"How about you let me see that pretty face" he said

"No" I mumbled

"That was quite a show" he said

"Shut up!" I said still covering my face

"Sing another song" he said

"No!" I said quickly sitting up

"Aw why not" he complained

"Because" I said

"Please" he pleaded

"No, besides I told you that I don't like to sing in front of people" I said

"What's the problem I mean I just heard you sing" he said smirking

"Shut up! That was embarrassing!" I exclaimed

"Why is that embarrassing?" he asked

"Because... um... because..." I didn't know what to say

"You sing good" he said

"Zach stop lying" I said

"I'm not lying Mina, you're good" he said

"Zach-" I tried saying

"How about I bring my guitar, I play and you sing" he proposed

"Nope" I said

"No I don't like to sing in front of people, only-" I tried to explain to him but my mom interrupted

"Mari!" my mom called

"I gotta go, bye Zach" I said and left in my house.

I am in my room web chatting with my friend Mariahh and my cousin Marissa. As I was chatting with them my door opened

"Johnny get out!" I yelled and the door closed

"How do you know it's him?" Mariahh asked

"Because I just know" I answered throwing my small ball from hand to hand.

"So Mariah how is everyone over there?" I asked

"It’s all good" Mariahh said

"Why don't you visit me?" I asked her

"Too far" Mariahh said

"Speaking of visiting, Marissa why haven't you visited me? You have no excuse, we live way closer now" I said

"Maaayybe because I can't drive" Marissa said

"Sooo" I said

"I heard our dads talking and I think you guys are coming over for thanks giving" Marissa said

"Yay!" I yelled

"Soo Minaaa any cute guys over there?" Mariahh asked smirking

"Johnny if you don't get out I'm going to throw my ball at you!" I threatened

"Why do say he is there?" Marissa asked

"I can feel him looking at me" I said raising my voice towards the end. I threw the ball and it hit something.

"Mina you're so mean" Mariahh said

"I am not! Besides I have bad aim and I didn't even see where I threw it and I didn't even throw it hard" I defended

"Umm ssuuuurrree" Marissa said sarcastically

"Stop avoiding my question, I want to know if there are cute guys where you live orrr if you know any" Mariahh said winking am me

"Okay sheesh, yes!" I said

"Mina why are there cute guys in your room?" Marissa asked whispering very low, so low I barely heard her. I sat up and quickly turned around to find the ones and only.

"What are you two doing here? Zach why are you always spying on me at embarrassing moments!?" I asked

"You mean Three" Nathan said and the guys burst out laughing

"Nathan why are you on the floor?" I asked and he showed me my ball

"Ohmygosh! Sorry Nate!" I apologized

"That was hilarious... how you just randomly threw it without even... looking... and hit him" Cameron said laughing

"I have bad aim blah blah blah" Marissa said mocking me

"Shut up!" I said looking at her

"Wait wait wait, I heard something about spying and embarrassing moments. I wanna know" Marissa said

"Hey I wasn't spying!" Zach exclaimed defending himself

"Are we missing something?" Cameron asked

"Yes!" "No!" Zach and I said at the same time

"You know I recorded everything" Zach said smirking and took his phone out

"You did not!" I said stubbornly shaking my head

"Who wants to hear Mina sing!" Zach asked

"Me!" everyone shouted

"Noo!" I yelled

"I was just kidding, I didn't record it but I should have" Zach said

"Wait what!? Mina, you sang!? You said you were never going to sing in front of someone!" Mariahh exclaimed

"That’s whyy I said he spied on me" I said

"Mina remember how we used to have our "concerts" and sing in front of stuffed animals" Marilssa said

"Shut up!" I told her

"So Mina about that cute guy conversation..." Nathan said rising an eyebrow

"Oh my gosh why is everyone trying to embarrass me today!" I mumbled and everyone laughed

"I bet she was talking about me" Zach said striking a pose in front of me

"No me" Cameron said pushing Zach out of the way

"Pshh, you tow are crazy, she was obviously talking about me" Nathan said and I rolled my eyes

"Girls, those are my friends" I said shaking my head

"They seem quite interesting" Mariahh said

"Oh they are haha" I said laughing

"Mina you have an interesting room" Cameron said

"Oh gosh you saw all my posters" I said

"Your room looks like a mixture of rebellious/rockerish and I'm not sure a bit girly, it's pretty cool" Cameron said

"Thanks, and I bet you can figure out who my future boyfriend is" I said smiling big.

