Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 41: Evil Has A Name

Michael's POV

I have no class today so after work I will go to Cameron's house. I actually like working at Starbucks because I love the smell of coffee. My shift was done and I headed to Cameron's house. Once we were all there we decided to go to the skate park.

"Do you want to go home and get your board or do you want my other one" Cameron said

"I'll use yours" I said

"Lazy" Zach said and left to get his.

"Yeah I am" I said

"At least he admits it" Nathan said

"Do you guys want to skate there or go on car?" Cameron asked

"Let's take my car" I said.

"Alright, now we just wait for Zach to get here and we got" Nathan said. We go there and when we started skating Zach seemed a little off.

"Dude what's up with you today?" I asked

"I don't know" Zach said. We started skating on the ramps and Cam almost fell and we started laughing.

"Can you guys take the big one?" Nathan asked

"Yeah!" we said and headed to the ramp.

"Told you" I said after landing it. Zach went and almost fell when he landed. He went again and right when he made the jump the wheels, he hit pretty hard the top part of the ramp then rolled down.

"Zach!" We yelled as we ran up to him.

"Zach, Zach are you ok- stupid question" I said

"Can you get up?" Nathan asked, he turned over and tried to use his arm for support but he yelled in pain and collapsed back to the ground.

"Ok, we'll help you up" Cameron said. We his arms around me and tried to get him up but when we moved his arm he yelled and we stopped moving him.

"Guys it really hurts" Zach said grunting

"We have to pull you up so you are going to have to suck it up a bit ok" Cameron said and Zach nodded. We tried to get him up as fast as possible but as we got him up he let out a loud cry. We finally managed to get him to the car. Cameron grabbed Zach's arms and bent them making Zach yell

"Cam don't do that" Nathan said

"I just wanted to see witch one hurts more cus I know one hurts more" Cameron said

"What hurts?" I asked

"Mostly my left side" Zach said with his eyes closed

"How did this happen?" I asked

"I don't know, everything was going fine then the wheels came off" Zach said

"Does it hurt really bad?" Cameron asked and Zach gave him an are-you-serious look

"Ok, ok, besides I know you, you're not the kind of person we complains about any kind of pain" Cameron said. Cameron started taking of Zach's sweater and Zach started grunting.

"Almost there" I said. We took him to the hospital, the guys waited while I went in with Zach. The doctor had him spread him arms like a T and it looks like he was in massive pain.

"I think you should stop" I said

"I know what I'm doing" the doctor said and continued to make Zach do stuff then he took him for X- rays. While they were gone I got a call and answered it.

"Is it true? Is he ok?" Mrs. Porter frantically asked

"He's getting an X-ray done" I said

"So it's true, I'm heading over there right now" she said and hung up. Zach's mom got here quickly and I told her what happened while we waited for him to return. He came in and she hugged him making him yell. While we waited for the results Zach was given pain killers.

"I think I'm going to be out the team" Zach said sighing

"You're the captain" I said

"But my arm, I can't even move it" Zach said

"We have the results" the doctor said coming in

"Will he be fine?" his mom asked

"He has a broken arm with a fractured hairline, and his side, by the ribs is very swollen" the doctor said

"How long until he is healed?" I asked

"About a month" the doctor said "A month! I'll be out the team for sure" Zach said frustrated. We waited in the waiting room for Zach to get his cast. Zach came out and we left, me and the guys when to his house. When Zach got home Taylor was smirking when we saw him. Does that girl have feelings? Megan came and she wasn't too happy.

"Zach, Babe, are you ok?" Megan asked

"Yeah" he said nodding

"This is all your fault! How could you let him get hurt!? What kind of friends are you!? Look at him now, that's all your fault!" Megan yelled at us. When she said the "what kind of friends are you" part I started getting mad, how could she say we were bad friends!?

"Stop yelling at them, it wasn't their fault" Zach said

"But Zach you're hurt, and they-" Megan said

"Stop blaming them, the wheels came of the skate board ok, it was an accident. Leave them alone, this was NOT their fault" Zach said, she looked over at us and glared then turned back to Zach and smiled to him all innocently. What is with that girl?

Megan's POV

When I saw Zach I exploded with anger, first they keep him away from me and now this! I have to do something about them, I want Zach for myself. It's annoying how he is always with his friends and we don't have as much alone time. How am I supposed to take my plan to action if I can't ever seem to be alone with him for long? Well now that Zach's hurt he will be less busy, that will mean more time for us.

