Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 46: Sorry...

Taylor's POV

My supper has been great. High school is over and I feel wonderful. I wish my patents would have been there for me when I graduated but you can't have everything. When I'm 21 I will receive money my parents left for me.

"Hey Taylor" Kenny, my boyfriend said. He asked me out a week ago and I told him yes.

"Hey" I said

"This party is a bit boring" he said

"Then let’s get it started" I said

"Alright" he said. I'm not with him because I have feelings for him but because he is fun to be around. I can always count on him to have a good time. I'm sure he feels the same. I lost track of time and was having a blast what I saw and we smirked at each other.

Zach's POV

The guys and I were all together keeping Kira company. She's doing a bit better but she is still devastated. Sometimes she would stare off into space without making a sound for a long time but we let her be.

"Let's go out for ice cream" I said

"You guys so" Kira said and I sighed. I was about to say something but I got a text. When I saw who it was I sighed even louder but read it anyway.

From Taylor: Before you ignore this you got to know this is about megan

To Taylor: What about her

From Taylor: She's not feeling so well i think you should come get her

To Taylor: Where is she

From Taylor: At andys party come quick b4 its too late!

To Taylor: Too late for what

Taylor didn't reply and I got up.

"Where are you going?" Mikey asked

"With Megan" I said quickly

"But now I want ice cream" Kira said

"Go with them" I said and ran out. The 10 minute drive felt like eternity. I got to the party and looked everywhere for Megan but couldn't find her. That's when I got another text from Taylor
From Taylor: She is up in a room HURRY!!

I read the text and raced up the stairs looking everywhere. When I finally found her I felt my heart stop. I saw her WITH Paul. She is cheating on me! This can't be real, I can't! I stood there in the door way watching them and couldn't believe it. Why would she do this to me? Megan turned and saw me.

"Zach" she said surprised

"I can't believe you would do this!" I yelled

"No, Zach, listen to me, t-this isn't what it looks like" she said

"Don't give me that excuse! How could you do this to me!? Any you, I thought you were my friend!" I yelled

"Zach I love you" Megan said

"I told you I was better at you at OTHER stuff besides Hockey" Paul said smirking. That mean she has been cheating on me with him since then! No, no, this-No!

"How could I have been so blind! We're over! I don't want to see any of you ever again!" I yelled and ran out

"Bye" Paul yelled out

"Zach wait!" Megan yelled but I ignored her. I drove to my house and almost crashed 2 times.

"Honey are you ok?" my mom asked

"Leave me alone!" I yelled and ran up to my room locking the door

"Open the door Zach!" she yelled

"Go away!" I yelled and felt the tears coming. How could I be crying her? I wish I could make myself stop. My mom kept yelling at me but I ignored her, then I heard footsteps. I was surprised when I saw my mom standing there. I forgot she has an extra key to my room.

"What's wrong?" she asked sitting next to me and I hugged her

"M-my life i-is ruined" I said

"Honey what happened?" she asked

“Megan" I said

"My baby, please don't cry" she said

"I-I trusted her!" I yelled

"Oh no, is it what I think it is" she said

"Mom I SAW them. Mom my girlfriend... She cheated me" I said and he hugged me tighter

"She didn't deserve you" my mom said

"She broke my heart" I whispered

"Mommy's here" she said then I heard pounding on the door

"It's her! I don't want to see her. Mom don't let her see me!" I pleaded. My mom left my room then I heard yelling. I don't know what my mom is doing to keep her away from me but I'm grateful. Few minutes later the yelling stopped and my mom came back.

"I swear I will get you back Zach Porter!" Megan yelled from the outside

"I will never go back with her! She hurt me too much. I will never forgive her. I will never forget what she did. She broke my heart. She... She... Mom it hurts so much" I said and she hugged me, I was no longer crying but I felt more broken than ever before.

"I know it hurts but you're my little boy and you can get through this, I know you can" she said

"I can't, I will never be fixed" I said

"Yes you can, you can get through anything" she said

"The pain won’t go away. What I saw won’t go away. I loved her so much, she was everything for me. Make the pain go away" I sad desperately

"Try to sleep" she said touching my face

"I can't sleep, not like this" I said

"Yes you can and you will" she said and made me have one of the pills they gave Kira. I begged her so much to not make me take it but she didn't listen to me. I guess the pill didn't work that good because later that night I woke up screaming from a nightmare. My mom tried to comfort me but I told her to leave me alone and she did. I sat on my bed for a long time until I made a decision. I got up and out my window then headed to my spot on the beach. I fell to the sand and stayed there for such a long time never moving. I lost track of how long I stayed there, days and nights had passed.