"Hummm I don't know.... humm who can it be... I don't know maybe... CHRIS BROWN" Cameron said looking at all my CB posters

"I can't believe you still like him" Marissa said

"Whatevers" I said

"Mina" Mariahh said

"Yeah" I said

"So Mina you're not going to introduce to your friends?" Marissa asked

"Oh yeah, this is Cameron" I said pointing to him

"And I'm Zach" he said over my shoulder

"I'm Nathan" he said next Zach

"That's Mariahh and Marissa" I said pointing to each of them

"Well I like your friend" Marissa said and I smirked knowing she liked one in particular

"Well I gotta go" Mariahh said.

A bit later Marissa also left and the guys said they came to see if I wanted to hang out at the park so I went with them.

Zach's POV

I'm at Lucy's, ever since Michael and I met we have been coming here. Michael is a very fun guy, he is fun to be around with. Last Friday I got him to sing and he agreed to sing and he was goood.

"Michael you should come over to my house after this" I suggested

"Fo shoo dude, but what did I tell you" he said

"Oh right to call you Mikey not Michael, got it" I said

"Good" he said

"So what song are you doing?" I asked

"Wall to Wall, cus you know it's true the ladies are coming at me from wall to wall" Mikey said

"Haha you're funny. I'm doing What I've Done" I said remembering Mina singing it earlier. It didn’t seem like a difficult song. Mikey and I are eating fries as we watch the people go. Mikey went up and started to sing

"Pull up, pull up, can't believe the girls, club packed
What up, what up? Shawty wanna lead me to the back, to the back
Ain't been in here 15 minutes, got a pocket full of digits
And she just won't take no

Hold up, hold up, now little mama wanna get bad
Slow up, slow up, saying she don't wanna share what she have, she have
Ain't no particular one that's getting the water gun
So many that I want

They packed up in here wall to wall and
I don't hear nothing but ladies calling
I'm tryna give one of them all this
But they keep coming from wall to wall

They packed up in here wall to wall and
I don't hear nothing but ladies calling
I'm tryna give one of them all this
But they keep coming from wall to wall

Another two just came and said they love me on the radio
Two twins, that's a cool little scenario
They talking leaving right now
Wanna put in some time 'cause you know what they're already about

One talking about she like the way that I pop
And the other one said she wanna just watch
I'm game for any damn thang, but there's more than 200 dames
That's ready to go

They packed up in here wall to wall and
I don't hear nothing but ladies calling
I'm tryna give one of them all this
But they keep coming from wall to wall

They packed up in here wall to wall and
I don't hear nothing but ladies calling
I'm tryna give one of them all this
But they keep coming from wall to wall

They packed up in here wall to wall and
I don't hear nothing but ladies calling
I'm tryna give one of them all this
But they keep coming from wall to wall

They packed up in here wall to wall and
I don't hear nothing but ladies calling
I'm tryna give one of them all this
But they keep coming from wall to wall

So many look good in here
I don't even know which one I want
If I had to choose ya'll know
I would take all ya'll wit me

Who wanna try me on the floor
Who ready to come and get this
All I know that I'm feeling this party
And you can see I'm so with it

They packed up in here wall to wall and
I don't hear nothing but ladies calling
I'm tryna give one of them all this
But they keep coming from wall to wall

They packed up in here wall to wall and
I don't hear nothing but ladies calling
I'm tryna give one of them all this
But they keep coming from wall to wall

They packed up in here wall to wall and
I don't hear nothing but ladies calling
I'm tryna give one of them all this
But they keep coming from wall to wall

They packed up in here wall to wall and
I don't hear nothing but ladies calling
Yea smash on the radio, bet I penned it
Yea smash on the radio, bet I penned it
Yea smash on the radio, bet I penned it
Yea smash on the radio, bet I penned it"

"Bro that was great" I said

"Thanks man" he said. Few minutes later and it was my turn to go up. I was nervous I took a deep breath and I started to sing

"In this farewell
There?s no blood
There?s no alibi
?Cause I?ve drawn regret
From the truth
Of a thousand lies

So let mercy come
And wash away

What I?ve done
I?ll face myself
To cross out what I?ve become
Erase myself
And let go of what I?ve done

Put to rest
What you thought of me
While I clean this slate
With the hands
Of uncertainty

So let mercy come
And wash away

What I?ve done
I?ll face myself
To cross out what I?ve become
Erase myself
And let go of what I?ve done

For what I?ve done
I start again
And whatever pain may come
Today this ends
I?m forgiving what I?ve done

I?ll face myself
To cross out what I?ve become
Erase myself
And let go of what I?ve done

(Na-na na na)
(Na-na na na)
(Na-na na na)
What I?ve done
(Na-na na na)

(Na-na na na)
(Na-na na na)
(Na-na na na)
Forgiving what I?ve done
(Na-na na na)

(Na-na na na)
(Na-na na na)
(Na-na na na)
(Na-na na)"

I looking at the people cheering for me and I saw someone unexpected. It was Taylor.