"I think you should go to bed now" I told Zach

"I don't want to" Zach said

"Too bad, go" I said and he slowly went to his room.

"How could you let that happen to him?" I asked them

"We couldn't do anything about it" Cameron said

"You could have kept him off that skate board" I said

"Who do you think we are, we don't have magic powers to see the future or we couldn't say 'Zach stay of that board you are going to break your arm'" Michael said

"Well then don't let him on one anymore" I said

"I can't do that" Cameron said

"Well he won't" I said

"Knowing Zach in no time after he is better he will be skating again" Cameron said

"You clearly don't know him enough to know that what happened will stop him!" Michael yelled but not loud enough so other people besides us will hear it. I was so mad at them that I just left.

Canern's POV

Kira was right, Megan has been acting weird. It's as if she doesn't want us around Zach... Naw I'm just imagining things, it can't be that. I need to forget about her, she is not important. I was on my way to my house when I got a call from Tori. We met up at that restaurant she likes, the one I took her for a hamburger.

"So how was your day?" I asked

"It was ok, I guess" she said

"I guess, that doesn't sound very fun, what happened?" I asked

"I went out with some friend but all they talked about was fashion, it was so boring" she complained

"Why didn't you leave them?" I asked

"Because I would have felt mean, I couldn't just ditch them" she said. Aww she is so sweet, so nice, that is why I like her so much.

"How was your day?" she asked

"Oh, don't get me started" I said

"No, tell me" she insisted and I told her what happened

"Wow Cam, that sucks" she said

"Yeah and to top it of Megan thinks it's our fault" I said

"What does he say about that?" she asked

"He said it was an accident" I said

"There you see, all it matters is that HE doesn't blame you" she said

“Megan, she’s playing-” I was saying

“Forget about her” she said

“Alright lets go have some fun” I said pulling her up

Taylor’s POV

I woke up on Saturday to find five people staring at me. When I realize who they were I started freaking out.

“Will you shut up, some people are trying to sleep!” Zach yelled as lout as he could

“I hate him” I said annoyed

“Oh shut up” Isabella said. We when to the living room and watched TV while we caught up

“How long are you staying?” I asked

“Your aunt said we could stay for the weekend” Andrew said

“Yes” I said hugging them

“I don’t have a boyfriend anymore” Isabella said smiling, oh I know where she is going with this. Just then Zach was coming down the stairs and the door opened to Megan who ran and hugged Zach.

“Ow!” Zach yelled

“Oh Babe, I’m so sorry, I forgot” Megan said

“It’s ok” Zach said

“I’m sorry, I just missed you so much but I know what will make the pain go away” Megan said and kissed him making me roll my eyes

“I love being missed” Zach said

“Don’t you know how to knock?” I asked

“For your information Zach told me to come in” Megan said

“So you like being missed?” Lisa asked, Zach turned to her and smiled when he saw them

“Yes I do” Zach said

“What I don’t get a hug” Isabella said, Zach came into the living room and they attacked him in a group hug.

“Ow” Zach said and they let go

“What happened?” Andrew asked

“Skating accident” Zach said

“Does it hurt?” Isabella asked lightly touching his broken arm

“Sometimes it really hurts but especially when I move it” Zach said

“We missed you” Lisa said

“Pff I bet you guys forgot all about me” Zach said

“We would never” Isabella said

“Babe, you guys have practice today right?” Megan asked putting her arm around Zach and putting her head on his shoulder

“No, I don’t think so, but maybe” Zach said

“Who is this?” Zach said pointing at Megan

“A skank” I said

“Watch it on how you talk to my girlfriend” Zach said, his eyes burning through me

“We came for your mom’s breakfast” Cameron announced barging in the door with the rest of Zach’s friends

“What’s little Zach gonna do with a broken arm?” I asked

“You are going down, that’s what’s gonna happen” Megan said

“Hey what’s going on here?” Kiara asked

“None of your business. Do any of you know how to know on a door? I asked

“Zach lets us come in whenever we want so shut up” Kira said

“Like I said, breakfast” Cameron said trying to break the tension

“My mom’s sleeping so no food” Zach said

“Are you sure about that?” my aunt asked coming down

“Zachary, such a liar” Michael said

“Alright kids, wait here and I’ll cook something for you” she said and left to the kitchen

