Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 38: When Times Are Tough

Zach's POV

I was heading out to meet with Kira, I opened the door and Kira was about to knock and we laughed.

"Let's go" I said but the phone rang so I went to get it.

"Hello" I answered

"Hello, are you related in any way to the miss from this house?" a lady asked and gave me an address

"Yes I am" I said

"I am sorry to say but the Miss has died" the lady said and I froze.

"Hello" the lady repeated since I didn't respond to her. I dropped the phone and then I dropped to my knees.

"Zach are you ok? Zach what's wrong?" Kira asked kneeling next to me. When I didn't say anything she went to get my mom. My mom walked in the living room with Kira and they both had worried looks on their faces as they looked at me.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Mom asked, I looked up at her but didn't say anything

"H-he got the phone and talked with someone then he got like this" Kira said, I was able to hear the worry in her voice.

"What did they tell you?" Mom asked getting down next to me and put a hand on my shoulder

"Grandma" I whispered

"What about her?" Mom asked

"S-she died" I said and a tear fell. When she heard that she froze realizing I was talking about her mom then she hugged me. My mom knew how close I was to her even though I didn't see her often.

"It's going to be fine" Mom said, her voice shook as she tried not to cry, she tried more for me than for herself. I hugged her tightly as she rubbed my back.

"Zach c'mon, let's go out" Kira said hours later.

"Don't you understand that I don't want to do anything!" I yelled frustrated as I sat on my bed

"Don't you understand that I don't want to see you like this" Kira said

"Then go with Jake" I said

"Zach please..." Kira said desperate

"Look what I got for you" Mikey said coming in my room

"Whatever it is I don't want it" I said

"But they are your favorite fries" Mikey said

"I'm not hungry" I said

"Maybe Megan can change your mind" Kira said

"No, leave her alone, she's on vacation, don't bother her" I said

"You can't just stay here" Mikey said

"Yes I can" I said. Kira came and sat next to me then Mikey went by my other side.

"They I am too" Kira said

"So am I" Mikey said

"You guys have better stuff to do" I said

"What if I told you I don't" Mikey said

"You could to something with Rebecca and Kira you could go with Jake. Just leave me alone, I'm not the best person to be around right now. You guys don't have to be here" I said

"What kind of friends would we be if we left you here all alone?" Kira said. I sighed and didn't say anything, I know they won't leave. I'm kind of glad they want to sat with me, I don't whan't to feel alone.

I am now at the funeral trying my hardest not to cry. The funeral is in San Francisco since her friends are here but she will be buried at San Diego since most of her family is over there. I am going to miss her so much.

"Zach it's time" Mom whispered. She convinced me to sing a song, I didn't want to but she told me how my grandma always liked it when I sang for her and that it would make her happy and I couldn't tell my mom no. I sat on a chair with my guitar and took a deep breath before I started to sing.

"Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven?
Would it be the same
If I saw you in heaven?

I must be strong
And carry on
'Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

Would you hold my hand
If I saw you in heaven?
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in heaven?

I'll find my way
Through night and day
'Cause I know I just can't stay
Here in heaven

Time can bring you down
Time can bend your knees
Time can break your heart
Have you begging please
Begging please

Beyond the door
There's peace, I'm sure
And I know there'll be no more
Tears in heaven

Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven?
Would it be the same
If I saw you in heaven?

I must be strong
And carry on
'Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

'Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven"

As I was singing I started getting emotional and I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I finished the song and I ran out of there.

"Go after him and don't leave him alone" I heard mom tell Vic before he ran after me. I ran as fast as I could then I just let myself fall to the ground. Vic sat beside me and didn't say anything until I calmed down and I appreciate his silence.

"Do you feel better now?" Vic asked

"A bit" I said

"Do you want to go back?" Vic asked

"I want to go home" I whispered

"I'll call Dad then we can go ok" Vic said and I nodded. He called Dad and Vic said Dad said to be careful when I drive.

The drive home was silent except for when Vic said he was hungry and we stopped at McDonalds so he could get food. I got home and went straight up to my room. I went over to a corner and curled up there for a long time. I kept feeling worse and worse by the moment. After a while I couldn't take it anymore and I climbed out my window. I got down and went over to Kira's house because I really needed someone to talk to. Ever since the call I have kept all my feelings to myself but now it's too much.

"Do you need anything? Do you want to come in? Are you ok?" Kira's mom asked

"I-is Kira home?" I asked

"No, I'm sorry. Did you need to talk to her?" she asked

"Just forget I stopped by" I said and walked towards Cameron's house. I knocked on his door but no one answered. Desperately I started pounding on his door and kept yelling his name as I broke down.

Nathan's POV

I was with Cameron at his house watching TV but a bit after he had to go somewhere with his
parents so I left. I wasn't far from his house when I heard someone yelling his name. That voice sounded familiar, I'm not sure but it sounds a bit like Zach. I went back to Cameron's house and it was Zach, he was pounding on the door yelling for Cameron, he dropped to his knees shaking but kept pounding. He seems so desperate.

"Hey Zach" I said kneeling down next to him, he stopped and turned to me with tears in his eyes.

"I-I c-coul-ldn't take it a-anym-more" Zach said

"Let it all out" I said and gave him a hug

"I-I f-feel ho-orrible" Zach said

"How long have you felt this way?" I asked

"F-for a w-while" Zach said still crying

"Why were you looking for Cam?" I asked

"To t-talk" Zach said

"First try to calm down ok, then if you want we can go some were" I said and he nodded.

