Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 47: Love Potion

Michael's POV

I was at Cameron's house and we were listening to music.

"So are you going to the party later?" I asked him

"I don't know... I'm not in a party mood" he said

"Oh come on, Nathan said he's going" I said

"Maybe" he said

"It'll be fun" I said

"Fine but lets to convince Kira too" he said

"Alright let's go" I said "Hey Kira" we said walking in her room

"Hey guys" she said

"What are you doing later?" I asked

"Nothing" she said

"Perfect" I said

"Why?" she asked

"You're going to a party with us" Cameron said

"No, I don't want to go to a party" she said

"Oh you're going" I said

"Well I'm not" she said

"You don't have a choice" Cameron said

"Fine, but... only if Zach goes" she said smirking

"It's practically impossible to get him to do anything" I said

"And he's so stubborn" Cameron said

"Then I guess I'm not going" Kira said

"Yes you are. Come on, let's go to Zach's house" Cameron said. When we got in Zach's room he was on the computer.

"What are you watching?" Kira asked

"Youtube videos" Zach said

"Of what?" Cameron asked

"NigaHiga" Zach said

"Who?" Cameron asked

"Come watch this video" Zach said and we went by his computer

"The Inflatable Green Ball?" I questioned

"It's funny" Zach said. We watched the video and couldn't stop laughing.

"Want to know how to be a gangster?" Zach asked

"Naww, I don't need that" I said

"Sure Mikey" Zach said sarcastically

"I want to know" Cameron said and Zach clicked on another NigaHiga video.

"I don't think this worked out to well for the other guy" Kira said laughing

"You seem like you're in a good mood today" I said, what a change

"Yeah I guess" he said

"So you don't mind going to a party with us" I said

"Count me out" Zach said

"You can't stay here all summer" Cameron said

"Yes I can" he said

"I'm not letting you stay here" I said

"Oh yeah and how are you going do that?" he asked

"I'll drag you if I have to" I said

"I don't want to go anywhere" he said

"You have to party like a rockstar, party like a rockstar" I sang

"T-t-t-totally dude" Cameron finished, Zach looked at us and shook his head smiling.

"What if she's there?" Zach asked, no longer smiling

"So what" I said

"I don't want to see her" he said

"You have to show her you don't care and that this isn't affecting you" I said

"But it is affecting me" he said

"You can't let her ruin your life. she can't keep you from enjoying your life" Cameron said

"That's right. You are still Zach and she can't change that" Kira said

"You have to go out and have fun. You can't give up. You can't waste your life because of her" I said

"Fine, I'll go to the stupid party" Zach said

"Yes!" I cheered

"That doesn't mean I'll enjoy it" Zach said

"You will" Cameron said

"Alright then we'll meet up at the party so let's get sexy" I said

Megan's POV

I was at the party when I saw Zach walk in by himself. This has to be my chance, I'm going to get him back. Before I went to Zach I went up to my brother's friend.

"I need your help" I whispered

"How can I help the little sister?" He asked

"I need you to give me something so that I can get my ex back" I whispered

"Oh, you want that kind of help" he said smirking

"Yes so can you help me?" I asked

"It's not like I have magic but I might be able to help you" he said

"Really?" I asked

"Yes but it will make him forget everything that happened" he said

"How is that going to help me?" I asked annoyed

"I don't know, like I said I don't work magic, this will only work for some time" he said

"Fine what is it?" I asked

"It's called Love Potion" he said

"So anything that happens he will forget?" I asked

"Yup" he said. I guess I'll have him for a little, better than nothing.

"So how does this work?" I asked. He took out a little bottle from his pocket and showed it to me taking, he's so stupid for taking it out here but whatever.

"So you will have enough with three drops, put it in his drink and he'll be all your for 2 hours" he said. 2 hours, that's so little.

"I'll pay you back later, besides you know where to find me" I said and went to pour 2 drinks. In the one for Zach I put the drops but then I put more because I thought 2 hours is stupid.

"Hi Zach" I said walking up to him and putting the drink in his hand.

