Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 45: Only In My Dreams

Cameron's POV

Our graduation was about a month ago. Kira, Zach, and I had our graduation party the same day. We wanted to share that day with each other. Graduation was great and I felt proud of myself for making it this far. When we released our caps I felt free, kind of like a new me was formed. The party was also fun, it was actually something we had been planning for a while, our big party. The party was exactly how we pictured it except of one thing, I didn't have Tori.


To Tori: Hey

From Tori: Hey Cam

To Tori: Can we meet up i have something to tell you

From Tori: I was going to say the same thing haha

To tori: Oh really

From Tori: Yup haha

To Tori: Wanna go on a walk

From Tori: Ok come to my house

To Tori: kk brt

I went to pick her up at her house and from there we walked around. We were quiet for a while until we spoke up.

"I need to-" we both said at the same time

"Ladies first" I said, she nodded and her eyes got watery.

“I have bad news" she said sadly

"What is it?" I asked

"My parents" she said and started crying

"What about them?" I asked

"They are sending me away" she choked out and I froze

"W-what do you mean out?" I asked

"Out of the country" she said crying harder

"What?... When?" I asked

"In 2 weeks! I won’t even finish the school year here! They are sending me to Europe!" she yelled shaking and all I could do was hold her tight. She was leaving me, she is going to Europe. I was going to ask her to be my girl friend right now...

"I'm going to miss you" I finally said

"Me too. When I go you have to find a girl who deserves you. You need to live your dream ok, do it for me" she said shaking

End of Flashback

I miss her so much. I wonder if she thinks about me. My friends have done a great job cheering me up but deep inside I feel emptiness. Zach says that heartbreak is the worst pain. I guess he is right, I remember how he got with his previous girlfriends. The only difference is that they hurt him on purpose and I know Tori would never do that. Michael tells me to enjoy my single life, ever since he's been single he flirts with random girls. Tori said to live my dream and I'm going to fight for it but I won't look for any other girl, the only girl I want is Tori. I hope I get to see her again.

Kiara's POV

I was at Zach's house, we were on his bed playing a board game. He has a whole stack of games and puzzles and it's been forever since we played. He keeps beating me and is laughing at me.

"Stop, it's not funny" I complained

"Yes it is" he said laughing. I pushed him and he fell of the bed. We stayed quiet for a moment then we burst out laughing.

"Cheater!" he accused

"Nuh huh" I said laughing. I was laughing then I felt his arms around my waist and he made me fall back.

"Haha!" he teased now that I was also on the ground.

"You're so mean" I said pouting

"You pushed ME!" he yelled

"Whatever Zach" I said

"You just don't like that you've been losing" he said smirking

"Oh no you didn't" I said. At the same time we attacked each other, we were trying to tickle each other and were rolling around. If someone were to come in his room right now they would get the wrong idea, but for me and Zach this is nothing. Acting like this is just a game even if it looks like more. We stopped and stayed on the ground panting and laughing. I guess his mom heard our laughter, so she came in.

"What's so funny? What are you two up to" she asked

"Oh nothing, you know us" Zach said smiling

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, she smiled at us shaking her head then left the room.

"Let's make a puzzle" Zach said

"Fine, that way you can't beat me" I said

"Yes and so you won't push me off my bed" he said glaring at me then got up and brought a puzzle. It was a 1000 piece and it was taking us forever. I looked at Zach's face and started laughing, he looked so funny so concentrated.

"Zach I quit" I said pouting

"Fine" he said. We took it apart and I started throwing the pieces up in the air.

"You sure are happy today" Zach said and I smiled

"Zach" I said in an innocent voice

"Oh no, what do you Want?" he asked

"I want to make a club house" I said in a kid voice. We used to make them all the time with blankets surrounding us but it was usually Zach building everything. He looked around his room looking thoughtful then smiled.

"Ok but you have to help me this time" he said

"Yay" I said hugging him. We made the club house and it actually looked pretty cool. We could actually sleep in here is we wanted. We were laughing when my phone rang. I sighed but then saw that it was Jake so I smiled.

"Hey" I answered cheerfully

"Um, you know the sir who owns this phone?" a male voice asked

"Um yes... Why do you have Jake's phone?" I asked

"I found him" he said

"Who are you? Why are you calling me?" I asked and Zach looked at me

"I found the boy" he said

"What do you mean you found the boy? Where? Do you mean Jake? What are you talking about?" I asked. Zach noticed I was this call was upsetting me and took my phone.

"If this is a joke you better stop! Leave my friend alone!" Zach yelled at the man. He told Zach something making him freezes.

"Zach what is it? What did he tell you?" I asked. Zach looked at me and I saw sympathy in his eyes, but why?

"This has to me a mistake, it can't be" Zach told the man. Zach sighed then hung up.