Cameron's POV

We all stayed at Kira's house for the night. Ever since everything with Jake she hadn't slept alone. It was the morning and Zach's mom came over and frantically asked if we knew where Zach was or if we had seen him or if he told us anything but we didn't know anything.

"He might be with Megan" I suggested

“He would never go with her" she said

"If he is not here then he must be with her" I said

"No because they broke up, she broke his heart and now I don't know where he is" she said and we got quiet

"What did she do?" Kira asked

"I'm sorry I can't tell you" Mrs. Porter said

"He might be at a friend’s house, we'll start looking for him" Kira said

"Thank you" Mrs. Porter said

"How long has he been gone?" Nathan asked

"I left him alone at midnight but in the morning he was gone" Mrs. Porter said

"He hasn't been gone that long, we'll find him in no time" Michael said

"I hope so" Mrs. Porter said. We looked everywhere but we couldn't find him.

It has been two days and still nothing. This situation is making us worried. Zach has never been gone this long. Zach has gone missing before when he was upset but not like this, he is usually gong for a few hours. Why does Zach always have to runaway? Kira is really upset, Zach missing is worrying her too much. I hope we find him soon.

"Kira please stop crying" I said

"Cameron it's been a week, a week and he's still missing" she said. We are all at his house.

"I'm so worried" Mrs. Porter said hugging Mr. Porter

"He has to come back" Mr. Porter said

"I hope he's ok. What is he's hurt? What if something happened to him? What if he's lying in the street? What if he's in a hospital? What if he's... he's-" Mrs. Porter said getting cutt off

"Don't say it. Don't even think it! He IS ok" Mr. Porter said

"I can't lose him too. I already lost Jake, I can't lose Zach too. I wouldn't be able to take it. I can't lose him!" Kira said

"You won't lose him" Michael said

"He will come back, he probably just needs his time alone. He will be back" Nathan said

"I wish he would have came to us instead of running off" I said trying to sound mad but it didn't hide the worry I was feeling. The door opened and then we saw Zach. At first we were all surprised to see him there then we got him in a group hug. He looked terrible though.

"I was so worried. Never do that again. Are you hurt? Oh Zach I'm so glad you're here" Mrs. Porter said still hugging him. Everyone was yelling at him for leaving and for having us so worried but he wasn't even listening. He hasn't said a word since he got here. They started shaking him trying to get him to react.

"Please leave me alone" he whispered barely audible. His voice sounded worse than how he looked. You could tell he's in pain.

"What did she do to you?! Tell me Zach! What did she do to you! I'll make her pay! What did she do!?" Kira demanded but he looked like he was about to break down.

"Honey come sit down" Mrs. Porter said making him sit.

"Are you hungry?" she asked and he shook his head
"How about cookies?" Vic asked and he shook his head again

"Bring them" Mrs. Porter said and she was able to force him to eat a few cookies.

"Just leave me alone!" Zach yelled and ran to his room but we went after him. The guys, Kira, and I sat on his bed next to him.

"Za-" Kira started

"I said leave me ALONE!" Zach yelled

"Well too bad cus we're not going anywhere" I said

"Please go" Zach whispered desperately. Kira tried to hug him but he pushed her away. She hugged him and didn't let go while he struggled to get her off. He gave up and hugged her back.

"Talk to us" Nathan said

"Yea bro, we're here to listen" Michael said

"I thought he loved me" Zach said

"She didn't deserve you, you're a great guy" I said. I don't know what she did but as long as he doesn't know she’s a cheating bitch. If he knew what happened at the party I'm sure that would destroy him for sure.

"You don't need her" Kira said

"She was everything to me" Zach said

"Well obviously you weren't. She didn't care enough about you. She didn't love you Zach" Kira said. That was harsh.

"What she is trying to say is that you don't need someone like her" I said glaring at her, "You need to move on"

"How can I move on if I have all this pain. This pain that won't go away. This pain that is destroying me, how!?" Zach asked. We all stayed quiet and Kira hugged him tighter.

Kiara's POV

It's been a few weeks since the break up and Zach is still pretty bad. I wish I knew what she did to him. I hate seeing him so heartbroken. Most of the time he seems so out of it. I don't know what it will take to make him happy again, I wish there was a way of taking all his pain away.

"Cheer up buddy" Cam said

"I can't!" Zach yelled throwing himself back on his bed.