"I don't want to talk to you" he said

"I miss you. At least share this drink with me" I said drinking from mine.

"There happy" he said chugging it then walked away

"Don't go, please" I said

"Leave me alone" he said and left me there. This stupid shit isn't working. Maybe I need more? I got him a other drink and poured more of the "Love Potion" in it

"I want to talk to you" I said catching up to him again

"I don't" he said

"I got you an other drink, it's not even full" I said. He took it and drank it as if it was water.

"Stop bothering me" he said

"Please come with me" I said dragging him to the drinks since this isn't working. I think I need more.

"Don't touch me" he said loudly and people turned to us.

"I need you" I said

"I doubt that" he said following me

"Yes I do. Where are you're friends anyway?" I asked distracting him as I poured him some soda, I don't want him to think I'm trying to get him drunk.

"They said they will be here later" he said

"Oh" I said giving him the cup

"I'm never going to forgive you for what you did" he said

"But I love you" I said

"No you don't" he said getting mad

"Yes I do. I love you Zach Porter" I said louder and giving him one last drink. If this doesn't work I'm going to throw it at that jerks face.

"How can you say that after what you did" he said

"I wasn't thinking. Please believe me" I said. Zach drank what I gave him then quickly sat down on a chair.

"Are you ok?" I asked, he looks dazed

"Just got dizzy" he mumbled

"I love you" I said

"You do?" he asked

"You know you love me too" I said

"Oh... Ok" he said. I think it's finally working. I sat on his lap and kissed him, he instantly kissed me back. It worked, I got him back!

"Follow me" I said leading him outside. I don't want his friends to see us. We were behind the house making out hungrily. I missed the way his lips felt on mine, the way his hands touched me.

"Don't leave me" I whispered

"I won't" he whispered back. I have no idea how much time has passed but I'm sure 2 hours have passed and he doesn't seem different. Maybe since I have him more it will last longer. Zach started to pull up my skirt and Iwas unbuttoning his jeans.

"Let's go somewhere else" I said and he kissed me once more then we went towards his car.

"Zach!" someone called out. Oh no.

"Zach let's go, hurry" I said and he followed slowly

"I thought I heard my name" he said confused

"Zach!" she called out again

"There it is again" he said

"Let's go" I said. Why did she have to see him?

"Zach wait!" she yelled. Ugh, I hate her! I can't believe she hit me the other day at the park.

"Hurry, let's go" I said dragging him

"Zach please wait!" she yelled

"Kira... it's Kira" Zach said

"Yeah but come on lets go" I said

"Zach, why didn't you- What are you doing here!?"she asked me

"Wait... Why do you two hate each other?" Zach asked

"Shh, don't say anything" I told him

"What do you mean why do I hate her? Because of what she did!" she yelled

"What did you do?" he asked me

"Don't listen to her, come on, we were going somewhere" I said

"You're not going anywhere with him!" she yelled

"Oh yeah! Zach let's go do what we were going to do" I said

"Ok" he simply said

"You can't go with her" she said

"Why not?" he asked

"Because of what she did to you" she said

"What did she do?" he asked

"I don't know, you never told me. You broke up with her! Zach seriously, what's wrong with you!?" she yelled

"Wait, I broke up with you?" he asked me

"No, she's lying" I said

"You are coming with me" she said dragging him away

"No Zach don't go! You said you wouldn't leave me!" I yelled. He stopped but she pulled on him. NO! I almost had him, no! Why did she have to show up now? Kiara Valentine ruined everything!

Kiara's POV

I have no idea what is going on with Zach. What was he doing with Megan? He seemed so... weird.

"Zach" I said

"Yeah" he said

"Why were you with Megan?" I asked

"Megan?... Oh her, don't we love each other?" he questioned

"Look at me" I said and he did. He looked ok but there was something different in his eyes... I found Michael and told him I was leaving because there was something wrong with Zach. When we were with Michael Zach squinted his eyes looking at Michael like trying to figure out who we was. This is not normal. I took him home and watched him for a little while and he seemed so different, kind of like if it was his first time here.

