Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 31: Advice

Zach's POV

Everyone has been weird to me today, no one has told me anything and none of my friends have called me. Whatever I guess. I laid on my bed and played with my small ball throwing it up and catching it when Vic walked in my room.

"’Ey bro" Vic said standing by the door

"Hey" I said still playing with my ball.

"Want to watch a movie with me?" he asked

"Yeah ok" I said.

We decided on watching Final Destination. We were in his room, both with a big bag of chips, shoving the chips in our mouths with our eyes glued to the TV. After the movie we played a bunch of video games. It was fun to hang out with Vic, we haven't really hangout just me and him.

"Do you know where everyone's at?" I asked

"Taylor probably with friends, Kristen with Anna, Mom and Dad I don't know" Vic said. My phone rang and it was Kira.

"Hey Ki" I said into the phone.

"Hey Zach, what are you doing?" Kira asked

"Chillin' with Vic" I said

"Are you going anywhere later?" Kira asked

"Not that I know of, why?" I asked

"Just asking, um I have to go see ya later" Kira said

"Ok bye" I said and she hung up.

"Um... Zach" Vic said hesitant

"What?" I asked

"I need to talk to you" Vic said all serious

"Woah, what is it? Why did you get so serious?" I asked

"It’s just that- never mind" he said

"No tell me" I insisted

"I have this problem..." Vic said trailing off

"What is it? Is it someone at school? Is someone bothering you?" I asked

"No it’s not that it’s a girl" Vic said

"Oh I see a girl" I said winking

"Yes, but I don't know what to do. Please help me!" he pleaded

"I don't think I can help much, I'm not much of an expert on that topic but I'll see what I can do" I said "I'm more of an expert on having bad breakups" I mumbled to myself

"I don't think that was really your fault" Vic said looking up at me

"Yeah whatever. So what’s with this girl?" I asked

"I've liked her for a while now but I really like her like I LIKE her but I'm also nervous to talk to her" Vic said

"So what, are you nervous to ask her out?" I asked

"No, she had a boyfriend" Vic said looking down

"Oh" I said, "now that’s a problem"

"Zach what do I do? Do I tell her I like her? Do I try to split her and her boyfriend up? Should I get her to cheat on him?" he asked desperately

"No, no cheating" I said. I know that feeling, "try being her friend, talk to her, be nice to her, make her laugh, I don't know, but she will probably end up liking you the more she gets to know you and the more time you together and I'm not saying to go on a date with her just talk to her" I said

"I'll try being her friend but it's going to be hard" he said

"Yeah I know it will but I know you can do it bro" I said encouraging him

"Thanks Zach" he said

Vic's POV

We were in the kitchen trying to make some food. We made some eggs, we can't fail at that haha. Zach and I were eating when Mom and Dad came home.

"What are you boys eating?" Dad asked

"Eggs" I said

"And the house didn't burn down, wow, I'm proud of you two" Dad said joking

"Whatever Dad" Zach said

"Zach come help me with something outside" Dad said and I gave him a suspicious look. Zach went out and we all followed him. He got outside and he just froze then all of a sudden he started jumping up and down.

"OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" Zach shouted running up to his new car, a white mustang.

"Happy birthday Zach!" Mom and Dad yelled

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Zach yelled hugging them

"I- I don't know how to thank you, just wow" Zach said

"You already did, seeing your reaction, the way your face lit up and seeing you this happy is more than enough" Mom said hugging him and Dad gave him the keys. Zach ran to the car and got in touching everything.

"I'll be right back" Zach said running inside. I saw Kira and Cam looking out the window. Zach came back and got in his car.

"C'mon Vic, we're going on a ride" Zach said

"You want me to come with you?" I asked

"Yes! C'mon let’s go!" Zach yelled with excitement. I thought he would run into Kira's house and get her and come with him instead of me.

