Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 44: Addictions

Kiara's POV

"How was your date?" Zach asked. Zach, Cam and I were sitting on the tree next to my window.

"It was great" I said smiling big

"There's a reason behind that smile, now what is it?" Cam demanded

"You will never guess what actually happened before we went out" I said

"What happened?" Cam asked impatiently

"We were in his back yard lying on the grass looking at the clouds when we got quiet but it felt so right at the moment..." I said stopping and looked at their faces who wanted more

"Then what!?" Zach yelled

"He told me he loved me!" I yelled

"Ki that's great!" Zach yelled

"Now I know why you can't stop smiling. You said it back right?" Cam asked

"Of course I did then I kissed him" I said sighing happily

"I feel happy for you. I remember the first time we and Megan said I love you and I felt as if nothing could bring me down" Zach said. When he mentioned Megan I looked at Cam with worry in my eyes, Zach is so in love, I don't want his heart to break.

"Zach, what would happen if one day Megan does something horrible, will you still love her?" Cam asked and I glared at him

"Cam what kind of question is that? I know you are just trying to avoiding to talk about Tori" I said

"Yeah Cam, you and Tori" Zach said winking

"Shut up guys" Cam said

"Is Cameron embarrassed?" Zach teased

"You're embarrassing" Cam said

"Why would I be embarrassing?" Zach asked posing

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Cam asked. I smiled at their bickering, they can be so entertaining to watch. They were arguing but then Zach took out his phone and read a text.

"What's it say?" I asked

“Megan wants me to go to her house" Zach said

"Aww but we were having fun" I whined. I was having fun with him but more importantly I don't want him with Megan.

"Don't go" Cam said

"At least stay longer" I insisted

"Fine" Zach said and texted her

"Yay!" I yelled

"I never told you guys but Kira if you never would have called that night I hung out with Vic I would have-" Zach said but I cut him off

"I know what would have happened" I said. I wanted to pull her hair for that, after she is done with Kenny she tries to get with Zach and act like nothing happened. She is disgusting.

"How did you know?" I asked quietly, he is embarrassed, I can tell by the tone of his voice.

"I just do" I said

"Guys I love her so much" Zach said

"We know" Cam said. We stayed on the tree a bit longer then went in Cam's pool. We had so much fun then Nathan came and things got even better. Zach didn't want to leave so he called Megan and told her to come. I didn't want her with us but whatever it’s better than him at her house. She kept trying to sneak off with Zach but we would appear out of nowhere and kill the moment. Cam and I had started calling him and also send him annoying texts.

Next Day

I was sitting on a bench talking to Jake, we were at school waiting for the first period to begin. He is telling me cute and cheesy stuff and he knows I love it. He was also saying that once its summer we are going on a romantic but very fun adventure. Now I can't wait for this year to end, just four more months.

"You are the best boyfriend EVER!" I yelled putting my arms around his neck and hugged him tight.

"That is because you deserve the best" he said

"Aww that's so cute" I said

"Just like you, but look over there" he said, I turned to where he said and I saw Cam and Tori really close. I smiled to myself watching them. Jake grabbed my hand so I could get up then we started walking. I saw Zach and I smiled but then I saw Megan next to him and it faded.

"Where's the pretty smile?" Jake asked

"Have you noticed that Megan is... different?" I asked

"She seems more clingy to Zach but I feel something about her, I have also noticed that guys have been looking at her different" he said, well that is new, I wasn't aware guys look at her, they must either be guys that have slept with her or guys who want to sleep with her. I turned again and saw that Zach was arguing with someone, I look a better look at the other person and it was Kenny. Jake and I rushed over to them.

"At least I don't have a whore as a girlfriend!" Kenny yelled once we got there, Zach got so mad that he punched him in the face. Jake pulled Zach back and had a hard time keeping him from beating up Kenny. Kenny was mad that Zach hit him and kept insulting everyone Zach cares about. Megan went up to Kenny and slapped him in the face.

"Zach calm down, he wants to get you mad and its working" Jake said

"Look at what you caused" I whispered to Megan

"What are you talking about?" she asked

"I know what you did at the party" I said

"He will never believe you" she said and ran over to his side.

"Stay away from Zach if you know what’s good for you" I said

"I'm not scared of you!" Kenny yelled

"Well you should!" I yelled back. Jake and Cameron were trying to take Zach out of here.

"Don't get in a fight over this" I said putting a hand on his face.

"But he gets me so mad" Zach said trying to calm himself

"I know he does but ignore him" I said. Few minutes later he calmed down and the guys let him go.

"Mina's over there, let's go" Cam said. Mina was talking with three girls as we approach her.

"Wanna be a rebel?" her friend asked her

"Yeah I guess" Mina said

"Ok then let’s go to the restroom" her friend said

"Why there?" Mina asked

"So no one will catch us" her other friend said

"Catch us doing what?" Mina asked

"Smoking" her friend said

"That’s what you want me to do? Are you crazy? I'm not doing that shit" Mina said

"Are you going to be a baby ?" her friend asked

"I'm not doing it" Mina said

"Seriously, live a little, have some fun, don't be a chicken" her friend said

"I said no" Mina said

"If you don't come with us then we don't want to be your friends" her "friend" said and the other two nodded

"Then I guess we're not friends" Mina said

"Fine then, stay with your loser friends" said the girl and looked at us then they left

"Hey don't be sad" Zach said hugging her

"You did the right thing" I said reassuring her. The rest of the day was pretty normal.

