Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 39: Reunions

Cameron's POV

Michael and Nathan were at my house hanging out. They had been here for a while, taking my hood and watching TV. After a while we got bored and left to Kira's house but she wasn't home so we went to Zach's. When we got to Zach's house we realized Kira was there.

"Hey guys" we said

"Hey" they said

"I bet you're happy Zach" Michael said

"Why would I be happy?" Zach asked

"Because Megan comes back today" Michael said and Zach smiled really big. Zach is still taking it a bit hard with his grandmother's death, every once in a while he goes out with us and laughs at times but sometimes any little thing we do or someone says can set him off and he gets upset thinking of some memory that now hurts him to think about.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked

"Watching a movie" Kira said

"What movie?" Nathan asked

"Superman" Kira said

"Well then I guess we will be watching Superman" I said and Vic came from the kitchen with Popcorn

"Popcorn, yum" Michael said

"I'll be back" Zach said once the movie finished and quickly went up to his room.

"We should go out and do something" I said

"What should we do?" Kira asked

"Mini golfing" Michael said

"Alright" we said

Kira's POV

There was a knock on the door and Vic went to get it.

"Does Zach Porter live here?" The person at the door asked

"Yes he does" Vic said. I got up and went to see who it was.

"Hi, um why are you looking for Zach?" I asked. Why am I so nosey? haha

"Well I haven't seen him in a long time" The guy said

"Um who are you?" I asked

"I'm Jason, old friend" the guy said

"No way, you're Jason?" I asked

"Yes w- You're Kiara" he said and I nodded

"Hey Ki what's up?" Cam asked coming up to us

"Cam this is Jason, Jason this is Cam" I said and Zach came down.

"Zach, do you know who this is?" I asked excitingly

"Jason” Zach said with no emotion

"You noticed right away?" I asked

"Yes" Zach said in the same voice and I poked him to snap him out of whatever he was in and he glared at me "Hard time" I mouth to Jason and he nodded understanding

"Zach you ran out of chips, don't blame me" Michael said

"Ok" Zach said and I poked him again

"You don't care that I finished your favorite chips?" Michael questioned and Zach shook his head

"OMG Trouble Trio is back!" I yelled hugging them both

"Good times" Jason said

"Trouble Trio?" Michael questioned

"It was a nickname we got when we were younger" I said

"Let's go do some Trouble Trio stuff" Jason said

"Sorry I can't" Zach said

"I came all the way here to look for you and you don't even what to hang out, I'm hurt" Jason said

"You did not come here looking for me" Zach said smirking and I smiled at that.

"You're right, I came to visit some family and I wondered if you guys still lived here" Jason said

"Second choice huh" I joked

"Let’s cause some trouble and get kicked out of some place" Jason said

"Again" Cam said and Zach smiled

"Again?" Jason questioned

"We were getting ice cream and we were sitting there talking and I dared Zach to get us kicked out" Cam said

"And you gave me 20 bucks" Zach Said

"What did you do?" Zach asked

"Got on the table and started dancing and singing really bad, the lady got SO mad" Zach said laughing

"We were planning to go Mini Golfing, Zach, Jason what do you say?" Michael asked

"Sure" Jason said

"Fine" Zach said

All the guys got along with Jason and we all had fun. The three of us couldn't be together without causing trouble so we went in a small store and there we got in trouble for messing with the hats, glasses, and scarfs then played tag in the store. It was a blast and Zach really let himself go.

"So what's wrong with Zach?" Jason asked me while Zach was talking with the guys

"His grandma died like a month ago and it's been really hard on him" I said

"Oh, I see, that sucks" Jason said

"Yeah it does, but he's doing better than before so that's good, and you coming here was good for him" I said

"I'm glad I was able to help" Jason said

"Yeah me too" I said

"I miss the old days" Jason said

"You should visit more often" I said

"I'll try" Jason said

"So what kind of stuff would you guys get in trouble for?" Nathan asked

"We would get kicked out of stores, so our parents stopped taking us together" I said

"Also at school we would do our own thing and took naps when we wanted, we would bring toys from home and play with them during class, we would get in trouble for playing on the other classes spots" Zach said

"We were always loud and we jumped off of high played so we would get kicked out of playgrounds, any other little thing you could get in trouble for but nothing bad, well except this one" Jason said pointing at me, "One time we were at a park and Zach was on top of a slide, he was about to sit down when a girl that kept bothering us pushed him and he fell on his face than Kira pulled her hair and punched her" Jason said

"Kira always so violent" Cam said shaking his head

"Well one time you two got in trouble at school for hitting this kid who took my dinosaur" I said