"Please don't kill us" I said getting in the passenger’s seat

"I'm so excited" Zach said jumping in his seat "Ok calm down, breath, just breath" he whispered to himself taking deep breaths. He turned the car on and then we cruised around town. Zach drove for hours, he didn't even want to stop at the red lights... Zach's phone rang and he was about to answer it but I took it from him, I don't want to die yet.

"Hello" I answered

"Oh hey Vic, can I talk to Zach?" Cam asked

"That's not a very good idea" I said looking over at a still very excited Zach.

"Why not?" Cam asked

"It's not a good idea for him to multitask right now, besides I don't think he can handle it and also I don't want to die" I said

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not going to kill you" Zach said

"Says the guy who didn't want to stop at the red light" I said and Cam laughed

"Tell Zach to drive to the Pizza Place. Oh, and make sure you guys make it alive" Cam said laughing.

"Ok bye" I said and hung up.

"Cam said to drive to the Pizza Place" I informed him.

We got to this small pizza restaurant. If you win a game or want to celebrate or just hang out, this is the place to go. We got in and Zach that towards the back it was decorated and there was a banner that said 'happy birthday Zach'. Zach's face changed from excited to confused to shocked and back to excited.

"Don't just stand there!" Michael yelled. His friends came up to him and told him happy birthday.

"Did everyone besides me remember it today was my birthday?" Zach asked causing everyone to laugh at him

"You seriously forgot it was your birthday? I though you would be mad because you would have thought we all forgot" Mina said

"Yeah I seriously did forget" Zach said and then turned to me "You knew everything all along didn't you?"

"I did know Mom and Dad had a surprise for you but I didn't know what it was and I was supposed to distract you" I said

"So that’s why you hung out with me all day today?" Zach asked

"Yeah" I said and noticed disappointment in his eyes

"I want some pizza" Zach said and left me there. Great now he is mad at me. I did want to hang out with him though! It’s not like I was forced to or whatever he is probably thinking. I did have fun with him today. It was just like the old times. Zach and I have always been close be we slowly started drifting apart.

One week later

I listened to Zach's advice and been friends with Jackie, it has been hard but yesterday her and her boyfriend broke up because they got in this fight. Now it’s time to step up my game, it’s my chance. My friend says that just being her friend was a waste of time but I'm glad I listened to Zach's advice because I've came to get to know her well.

Zach's POV

I've been thinking about Megan nonstop. Yeah I had a little crush on Mina but I'm over that. I realized that we will only be friends. I only see her as a friend now. Besides I bet the thought of me and her never crossed her mind so it's all good. Megan seems like the girl I can see myself lasting with. I don't think she will do anything like my previous girlfriends. I just got home from a date with Megan. We were walking by the park when I got the courage to ask her to be my girlfriend and she accepted. I'm so happy. I have a girlfriend and she is beautiful. I think I did good in giving her a chance. It doesn't seem real that I have a girlfriend I feel as if it's all a dream.

"Zach why are you so happy?" Vic asked

"Because" I said smiling big

"No there is something going on tell me" he pleaded

"Fine but only because I can't help but say it; I have a girlfriend" I said

"That’s great, who?" he asked

"Megan" I said

"Wow she is your girlfriend wow" he said.

“Yeah I know, she is so perfect” I said dreamily

“But being serious and all, that’s great that you have a girlfriend. I’m happy for you” Vic said

"Zach, Vic!" Mom called from her room.

"Yeah Mom" I said

"I just wanted to let you guys know that we won’t be spending Christmas here" Mom said

"Then where?" Vic asked

"We are going to see your grandma" Mom said

"We're going to San Francisco?" I asked

"Yeah, we are leaving next week so get packing" Mom said.

I haven't seen my grandma in years, I miss her. Whenever she came to visit she would take me and Vic to places. She would take us to many places but every time she would take us to a cool place in San Diego. It had probably has been about 3 or 4 years since we've seen her and I'm excited. I wonder what the future holds on store for me...
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah I know this chapter is shorter than most of my other ones but if I would have made it longer it would have came out weird.

next chapter should be up sometime next week :)

Hope everyone had a great summer vication and hope your new school year is doing great for those who started :)