"Well well well if it isn't Zach Porter making a fool out of himself" Taylor said clapping and came right under me with Megan next to her.

"Young lady that was rude" an old lady said

"Shut up old lady. You all are fools for cheering for someone like Zach" Taylor said saying my name with disgust

"Taylor just because you hate me doesn’t mean you have to be rude to everyone else" I said

"Zach you're embarrassing yourself up there, you don’t even have talent, you can't even sing" Taylor said

"Shut up" was all I was able to say with everything else she said repeating in my head

"That’s all you got Zachary" Taylor said smirking. I jumped of the stage and stood in front of her

"You are being very rude to the boy here," the old lady said putting a hand on my shoulder. Why is she being so nice to me, I am just a stranger to her. Anyway she continued what she was saying, "he did nothing wrong and we enjoy listening to him sing"

"You need to leave my bro alone because just by looking at you I can tell he has more talent than you will ever have" Mikey said to Taylor

"Taylor we should go" Megan said

"Listen to me Zachary David Porter NEVER set foot on a stage ever again. Stop embarrassing the rest of us Porters. Have some dignity and just stop. You will NEVER get anywhere. Like I said before and I will say it again; you ARE a failure" Taylor said and walked away

"Zach I'm sorry about her. I think you did great, don’t listen to her" Megan said hugging me before she left

"Listen to me," the old lady said, "I had a son once. You remind me so much of him. He used to be like you, he loved to sing but after all the negative comments he got he quit singing and he was never as happy as he was when he sang. So don't let that happen to you, do make the same mistake my son did. I'm sure he regretted it till his last day" she said tearing up. I had no idea she was going to tell me that. I feel bad for her now. It must suck to lose a son.

"May I have a hug" she asked, I nodded and she hugged me.

"Are you ok ZP? You look lost" Mikey said as we went back to our table. I wasn't really paying attention to what was going on around me, I mind was somewhere else, I was thinking about what Taylor and the old lady told me.

"Mikey do you think Taylor was right and answer me honestly" I said

"Taylor, who is Taylor... Oh crazy girl right, no don't listen to her. Do you think the people here cheer for you just because? No, they do it because you deserve it" Mikey said

"I guess you're right" I said

"Of course I'm right. Hey wanna know a secret?" Mikey asked

"Ok" I said

"I think, no I don't think-" Mikey was trying to word his words right but I couldn't help but interrupts

"Oh I know you don't think" I said band we both laughed

"That's not the point" Mikey said

"Ok go on" I said

"Dude you can sing as good as me but shhh don't tell anyone I said said that, I have a reputation to keep; that I'm the best of the best and no one can reach me" Mikey said in a cocky tone

"Haha you're funny but I say next week we have a duo" I suggested

"You're on! Were gonna tear the roof of this place" Mikey said

"Let’s go to my house" I said

"Ok lets bounce" Mikey said and we headed out to my house.

"Hey Mom" I said

"Hey Honey" she said

"Meet my friend Mr. Swag" I said

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you, and any friend of Zach's is welcomed here when ever" Mom said

"It's a pleasure to meet someone as lovely as you" Mikey said kissing her hand. I rolled my eyes and my mom laughed. Haha my dad turned to our direction and the look on his face was hilarious. Mikey is such a flirt but I know he is joking and my mom noticed to.

"Why aren't you charming" she said and played along with him until Vic came down

"Mom" Vic said

"Yeah Vic" she said

"Can I go to Anna's?" Vic asked

"Yes but don't get home too late" she said

"Ok, oh and hey Zach's friend" Vic said and left.

"That’s my brother" I said

"Yeah I kinda figures since he called your mom mom haha. You guys don’t look much alike though" Mikey said

"Yeah I know he looks more like mom and I look more like Dad" I said

"If you guys want anything just ask" Mom said and went into the kitchen.

"Nice wall paper" Mikey said laughing

"Laugh all you want" I said

"You have a dope room" Mikey said looking around

"Two guitars nice" he said looking at my guitars hanging on the wall

"They were both birthday presents" I said. I threw my phone on my bed and said I'd be back. I came up with some chips to find Mikey on my phone

"...yeah...ok I'll tell him...thanks Babygirl, bye" Mikey said and hung up

"Who were you talking to?" I asked

"Your friend" he said taking some chips

"Which friend?" I asked eating some chips

"She said her name was Kira and she told me to go to Cam's house" Mikey said

"Ok it's time for you to meet my friends" I said

"Is it far?" he asked

"No, you can leave your car here" I said.