"It's not the end of the world" Michael said

"But my life is falling apart" Zach said

"You have a future, you have dreams, so after that. Don't give up, she's not worth this" Nathan said

"She was my future" Zach said. We tried to make him feel better when Cam's phone started ringing. He quickly answered then froze.

"Who is it?" I asked

"N-no one" he said looking at Zach

"It's Her huh?... Tell her to stop calling! No matter what she does I'm not going to talk to her!" Zach yelled

"Leave him alone" Cam said

"Tell her to never call again! I don't care what she has to say! I don't want to hear her! I don't want anything from her! Tell her to leave me alone!" Zach yelled getting really worked up

"Don't call anymore, any of us" Cam said and hung up

"She's not sorry, she doesn't care" Zach yelled

"Calm down" Michael said. Megan had been calling Zach nonstop trying to get him to forgive her but it only got him madder. I think she's only sorry she doesn't have a boyfriend.

"I hate love! It's pointless and it only causes pain!" Zach yelled

"That's not true, look at your parents" I said

"Then love was never meant for me" Zach said

"You just haven't met the right girl" Nathan said

"That's because she doesn't exist! Love isn't meant for me! I will never find the girl for me!" Zach yelled

"What's all the yelling about?" Mrs. Porter asked coming in

"A call from Megan got him upset" I said

"I hate my life!" Zach yelled

"Honey don't say that" Mrs. Porter said. We managed to calm him down but now instead of mad he's sad. From there it was impossible to cheer him up.

Michael told me to go with him on a walk. He said I needed a break and that I needed to clear my head. He's right, I'm stressed out because of Jake and Zach. This is not an easy time in my life. We walked through the park and saw the one and only, it was Megan. I couldn't resist and I went up to her and punched her in the face.

"That's for Zach!" I yelled punching her more

"Get off me! Leave me alone! Stop!" she yelled

"What did you do to him!?! Tell me!" I yelled pulling her hair

"I'm not telling you anything!" she yelled

"Answer me!" I yelled getting impatient

"Get off me! Shouldn't you be crying over your boyfriend!" she yelled. That did it. I couldn't control myself and kept punching her. Michael had a hard time getting me off her. When he finally did I looked at her and she was bleeding from her lip, nose and other cuts.

"Kiara calm down and let's get out of here" he said and gently dragged me away. No words could describe how mad I am.

When I woke up the next day I got an idea on how to cheer up Zach. I told the guys about it and thought it was a good idea. I told the guys that they should get together as a band and have practice. I'm sure that will distract Zach, he always gets lost in his music. I drove Zach to Michael's house but after some convincing. At first he was not singing that great, he kept singing without rhythm and not on time with the guys, I don't even thing he cared. He started doing better and better until he sang like he normally does. It was as if Zach was back. This was all he needed, his music. He was singing Clock Runs Out when all of a sudden he stopped singing and ran out.

"What just happened?" Michael asked confused

"Zach wait!" I yelled

"Go after him" Nathan told me and I ran to catch up to him. I found him in his car struggling to turn it on and shaking.

"Open the door!" I yelled pounding on the car. He looked at me then sighed and clicked unlock.

"You're not driving like that" I said taking his keys. This is exactly why I didn't want him to drive before.

"I have to get out of here, I can't take it anymore. Please let me go" Zach said with so much plead in his voice

"I can't let you go like this, you can't even turn on the car, how are you going to drive?” I asked
"Please" he said

"How about we leave and I drive?" I asked

"Fine" he mumbled. We left and he explained that the song brought back a lot of memories. I drove around a while not really knowing where to go and we ended up going to the place he used to go with his grandma. We sat on the hill for a long time looking at the city until he finally spoke up.

"I feel so alone" Zach whispered

"You're not alone" I said

"But that's how I feel" he said

"Remember how I used to always say that now I'm all alone and I would tell you to guys to leave me alone but you said that's not what friends do. You said friends help each other and you helped me with Jake's death, you've tried helping me so much and now it's my turn to help you" I said hugging him

"I couldn't leave you alone. It's my job to keep you from being sad" he said

"Jake wouldn't want us to be sad" I said. He sighed and looked ahead. We both opened up told each other how we were feeling. I think that actually helped.
♠ ♠ ♠
tittle credit: Sorry... by: Allstar Weekend

aw Zach found out
seems like everything is going from bad to worse
will Kira and Cam tell Zach they knew?

im so excited about Allstar Weeekend