“Oh I LOVE the way your mom cooks” Cameron said

“Thanks, I feel so loved” Zach said

“Who are they?” Nathan asked looking at my friends

“Some friends” Zach said

“They look familiar” Kiara said

“You’ve never meet them” Zach said

“But I feel as if I’ve seen them before” Kiara said

“You’ve seen them in pictures, they are my friends from NA” Zach said

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!” kiara yelled as he ran up to them and hugged each of them

“Don’t mind her he’s crazy” Zach said

“Why are we being thanked?” Andrew asked

“Because thanks to you I got my Zach back” Kiara said

“What do you mean?” Isabella asked

“Before the trip to LA he was… a robot… he was not the happy Zach, and when he came back I got my best friend back” Kiara said

After they got to know each other we watched TV then we ate pancakes and eggs.

“Wow, your mom does cook good” Melisa said

“We come here for her food all the time” Cameron said

“I come for Zach” Megan said

“This is why I love you” Zach said kissing the top of her head since we had her head on his chest

“Know what Babe” Megan asked

“What?”Zach asked

“You probably won’t be able to be in the team” Megan said and he sighed

“You’re on a team?” Isabel asked

“Captain of the team” Kiara said

"How about we go to the beach" Cameron said and Zach's mood totally changed, bet he did that on purpose

"Dude lets go" Zach said

"But your arm" Megan said

"I hurt my arm but I am still capable of walking and I am not about to sit here all day" Zach said

"You guys have fun at the beach, hopefully Zach gets eaten by a shark” I said

"Then too bad for you because I can't get in the water" Zach said

"You should get your good for nothing friends and girlfriend out if here, they are a waste of space just like you" I said

"How many times do I have to tell you to leave my friends out of this, your whole hating me thing has nothing to do with this" Zach said

"But that bothers you so much, even more than me messing with you, it’s more fun this way anyway" I said. I went up to him and pulled his arm as hard as I could then pulled it up then back down and then slammed it to his side. He yelled in pain and when I let him go he dropped to his knees. I was too busy smiling at him that I didn't notice Megan and Kiara charge at me, they grabbed me and Kiara punched my face and Megan pulled my hair. I was about to hit them back but Andrew held me back, Cameron healed Megan and Michael held Kiara.

"Zach are you ok?" Isabella asked with worry and ran up to him. With that everyone in the room noticed she had a thing for Zach, well Zach didn't notice of course

"I'm fine Bella" Zach said

"You know you're the only one who calls her Bella" Melisa said

"Really, does it bother you?" Zach asked

"Nope, I like it" Isabella said smiling. Megan was able to get out of Cameron's grasp and went next to Zach and hugged him, it was clear she was telling Isabella to back off. They are so stupid to fight over him, he's just Zach. I wanted to get them back but Andrew wouldn't let go. Megan kept making a big deal out of everything and Kiara moved her aside and helped Zach.

"Thanks" Zach said

"You know I was helping him" Megan said

"Megan relax" Michael said "Don't tell me to relax" Megan said. Something tells me she doesn't like those two.

"You were making a big deal out of it treating him like some baby and Zach doesn't like that, you should know" Kiara said

"We are going up to Zach's room, we don't want unwanted people around" Cameron said looking at me and they left. I wish it didn't bother me that he doesn't like me.

"I hate him! I wish he would get in this huge fight with Megan and they break up, I know how much that will crush him, I want him destroyed" I said

"Tay, what you did was unnecessary" Isabella said

"You are just saying that because you like him" I said

"No, she's right, that was mean and also what you said" Melisa said

"Whatever let’s forget about him" I said. For a long time we hung out and I was fully happy until we got back home and they were outside sitting on the grass. Zach and Megan were making out and Isabella looked crushed

"To the movies!" Michael yelled making everyone stop what they were doing and got up.

"Ki, you drive" Zach said giving her his keys

"Do you guys want to come?" Nathan asked my friends

"Sure" "Yeah" they said and I was dragged. I looked at Zach's arm and smiled. I was the one who messed up his skate board, it's my fault that he is like that and it makes me happy. That jerk deserves everything bad that happens to him and I am going to make sure it doesn't stop yet.
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Taylor is so mean isn't she?