I was about to knock on the door when it opened

"Hi Mrs. Q" I said

"Hey guys" she said opening the door letting us in, "I have to go" she said and left.

"Hey peps" I said opening the door to Cam's room to find everyone spread out

"Hey" they all said

"Those are my crazy friends" I said to Mikey

"Oh yeah call us crazy" Kira said shaking her head

"You can call me Ice" Mikey said

"Ice? Why Ice?" Mina asked

"Cus I'm cool" Mikey said acting all cool. I rolled my eyes and Mina burst out laughing.

"It wasn't that funny" Can said

"I say that was awesome. I'm calling you Ice" Mina sais

"Mr. Ice over here is actually is named Michael" I said

"So when did you guys meet?" Kira asked

"Like 3 weeks ago" I said

"Where?" Cam asked

"At Lucy's" Mikey answered

"Are you going to Tori's Party?" Nate asked

"I think I will, we should all go" I said

"Who's Tori?" Mikey asked

"She's a girl from my school and-" I was explaining but Kira interrupted me

"Mr. Ice here doesn't go to Poway?" Kira asked

"He goes to our rival school, anyway like I was saying, Tori, well I've heard that she throws the best parties and I say we go" I said

"Fine lets go" Cam said.

After eating snacks, listening to music, and talking, we decided to play Truth or Dare

"I dare you to eat half of the chocolate syrup under 3 minutes" Cam Dared Mikey

"No problem I love chocolate" Mikey said and did the dare.

"I dare you to.... sing" I said to Mina and her eyes got big

"No no no, something eles" she pleaded

"Nope, I wanna hear you sing... again" I said

"Fine but not the whole song" she said

"Ok" I said

"I knew I should have picked truth" she mumbled. She closed her eyes and turned away from us and started singing.

"Mina you blow me away" Cam said

"Shut up" she said blushing

"What song was that?" I asked

"I Wanna Be, Chris Brown" Mina said.

"Is it true that... you love reading romance?" Nate asked Kira

"True" Kira answered. Kira always puts up this tough girl so it's weird for people to know she likes romance.

"I Dare you to kiss Mina" Mikey said with a smirk.

"Oh hell no" Mina said

"What do you think Zach is ugly?" Mikey asked

"No" Mina said and Nate smirked

"It's not that. Just no. No kissing" Mina said

"Zach you said dare so now you do it" Mikey demanded. This is so embarrassing because I have to admit; I have a tiny crush on Mina. Yeah I said I wanted nothing to do with girls but Mina seems super cool. I took deep breath and then without warning I kissed her. Mina was really blushing and I was too.

"Mina truth or dare?" Kira asked

"Not me again" Mina whined

"Truth" she said with no thought

"Is it true that Zach is the cutest guy you have kissed?" Kira asked

"Technically I didn't kiss him, he kissed me" Mina countered

"Same thing, now answer" Kira demanded to know

"Why me... Truth" Mina said and covered her face.

"Wait a minute was Zach your first kiss?" Nate asked and everyone stared at her.

"One question only so too bad because you already asked one" Mina said. Could it be that I was her first kiss?

"Mina answer his question" Cam said

"I think he was she is making a big deal out of it, if he wasn't she would have answered right away" Mikey said. They kept bothering her about that and she kept ignoring them. We stayed quiet and she kept her face covered with her head on her knees

"Mina they won’t bother you no more, come on look at us" I said quietly. She ignored me and I didn't like it

"Mina are you mad at us?" I asked and she shook her head. Good cus I though she was.

"Why won't you look at me?" I asked

"Be-because" she mumbled

"Mina are you crying?" I asked her

"No" she said

"Aw Mina we're sorry" Nate said.

"We are sorry, don't cry" Cam said.

"I'm not crying, I don't like to cry" Mina mumbled

"Mina" I said touching her lightly. She moved away from me then jumped up and left.

"Mina come back!" Kira yelled running after her.

Me and the guys stayed quiet. Kira and Mina never came back and we all left Cam's house quietly. What a day.
♠ ♠ ♠
songs used
Wall to Wall by Chris Brown and What Ive Done by Linkin Park

So the old lady part, I'm not sure why I put that in there lol.

Anyway thanks for reading