"Are you going to be ok alone or do you want me to stay with you?" I asked

"I'm ok alone" he said

"Ok then, bye" I said and kissed his cheek before leaving. Well that wasn't how I expected this night to end.

In the morning when I woke up I did the things I normally do. I thought Zach would be awake by now so I went to his house. His home let me in and I went up to his room. When I went in his room I started freaking out.

"Zach what's wrong? Talk to me! Zach what's wrong with you?!" I yelled shaking him then ran out to his mom.

"Mrs. Porter come quick! It's Zach!" I yelled pulling her.

"Zach!" she yelled seeing him. Zach was drenched in sweat and was shaking uncontrollably.

"What's happening to him?" I asked

"I don't know" she said worried

"We need to get him to a hospital" I said. I'm so scared, I don't know whats going on.

"Wake up, Zach wake up" I said shaking him. Mrs. Porter ran out and came back with Mr. Porter.

"I don't know what's wrong with him" she said. Mr. Porter sat Zach up and put Zach's arm over his neck then dragged him out. Mr, porter put Zach in the back seat and he hurried to the front.

"Can I go?" I asked, they nodded and I got in the back with Zach and his mom. We rushed him in the hospital and the paramedics took him. We were waiting acctiously in the waiting room for news on Zach.

"Zachary Porter" a doctor said and we rushed to him.

"How is my son?" Mrs. Porter asked

"Your son is fine now, you can see him in room 105" said the doctor. We went in the room we were told and Zach was asleep. We sat quietly waiting for him to wake up. I was so worried, I had never seen him like that. How long had he been like that? I'm so glad he's ok. After waiting who knows how long he finally started waking up.

"Hi Zach" I said softly

"Hi" he whispered

"How are you feeling?" Mr. Porter asked

"My head hurts" Zach said quietly

"You scared me" I said

"I'm so glad you're ok" Mrs. Porter said taking his hand.

"What happened to you?" I asked

"I don't know" he said

"You were shaking so much" I said

"I don't remember anything" he said

"Nothing?" Mrs. Porter asked

"No. How did I get here?" he asked

"I brought you" Mr. Porter said

"Does your head still hurt?" Mrs. Porter asked

"Yeah" Zach said

"Do you want me to get a nurse?" she asked

"No, it's fine" Zach said

"Are you sure?" she asked

"Yes" he said

"But I don't want you to feel any pain" she said

"It's ok, I can deal" he said

"Oh my baby" she said she said moving her hand up and down his face

"How did you feel? Did you feel anything?" Mr. Porter asked

"I started to feel weird and overwhelmed, like everything was pounding. then I started to feel as if I wasn't really there but at the same time I was. I- I just couldn't take it anymore" he said, "Is there something wrong with me?" he asked

"I don't know" she said quietly

"I don't want to die" he said desperately

"No, you're not going to die. Do you hear me, you are NOT going to die. Besides the doctor said you were fine" she said

"I have this feeling... I feel... wired... I'm scared" he said

"You will be fine" she said. The doctor came in and I grabbed his hand.

"Do you do drugs?" the doctor asked Zach and we all looked at the doctor then at Zach.

"What? No. Of course not" Zach said

"The test you were taken show that you did, and too much which is what caused you the attack that lead you here" said the doctor

"That's impossible! I didn't I swear! I didn't! I would never! I didn't..." he said

"The test also showed that you consumed alcohol" said the doctor

"Ok I'm not going to lie I did, but it was less than 2 cups" he said

"Was it strong?" asked the doctor

"I- I don't know... Megan-" he said

"What did Megan do?" I asked

"She gave me all the drinks but more of them were soda... she kept bothering me and I just took them... she wouldn't leave me alone" he said

"Then this Megan put something in your drink. It makes you forget anything that happened while under the influence" the doctor said

"I can't remember" Zach whispered. She did this to him, she's crazy. She almost got away with what she was trying to do, who knows where she was taking him. No wonder he was acting so weired.

"Why would she do such a thing?" Mr. Porter asked

"To get what she always wanted, to get in Zach's pants" I said mad and his parents looked at me. The doctor talked with Zach's parents and I told Zach about how I found him at the party and then took him to his house. Maybe I should have stayed...