"Things will get better, you'll see" I said but Zach shook his head

"Yes they will" I said. After a while his crying seemed to slow until he only had a few tears.

"Do you feel better now?" I asked

"Yeah" Zach whispered "Do you want to go to Lucy's or somewhere else?" I asked

"I don't care" Zach mumbled.

We walked to Lucy's in silence then when we got there we sat in a corner away from everyone. We sat in silence until he finally spoke up.

"You probably think I'm a cry baby. Sorry for talking your time" Zach said looking down

"I don't think you're a crybaby, that was a pretty good reason to cry, and don't worry about taking my time" I said

"I miss her, I want to see her again, I didn't tell her how much she meant to me" Zach said

"Of course you miss her and want to see her but you have to move on, she would want you to, I don't think she would want you in your room all day doing nothing and Zach, I'm sure she knew how much she meant to you" I said

"I-I don't know what to do" Zach said sighing

"Do about what?" I asked

"About all my feelings, their all mixed up, I feel... empty" Zach said

"You don't have to feel empty, relax and stop thinking about the bad" I said, he put his head down on the table and sighed. I put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it.

"Thanks" Zach said looking up at me "No problem" I said

"You didn't have to talk to me back there, you could just have ignored me" Zach said

"You silly kid, why would you think I would do that" I said

"Thank you but I have to go" Zach said

"You ok now?" I asked and he nodded.

Vic's POV

I had been home for a long time when I heard the front door open and I went downstairs. When I got down my dad was giving my mom a hug but then she saw me and gave me a hug.

"I love you" she said

"I love you too mom" I said

"Just know that I am proud of you ok, if anything happens to me I want you to know that, and also glad I am your mother" she said

"Aww Mom, you're the best" I said

My mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner, I told her that we could just order pizza or something but my dad said to let her cook, that it will get her mind off of things.

"Kristen can you go get Zach" Mom said, Kristen nodded and went up to his room.

"Zach's not here" Kristen said

"He's not?" Mom questioned

"I looked for him all over the house but I couldn't find him" Kristen said. My mom got a worried look on her face and started to pace.

"Where could he have gone?" she asked

"We should call his friends" Dad said. My mom grabbed the phone and called Cameron but he said that he hasn't seen him and that he hasn't been home since a while. After she called Cameron she called Kira but she said he hadn't seen him either. After Kira hung up she was at the door with Jake.

"My mom said Zach came by my house earlier" Kira whispered

"Do you know what time?" Mom asked

"She said she didn't remember" Kira said

"Maybe Michael or Nathan have seen him" I said. Michael didn't know anything but Nathan said he was with him. They came to the house and Nathan told us everything he knew.

"Now I feel bad" Kira said

"Why?" Jake asked

"Because Zach came looking for me and I wasn't there" Kira said

"You might not have been for him then but you could now by looking for him. We can go to his favorite places" Jake said. We split up in two groups; Kira, Jake and me then Michael and Nathan. We looked all over Poway and we couldn't find him.

"Guys it's getting dark and I'm getting worried" Kira said

"Vic, you don't know any other pace that is special or important to him that we haven’t been to yet?" Jake asked

"There is this one place but it's far and I'm not sure he will be there" I said

"Who cares if it's far, let’s go" Kira said. I told them where to go and we finally got there.

“What is this place?” Kira asked

“It has an awesome view of the city and the ocean, Grandma used- Why didn’t I think of it before!? Grandma would bring us here every time she came to visit, of course he is here!” I yelled

“How did he get here?” Jake asked

“I don’t know but stay here” I said and ran out the car. I saw Zach sitting on the top of the hill with his knees up to his chest and his head rested on top. I sat down next to him for a while without saying anything taking in the view

“It looks nice out tonight” I finally said and Zach turned to me

“I’m glad she showed us this place” Zach said

“It’s as if she is here” I said

“I feel it too, I feel good here” Zach said then Kira ran up to him and hugged him from behind

“Zach never do that again!” Kira yelled as she practically squeezed him

“Do what?” Zach asked

“We didn’t know where you where, we looked everywhere for you!” Kira yelled

“Sorry” Zach said

“I was so worried about you, I thought something happened to you” Kira said quietly and you could hear the sincerity in her voice

“I didn’t mean to worry you. I just wanted to be alone, I needed to think, I wanted to feel closer to her, I wanted to remember the memories we made here” Zach said as his voice shook. Kira hugged him tightly for a long time comforting him.

“It’s pretty here” Kira said

“I told you it was awesome” I said

“How did you get here?” Kira asked

“At first I was walking then a friend convinced me to let her give me a ride” Zach said

“What friend?” I asked

“You guys don’t know her, I meat her at Lucy’s” Zach said

We walked in the house and my mom ran up to Zach and hugged him tightly.

“Are you ok? Are you hurt? Are you cold? Do you need anything? Are you tired?” Mom asked

“I’m fine” Zach said

“I was so worried about you, I thought I lost you too” Mom said

“I’m so sorry” Zach said and hugged her tighter

“I know you are” she said looking in his eyes

“Where were you?” Dad asked Zach, “How did you find him” Dad asked us

“Secret place” I said

“Yup only me and Vic know… well maybe two more” Zach said

“Am I going to have to keep you with me at all times to keep an I on you and so you don’t get those running away feelings again?” Mom asked

“I really am sorry. I didn’t run away I just needed…” Zach said with regret in his voice

“We will be ok” Mom whispered
♠ ♠ ♠
song used: tear in heaven by eric caplin
according to my guitar teacher it is the saddest song ever

omg I'm so excited for the tour!