Zach's POV

I'm with Jake and we are going to practice. I was still able to stay in the team but I think that is only because Mark was next in line after me to be Captain. If I were to get out of the team he was to be Capitan even if someone was better than him. Since the coach had chosen him over me last time the team had suffered a lot and I didn't think the coach would want that again so Mark was only Capitan until I was able to play again. While he was in charge of the team lost most of the time. We are in the locker room and I sighed when I saw my friend Paul. I told him that he showed up drugged to practice or a game I would get him off the team even if he is my friend and yet he did it again. I sighed again and Jake put a hand on my back.

"You have to" he said and I walked over to Paul.

"Paul, I need to talk to you" I said

"Go ahead" he said

"I would prefer this to be in private" I said

"Who cares, just tell me" he said annoyed

"I'm taking you out the team" I said and the other guys turned to us.

"Why? You can't do this, why?" Paul asked

"You know why" I said

"No I don't" he said

"I told you that if you showed up here like this again I was taking you out" I said

"Showed up here how?" he asked

"Don't play that game with me, you know" I said

"No I don't so tell me" he said

"Because you're on drugs" I said and some of the guys were shocked

"I already suspected it" said one of them

"Please Zach, don't do this" he pleased, I wanted to give in so bad

"But you did it again" I said

"I promise I will stop" he said

"You have told me that so many times, I don't think I can believe you" I said

"You can, I mean it this time" he said

"That's what you said last time" I said

"Please don't" he said

"I'm sorry" I said

"If you don't like who I am then I guess I should get out of here! Some friend you are!" he yelled

"I don't like what you became not who you are. True friends tell you when you are wrong and try to help you" I said

"You guys are gonna regret this, I am better than all of you, even you Zach, I'm better than you in Hockey and other things" he said smirking at me before he left. "I quit" he told the coach who was just walking in

"It had to be done" said one of my teammates. The team tried to act as if nothing happened but I couldn't help but feel bad. We were good friends but ever since he started using drugs changed him, he would always lie to us and break every promise but we couldn't give up on him. Jake and I tried to help him in many ways but nothing seemed to work.

After practice I hung out with Nate, we even worked on a song, which was inspired by Paul. When I left him I went out with Megan. We were walking in the park and everything seemed so perfect at the moment. That moment quickly vanished when I saw Kristen sitting on a bench smoking. She felt someone looking at her and looked up. When she saw me her face transformed into guilt. I looked at her and couldn't believe it.

"Please don't look at me like that" Kristen said

"I can't believe you would do this, you are 14 Kristen, 14" I said looking in her eyes

"Stop looking at me that way, I hate that look in your eyes, I hate that I disappointed you, I would rather you be mad at me than disappointed" she said

"Leave her alone, she looks guilty, I don't think she would do it again, let’s go" Megan said

"No, I'm not going anywhere" I said

"I'm so sorry Zach, I don't want you to be disappointed in me, you were never supposed to find out. I wanted to avoid this moment" Kristen said

"Why are you doing this? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked

"I needed an escape from all the stress, stress from school, stress from my parents, this was the only option. I didn't tell you because you were always busy and also I didn't want to bother you" she said

"I would have listened to you no matter how busy I was and you know that" I said

"I didn't want you to know who I became. I knew you would never approve, I never wanted you to see me the way you are looking at me now" she said

"Mina always said there was a weird smell when she passed by your room, I always thought she was only exaggerating. I should have known something was up. How long have you been doing this?" I asked

"Probably like four months" she said quietly and I sighed trying to control my anger

"Please forgive me!" she yelled and ran up to me and hugged me

"Please stop doing this" I said hugging her back

"I promise" she said and I hope it’s not like one of Paul's promises

"I'm sorry, please forgive me” she said

"Who else knows?" I asked

"No one. Please don't tell you parents" she pleaded

"I don't like to lie" I said

"Please Zach, don't, I will never smoke again. Please Zach don't tell" she pleaded getting on her knees

"Oh no, Kristen, please don't do that, get up Princess" I said

"Princess?" she questioned

"You're still my Princess" I said helping her up

"You're the best" she said hugging me

"No more lying to me and if you need me TALK to me, pinky promise" I said

"Pinky promise" she said

"I have the most forgiving boyfriend ever, I'm so lucky" Megan said

Cameron's POV

I haven't told Kira or Zach yet but Tori and I kissed. It was totally unexpected. We were hanging out together, we had been playing video games. We were really into it and she FINALLY beat me, she got very excited and jumped on me. There was nothing romantic about the situation but we just kissed. I was very embarrassed and I wouldn't look at her, she seemed embarrassed too and things were kind of awkward for a while. We didn't talk to each other the whole weekend until we saw each other at school. We tried to pretend nothing happened but by the end of the day we couldn't take the awkwardness anymore. We both confessed that we liked each other but agreed on taking things slow. She is not my girlfriend yet but she is not far from it. But that's not important, what's important is that she likes me too. I can't stop thinking about her, I wonder if this is how Zach and Kira felt. I'll show Tori I can be the best boyfriend she will have but for
now I will have to do with dates and I will inch my way into her heart.
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sorry that it took me forever to get this up but i have half of the next chapter written

hope everyone had a great time during the holidays

i just realized today that my birthday is on hanukkah lol