"Now I can imagine a mini version of you guys hitting other kids" Michael said

"What, can't I defend my friends" I said smiling

"Always the hero" Michael teased

"It's not like I wouldn't do that now if anyone messed with you guys, you should have seen what I did to Zach's-" I said stopping

"Zach's what?" Zach asked

"Nothing" I said quickly

"No, now you tell me" Zach demanded

"But you're going to get mad" I said

"What did you do?" Zach asked and cam looked at me knowing what I did

"If I tell you, you can't hate me" I said

"I will never hate you" Zach said

"I got revenge on all your exes" I said quietly and he got a shocked look on his face

"Why did you do that?" Zach asked

"Because they hurt you and they needed to pay for that, if it would have ended good I wouldn’t have done nothing but they hurt you bad and I couldn't let them get away with it" I said

"When Kaylee got attacked with all that gross stuff that was you... And when Janet's close disappeared after gym class and later appeared all over the school that was you?" Zach asked and I nodded

"Wow Ki, I'll make sure to not get on your bad side" Michael said

"I feel bad for them, well kinda" Nathan said "Don't, they deserved it" I said

"Megan better watch out" Michael joked and Zach glared at him

"Rebecca too, she may be my friend but she better not hurt you" I said

"Ok so Jason how long are you here for?" Cam asked changing the subject

"I go back home tomorrow" Jason said

After a while I got a text from Megan asking if I knew where Zach was so she could surprise him. I told her where Zach was and in a little bit she came and got behind him and motioned us not to say anything then she jumped on him.

"Megan!" Zach yelled turning around and hugged her tight, you could hear the happiness in his voice.

"I missed you" Megan said

"You have no idea how much I needed you" Zach said hugging her tighter and I heard a hint of sadness

"Aww, I love you" Megan said not noticing the sadness in his voice and how he held her afraid he would lose her, we all saw the need we wanted from that hug. She looked at him and gave him a long kiss.

"I love you" Zach said when they pulled away. Zach sat her on his lap and he introduced Jason and Megan. I wonder why she didn't notice how changed Zach was, how sad his eyes are even though he was happy to see her.

We stayed in the park for a bit more then we went for ice cream. Zach got a bit of ice cream on his figure and he put it on Megan's cheek then she flicked some at his direction and he ducked so it landed on me and we started a food fight. All of us had ice cream all over our cloths when we finally got kicked out.

Jason's POV

It's good to be back, I really did miss those two. And of course the day I'm here they have a food fight haha, but they say it happens. They might not have noticed but they have changed. Zach's eyes are more blue but now I don't see that shine, his hair is darker, and he really seems to fit in with his friends even though they also seem so different. Kira, her hair is now longer, she also seems so protective over her friends not just Zach, she's like a mother but she also looks more alive, I can see it in her eyes. It's also good to see they don't have jerks as friends.

"Jas, let's go to Mikey's house" Zach said, I forgot that's how he called me, everyone else always calls me Jason.

"Michael's room is the best; he has a theater system and its super loud, it's filled with CD's everywhere, oh and it's sound proof so we can be as loud as we want, he also has the best movies and his couch is the best" Kira said

"Now I know why you're in my house so much" Michael said

"You know I love you" Kira said

So we got to Michael's house and it was pretty cool. Then in his room I saw instruments. I was standing at the door looking at the instruments when someone came behind me.

"Jas meet our little Mina" Zach said

"I'm not little" Mina protested

"Finally you get here, where were you huh?" Michael asked as if he was scolding her

"I was busy ok" Mina said sticking her tongue out.

"So what's up with all these instruments?" I asked

"For their band" Mina said "You guys play in a band?" I asked

"Yup" Cameron said

"So who plays what?" I asked and Nathan explained

"Never would have thought of it, Zach in a band" I said

"What's that supposed to mean" Zach said sticking his tongue out and his girlfriend laughed

"You guys should play something for him" Mina said

"Nice excuse" Kira said

"They hardly ever let us watch them when they practice" Megan explained

"Two reasons and you already know then" Nathan said

"What reasons would those be?" I asked

"We are not so good yet and they ALWAYS distract us" Cameron said

"It's not like you guys don't distract each other" Kira said

"True" Michael said laughing.

They did play some songs and they are really distracted. They aren't as bad as they say they just got to work a little more on keeping the same pace

"Let's get food!" Zach yelled in the middle of a song and they all jumped up.

We went for Pizza and it was delicious. After the pizza I had to go so they walked me. I am really going to miss them when I go. I hope I see them again soon after this.

"Bye" their friends said

"Bye Jason" Kira said hugging me

"Bye Jas" Zach said

"Bye" I said and they left. "Bye" I whispered.
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I just realized how Kaylee left Zach for a guy who would buy her what she wanted and Zach explained something similar happening to him for the explanation of the song when i get paid.