Cameron's POV

Kira had text me saying to go to Zach's house because something happened. I got to his house and Zach was lying on his bed and Kira was sitting next to him.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked

"Zach just got out of the hospital" she said

"What? Why? What happened? Are you ok?" I asked

"I'm fine" he said

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yeah" he said

"Never scare me like that again" she said

"I didn't do it on purpose" he said

"Do you want me to tell you what happened?" she asked me and I nodded.

"Wow Zach, that was stupid of her to do, look where it left you, and you! Why did you accept her drinks?" I asked

"She was annoying me and it was 2 cups, I didn't think anything was wrong. I don't even know what I did with her before Kira got there, I don't even remember anything... I feel like such an idiot!" he yelled

"Did you know that the Atlantic ocean is saltier than the Pacific ocean" I informed and they both gave me the wtf look. I wanted to change the subject and saying something random was the best I could do.

"Nice to know" Zach said. About an hour later Michael and Nathan got here. Michael had everyone laughing from all his jokes.

"Hey guys" Mina said coming in. When she walked in we stayed speechless.

"No hugs? No 'hi'? No nothing?" she asked and Nathan, Michael, and I ran up to her.

"What's wrong?" she asked

"Why do you ask?" I asked

"I can feel it, something happened, I know, I can also tell by your faces" she said

"Oh you missed a lot" Michael said

"Like what?" she asked

"Bad things" Michael said

"What happened?" she asked

"Someone d-died" I said

"Who?" she asked

"Jake" Nathan said

"Oh no" she said and hugged Kira tightly.

"Don't be sad" Mina said

"I try" Kira said

"Just think that now he will never her hurt, he won't feel pain, he's in a good place. You don't have to worry about him, he's ok now. He will always watch over you and part of him will always be with you. You have to be happy, for him. I'm sure he would like to see you smile" Mina said

"Thank you" Kira said hugging her

"Zach was in the hospital today" Michael said

"He was?" Mina asked and we nodded

"What happened? Are you ok?" she asked going next to him

"I'm fine, nothing to worry about" Zach said

"Good" Mina said and hugged him

"He had me worried" Kira said

"Why were you at the hospital?" Mina asked

"Because of something Megan did" Kira said

"What did she do?" Mina asked

"She drugged him" Kira said

"Why would she do that, I thought she loved him?" Mina asked

"So did I" Zach said

"Aww. Well she is an idiot for letting you go. You don't need her anyway" Mina said

"But I feel horrible" Zach said

"Look how pretty it is outside, look at your friends, you have a band, you have many other things to be happy for. don't let one girl who wasn't worth it ruin your life." Mina said

"I guess you're right" Zach said

"Do you want me to beat her up for you?" she asked

"Already did that" Kira said and everyone turned to her

"You did?" Zach asked

"Yeah, I ran into her at the park. if Michael hadn't been there and pulled me of..." Kira said trailing off

"You didn't have to do that" Zach said

"Couldn't let her get away with hurting you" Kira said

"See your friends care about you, that's all you need" Mina said

"So what's with the hair?" I asked

"Oh my hair" Mina said smiling

"Yeah, why'd you do it?" Nathan asked

"I have always wanted highlights" Mina said

"I think they look awesome" Zach said

"Thanks. I love my dark blue highlights, crazy color I know" she said laughing

"Blue is my favorite color so I like them even more" Michael said. A little later Mina left because she said her cousin was at her house and she had told her to text her when she woke up since she was sleeping. One by one each of us left. When I left his house I saw Megan outside.

"He Cameron, is Zach home?" she asked

"You're not going to see him, you already did enough. Just go" I said

"But I love him" she said

"And that's why you do what you do?" I asked. She got mad and left. I got home and was lying in bed trying to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking about Tori, my Tori...

"Oh how I miss you" I whispered before falling asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
bad Megan

most of my free time is spent on fanfics, facebook, and music, i need to get out more :P

anyone watched Terra Nova?

i forgot what i was gonna say... so anyway thanks for reading :)