Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 3: What A Day

Zach's POV

“Zach, wake up! Wake up!” Kristen yelled jumping on me

“Ok ok stop it I’m awake.” I said still sleepy

“Time to go to the park.” she said excitedly

“Just let me changed alright.” she nodded and left my room

“Did you eat breakfast?”


“Well then we will eat something on our way.” I said

We walked around a bit until we reached a small restaurant and went in. We ordered a hamburger, fries, and a milkshake. After we ate we went to the park and played a while. Right now I’m pushing her on a swing.

“Zach.” Kristen said quietly

“Yeah.” I said

“Do you think I’m pretty?”

“Of course, why do you ask?”

“Because some girls at my school are always telling me things.”

“Well don’t listen to them. Don’t let them make you believe you are something you’re not. You’re gorgeous, don’t forget that.” I said trying to make her feel better. I don’t know what it is with girls making other girls look bad.

“Aww thank you Zach, you’re the best.” she said getting of the swing and hugged me

“Aww how cute.” I heard Cameron say in a mocking voice

“Oh, hey, Cam, whatss up.” I said

“Just going on a walk, you.”

“Hanging out with my cousin Kristen.”

“Well nice to meet you Kristen, my name is Cameron.” she said to her

“Hi Cameron, are you a friend of Zach’s?” she said

“He is my best friend.”

“Yeah best buds.”

“Zach.” Kristen said tugging on my shirt


“I want some ice cream.”

“Now that you mention it that sounds good right about now.” I said liking my lips

“Well c’mon I’ll invite you guys.” Cam said

We had so much fun talking and laughing at the ice cram shop. We have been here for over an hour.

“Thanks Cameron.” Kristen said. She is always so nice

“No problem.” he said to her

“I say we leave before we get kicked out for being too loud.” I said as I looked at the cashier looked real annoyed by us.

“That never seemed to stop you in the past.” he said with a smirk on his face and I smiled

“True but I don’t want to set a bad example for Kristen over here.” I said pointing to her

“C’mon I know you thought of something. You have that look in your face. I’ll give you $20.” he said trying to convince me.

“Hmm ok, I’ll do it.” I said smirking

So I got up on the table and started dancing in a ridiculous way (not that is was very hard haha). Cameron and Kristen couldn’t stop laughing. Then I started to sing really bad and loud. Everyone in the shop was giving me weird look, it was hilarious.

“Excuse me! Excuse me!” an employee yelled at me

“Yes.” I said laughing

“You need you leave right now!” she yelled. Man she was mad

“Aww but I was having so much fun.” I said pouting

“Get! Out!” she yelled

Cameron’s POV

That was hilarious, Zach is the best. He is so fearless. We couldn’t stop laughing since we got kicked out of the shop.

“Zach that was awesome.” I said

“I try.” he said in a cocky tone

“Ahh Kira should have been here.” I said

“Yeah she missed my awesome dance skills.” he said laughing

“Zach you’re so brave, I wish I was like you.” she said admiring him

“I think your perfect just being you.” Zach said. I think it's sweet how Zach is with her, they seem real close, usually cousins like to hang around other cousins the same age but those two are good together.

Zach and Kristen just dropped me of at my house. Once I got in I called Kira and told her everything I kept laughing as I told her about what happened.

Kiara’s POV

I’m so board I haven’t seen Zach or Cameron the whole day I wonder what they are doing… I think I should text them.

To Zach: hey Zach wazup

To Cameron: hey Cam whacha doin

From Cameron: watching TV and you

To Cameron: bored… looking out my window

From Cameron: I’m hungry gonna go make a sandwich

To Cameron: k text me when your done

7 minutes later

From Cameron: I made my sandwich yumm

To Cameron: now I want one…

From Cameron: haha then go make one

I went to the kitchen and made some sandwiches

To Cameron: I made 3 (:

From Cameron: someone was hungry

To Cameron: oh shut up

From Zach: hey! Sorry I didn’t respond I was watching a movie with Vic & my cousin and I fell asleep :)

From Cameron: you just told me to shut up I hate you

To Zach: no problem what movie were you watching

To Cameron: you know you love me ;)

From Zach: Nemo haha

From Cameron: I gotta go laters

To Zach: oh I love that movie

To Cameron: ok bye

From Zach: how about you call me I don’t feel like texting

Zach is so lazy he doesn’t even want to text… I called him anyway

“Hey Zach.”


“So you still watching Nemo?”

“Yeah I am.”

“So Cam told me about your cousin is she staying for long?”

“No she is leaving tomorrow.”

“Oh really, how old is she?”

“She is 8.”

“Oh she is the same age as Anna and Vic.” I said. I thought she would be older since Cameron said they are so close


“I heard about your awesome dance skills.” I said laughing and added, “and that Cam owns you $20.”

“Yeah he said if I got us kicked out he would give me $20.” he said laughing

“Zach who are you talking to?” I heard a girl say

“None of your business.” Zach said getting mad. That’s strange because Zach is always so nice to everyone

“Who is it, your girlfriend, oh wait you're to pathetic and too much of a loser to have one.” said the girl in a cocky tone. Who does this girl think she is talking to my best friend like that calling him pathetic and a loser.

“Zach! Zach!” I yelled at the phone

“Hey umm… I’ll call you later.” he said and hung up

I watched some TV and ate a other snack and now I was about to fall asleep but my phone rang. I got a text form Zach.

“Grate...” I murmured

From Zach: sorry I had to hang up on you earlier

To Zach: I’ll forgive you as long as you tell me what happened

From Zach: do you really wanna know??

To Zach: yes Zach, you’re my best friend I wanna what is going on with you good or bad

From Zach: she’s just my cousin

To Zach: oh I really see the family love there

From Zach: we never got along and she is always insulting me

To Zach: oh I’m so sorry

From Zach: that’s why I was in such a bad mood on Friday

To Zach: now that you remind me, why did you get mad at me

From Zach: I was just in a really bad mood and you kept laughing at me all day I just felt like everyone is against me and I just really needed some time alone sorry if I was rude to you

To Zach: aww Zach I’m soo sorry I didn’t want you to feel that way and I’ll always be there for you no matter what

From Zach: you’re the best

To Zach: oh course I am ;)

From Zach: yeah haha

To Zach: yeah don’t ever doubt that I’m the best ;)

I waited like five minutes and he didn’t respond… that boy fell asleep. Oh Zachary…
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sorry i took for ever to post i was busy
now i know how it feel so be the one writing not just the one waiting