"What did he tell you?" I asked

"I don't know how you are going to take this" Zach said

"Please tell me" I said

"You have to be strong ok. I am going to tell you because you deserve to know and also because I can't keep secrets from you. I'm sure you'd do the same. I-" Zach said

"Please just tell me" I said getting worried and feeling guilty at him saying he can't keep secrets from me and he is sure I wouldn't either. But all I'm trying to do is to keep him from pain- oh right, Zach needs to tell me something.

"... The guy that called found Jake..." Zach said trailing off and grabbed my hand but I moved it away.

"Found him where? Just tell me!" I yelled annoyed

"He found him... dead" Zach whispered. At first I didn't get it but when the news sank in I kept shaking my head.

"No NO NO! That’s not true!" I yelled. He moved closer to me and hugged me tight but I pushed him away.

"You're lying!" I yelled

"I would never lie to you and especially of something this serious" Zach said

"He can't be gone! He can't! We love each other!" I yelled

"I'm so sorry Kiara" he said. I threw my arms on Zach and cried to him. I cried for a long time before I asked the question.

"How?" I asked but he stayed quiet

"How!" I demanded

"H-he got... killed" Zach said holding me tight. I shook my head as my heart broke more than I thought possible.

"I'm sorry Angle" Zach said softly

"Why would someone do that? Why him?" I asked

"I don't know. He didn't deserve it" Zach said

"How did they do it?" I asked

"Don't torture yourself" he said

"Please tell me" I said

"He got stabbed" he said. This isn't fair! This can't be happening! My crying got harder and harder, Zach held me in his arms not letting go while I cried. I heard the door open but none of us moved.

"What's going on and why is she crying?" Mrs. Porter asked

"Mom please go" Zach said as politely as possible. I heard foot steeps then out of nowhere the blankets were taken down.

"What happened?" she asked

"Leave her alone, I'm here for her" Zach said and I closed my eyes

"Honey tell me what happened to her" she insisted

"Mom please" he said

"I want to help" she said

"Look mom, something happened. Please leave her alone, please" he said

"Just tell her" I said

"Jake's gone" Zach whispered

"What do you mean gone?... Oh no" she said taking me out if Zach's arms and hugged me. I let her hug me but I wanted to go back with Zach. Only Zach and Cam can make me feel better.

"That's horrible" she said as if I was her daughter. I hugged her tight but then let go and went back to Zach. I wish Jake was here. I wish he was smiling at me right now. I wish he was kissing me. I wish Jake was here with me.

"I'm right here, I won't leave you. Cry all you need, I'm here for you. I won't let you go" Zach said

"Stay with her Honey" she told him

"I'm not going anywhere" he said

"Stop crying" she said soothingly

"No, let her get it out" he said

"I'll leave you two alone" she said then I heard the door close then open again.

"Woah what's going on?" I heard Cam ask

"Don't ask questions and hug her, she needs it" Zach said. Cam came and sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me. As they were both hugging me I started hitting Zach all of a sudden but he didn't stop me.

"Zach and I are here for you, we love you. You are not alone" Cam said. Zach must have somehow told him.

"W-what did t-the guy t-tell you?" I asked Zach

"I'll tell you later" Zach said "Zach please" I said

"I'll tell you tomorrow" Zach said

"Maybe if I stayed with him instead of coming with you he'd still be here!" I yelled pushing Zach Away from me.

"You told me to hang out with you that's why he left! If I never came with you he would still be with me! I hate you Zach, you took me away from him, I hate you!" I yelled

"Don't listen to her" Cam said

"I do Cam. I hate Zach!" I yelled

"Please don't say that" Zach said

"Go away Zach I hate you! I don't want to see you ever again! You're not my best friend anymore!" I yelled. He looked at me then left his room leaving me with Cam. I leaned back on Cam and continued crying then I heard him sigh.

"What?" I asked, "Tell me" I insisted

"It's about Zach" he said

"Then I don't care" I said

"That’s what I thought" he mumbled. Zach's mom came in and she looked confused.

"Where's Zach, I thought he was going to stay with her?" she asked

"He's with Megan. Kira got mad at him and he left" he said then she left.

"I hate him" I kept repeating then stopped a few minutes later crying harder realizing what I said.

"Shhh shhh you'll be ok" Cam said

"I told Zach I hate him" I said

"I know you did" he said sighing

"I told him he's not my best friend anymore, I said I didn't want to see him ever again, I told him I hated him" I said crying harder. Why did I tell him all those stuff? I need him.

"Call him" I said quickly

"To yell at hi-" Cam said

"No! Tell him to come back" I pleaded

"He's not answering his phone" he said and I kept crying. I miss Jake. I loved him so much. I looked at Zach's clock and it was 11, how long has it been since my life came crashing down?

"Call him again" I said

"He's still not answering" Cam said

"Make him come back. I don't want him with Megan. I want him with me. I can't lose Zach too. Make him come back" I pleased

"I'm sorry there's nothing I can do" He said

"I need him. Why did I tell those things at him?" I asked. Two of my favorite people are gone and it's all my fault. Jake was such a good person, it's not fair what happened to him.

