Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 33: The Start

Zach’s POV

My relationship with Megan has been going great. Yesterday we had our first kiss, it was right after winning our first game. She ran up to me and I picked her up, spinning her and I kissed her. She wrapped her legs around my waist and we continued kissing until someone cleared their throat. It was the coach, how embarrassing.

My life has been great lately. Today Nate and I sighed up for the talent show. I am going to prove to everyone that I do have what it takes to sing and that the stupid video was all a lie. I'm at Nate's house, we are trying to figure out what song we are going to perform but we haven't agreed on anything. We were both just calling out random songs, we were going nowhere and I started getting frustrated.

"Dude lets go out for pizza" I said getting up

"Alright, let’s go" he said. As I drove to the Pizza Place we blasted music, we sang as loud as possible making people give weird looks.

We ordered our pizza and as we were walking to our table when Kira and Mina came by.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here?" Mina asked

"We wanted some pizza" Nate said

"We just finished ours but we can always have some more, right Mina?" Kira said

"Right" Mina said nodding and they sat with us.

“So did you guys already choose a song?” Kira asked

“Nope, any suggestions Mina?” I asked. Mina named us a whole bunch of songs. There were quite a few that both Nate and I agreed on so from those we’ll see which one we choose.

“So when you choose a song you will tell us what song right?” Kira asked

“Nope, it will be a secret” Nate said

“Yeah you guys will have to wait and see” I said

“Aw really” Mina whined

“Well only one other person will know” I said

“Who?” all three of them asked

“I will tell you later” I told Nate and he nodded.

We are now back at Nate’s house. We are trying to figure out what song we like. We narrowed it down to 3 songs.

“So who are we letting on our little secret?” Nate asked

“Michael” I said

“Why him?” Nate asked

“Because if we practice here or at my house one of them might hear us and since he has a sound proof room and it will be perfect” I said. He has a whole attic for himself and its sound proof so that’s cool.

Mikey agreed to our plan and he promised he won’t tell anyone. Nate and I have been coming to his house frequently, we have practiced all 3 songs but I think I know our song. Mikey says we are getting better and better each time.

“So when is the show?” Mikey asked

“In four weeks” Nate said

“We’re gonna show Poway High what we’re made of” I said determined.

“How are things with Megan?” Mikey asked

“Perfect, she is such an awesome girlfriend” I said dreamingly

“Ooohhhh someone’s in love” Mikey sand

“Weren’t you going on a date with Rebecca today?” Nate asked

“Yeah why?” Mikey asked

“Then we should get going” Nate said

We were all in my living room watching a movie, Mina was using my computer. She sat far away from us since she started chatting with someone and she said she didn’t want to disturb us. I did notice that Mina kept looking at the TV haha. Someone taped my shoulder and I turned to see who it was and when I did Megan’s lips were on mine. Our kiss was interrupted by someone yelling.

“Marina Elizabeth Hernandez, pay attention to me!” a voice I think I’ve heard before.

“Shhh! I got distracted by a mov- hey don’t call me that!” Mina exclaimed and Kira popped up behind Mina.

“Hi” Kira said so the girl Mina was chatting with

“Wait what did you call her, that she doesn’t like so much?” Cam asked. No one was paying attention to the movie anymore.

“Marina Elizabeth Hernandez” the girl said

“I told you not to say that” Mina said

“Why not, that’s your name” the girl said

“Wait wait I’m lost now” Kira said

“I never told you guys my middle name” I said

“Ooooooh I see” Kira said

“What were you blind Kiara Marie Valentine?” I said

“Shut up Zachary David Porter!” Kira yelled

“Why are you guys using your full names?” Cam asked

“’cus they are weird” Nate said

“Peoples I have to go now, bye” Mina said to the camera and to us

“Bye” we all said

After Mina left we went for some frozen yogurt and now the only one in my house is Megan.

“Baby you wanna go home now?” I asked

“I don’t want to leave you, you are so comfortable” Megan said

“You look tired” I said

“Tough day” she said

“You know what? You need some sleep” I said

“No I don’t, all I need is you” she whispered sleepily. I carried her and brought her in my car.

The moment I got home I dropped on my bed and fell asleep, I didn’t even bother to take off my shoes.

I felt someone jump on me and then start shaking me.

“Wakey wakey” I heard Kira’s voice. I pushed her off me and turned around with my face in my pillow trying to continue sleeping and then she jumped on my back.

“Go away” I moaned

“I know how to wake you” she said

“um hum” I mumbled. Then all of a sudden she started tickling me, I tried to push her off of me.

“Stop!” I yelled. I did I have to be so ticklish?

“No, this is your punishment for “ she said

“F-for wh-at?” I asked laughing

“Pl-pl-ease s-s-stop!” I pleaded

“For not telling me what song you are doing and because you didn’t want to wake up oh and because you pushed me off” Kira said

I tried to push her off me but it was so hard since she didn’t stop tickling me. I finally shook her off and ran in my closet, closing the door and sitting dawn trying to catch my breath.

“Zach open up” Kira demanded

“No” I stubbornly said

“Pretty please” she said in a baby voice

“No” I said. After many minutes of arguing I finally opened the door.

“I had this crazy dream” I said sitting on my bed

“What was it about?” she asked

“I was on a stage singing to a huge crowed a song I don’t even know, then I turned around and saw Nathan and then you woke me up” I said

“You don’t remember anything else?” she asked

“No, and the more I try to remember the more I forget but I remember all those smiling faces” I said

“Well a growing boy needs his breakfast so let’s go” Kira said
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I am sooo sorry i haven't been posting. i have been super busy with school and a bunch of other stuff but I will try to post asap