"Zach told me they killed him. How could someone do that?" I asked. Cam rubbed my back and we remained quiet for hours, none of us got any sleep. I saw the sun creeping through the window, Zach didn't even close the curtain.

"I wish everything was a dream" I said crying again.

"I do too. He was more Zach's friend but he was still my friend" Cam said

"Give me my phone" I said

"It's not here, why?" he asked

"I want to call that guy. Zach didn't tell me everything, I want to know" I said

"Well you phone is not here. Try to get some sleep, you didn't sleep all night" he said stroking my hair

"I can't sleep" I said

"I brought you two some breakfast" Mrs. Porter said coming in

"I'm not hungry" I mumbled

"You have to eat something" she said. She sat next to me and made me eat. How could she be so nice to me after how I've been with Zach. I looked at her then I started to cry.

"Did I do something you just looked at me and started crying?" she asked

"Zach" I said

"She told Zach some things than she now regrets and wants him to come back" Cam said

"He left few minutes ago with Megan" she said

"He was, how was he?" I asked she laughed at me a little before answering

"He was mad" she said and I looked down

"Oh no, not at you, he was mad at Megan but he didn't tell me why" she said

"Why did he have to be with her?" I mumbled

"He told me to give you this" she said giving me my phone then left

"Oh he also said you can stay here as long as you want" she said before closing the door. I hugged Cam and cried.

"It's ok, everything will be ok" he said

"No it isn't, everything is getting worse" I said

"Nothing can get worse" he said

"I doubt that" I said

"I love Jake, why did he have to go?" I asked after a while

"Don't think about that" he said

"I can't stop thinking about that" I said

"Why don't you sleep a little" Cam suggested

"I want to go home" I said

"Fine let’s go" he said and helped me up. I laid on my bed and cried for a long time while Cam rubbed by back.

"Please call Zach again" I said

"He still won’t answer me" he said

"He never told me what I wanted to know yesterday, he said we would tell me today. Tell him that or text him" I said. Few minutes later his phone rang and I knew it was Zach.

"What did he say? Tell me" I pleased

"You don't have to know this" he said

"Tell me" I insisted

"It will only make you feel worse" he said

"I want to know" I demanded

"Zach said that Jake was... stabbed multiple times and that when he was found he had already lost too much blood and had been there for a long time" Cam said softly. I grabbed him and hugged him tight.

"Is he as his house?" I asked. He knew who I was talking about.

"Yes" Cam said

"Let's go, please. I need him too. I'm sorry for everything I told him" I said

"You should rest" Cam said

"I can't" I said

"Fine let's go to Zach's" Cam said. When we went in his room he was looking out the window.

"Zach" I said and he turned to us

"Please don't yell at me again" he said

"I'm sorry for what I said" I apologized

"You said I wasn’t your best friend anymore, you said you hated me" Zach said

"I didn't mean it. I'm sorry" I said hugging him and he immediately hugged me back

"You don't hate me no more right?" he asked

"I never did" I said and pulled Cam in for a group hug. We got in his bed and I was in the middle of them while they hugged me. We stayed like that for a really long time. I had stopped crying and just sat there motionless. I turned to Cam and he gave me a reassuring smile, I looked at Zach and he looked lost in thought with a few tears running down.

"Zach what's wrong?" I asked but he didn't hear me. I know Jake and were really good friends but I didn't think it would affect him like this.

"Zach" I said shaking him and he shook his head "Why are you crying? Are you ok?" I asked

"What? Oh nothing, it's nothing" he said whipping his tears and smiled at me.

"Please don't lie to me" I said

"... It's just that... a year ago I lost my grandma... I guess this brought back memories and Jake being my friend... I'm going to tell my mom to get you something to eat" Zach said getting up

"I'm not hungry" I said, he ignored me and left

"You need to eat" Cam said

"No I don't" I said

"Yes you do" he said. Zach came back a few minutes later with sandwiches for all of us.

We were all at the funeral. All his family and friends were here, even a few teachers. I went to look at him and it was as if he was only sleeping. I've seen him sleep many times and always looked to peaceful...

"H-he's just taking a nap and w-will wake up soon... this is just a prank" I said

"Shh Angle. It's ok, I miss him too" Zach said standing next to me. I broke down and Zach held me up. Michael, Nathan, and Cam came up to me and gave me a tight hug. I wish this was all a dream. I wish none of this ever happened.

"Your friends are here for you, we won’t leave you alone in this" Michael said

"This can't be happening" I cried

"You're strong, you'll get through this" Cam said. Jake's mom came up to me and we cried together.

I found myself on a bed. I was confused and everything seemed cloudy. I looked around and realized I was in my room. How did I get here? What happened? Where is everyone? I was so confused but then I remembered everything. It wasn't a dream. Everything was real, the person I love is gone. I'm all alone and apparently someone put something to make me sleep in one of the things I drank. I'm all alone and falling apart but the only person that can fix me is not here. I will never see Jake again.
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wow took me forever to get this done :P
poor Cam and Kira...

i have the next chapter written i just have to find some time to type it
should be soon :)