Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 48: With Friends Like These

Michael's POV

"Happy birthday!" Mina said standing outside my house

"Thank you little Mina" I said

"I am NOT little" she complained

"You are the smallest one of us all" I said

"Yeah whatever" she said

"So do you plan on coming in?" I asked

"But first I have something for you" she said smiling then gave me my present.

"Thanks" I said hugging her "So you like it right?" she asked

"Of course" I said

"Ok good" she said

"I need to show you something" I said and showed her my new motorcycle. Since I had told my parents I didn't want a party they decided to get me a motorcycle. How awesome is that!

"Dude this is so cool!" Mina exclaimed with excitement

"I know! Let's go for a ride!" I yelled

"Yes! This is so awesome! I always wanted to ride on a motorcycle!" she yelled

"Alright, hold on. You know this is the first time I am taking it for a ride" I said

"What!?" she yelled

"It's ok, you will survive" I said and we took off. I felt incredible driving through the streets with the wind blowing in my face. I could get used to this.

"This is awesome!" I yelled

"Woooow!" Mina yelled. I drove to each of the guy's houses and showed off my new ride. Their faces were priceless. This is the best present I have ever gotten! I am so excited! The guys begged me to let them drive. The only one person would not go on was Kira, she said she actually loved her life.

"That was so fun!" Zach yelled

"Are you sure it is safe to have Michael driving that we all know how he drives" Kira said laughing

"I am not that bad" I said

"Sure Mikey" Zach said

"Ok maybe I just like going a little faster that I should be" I said

"A little, pff, you go way over" Kira said

"Nathan is too busy with Marissa that he doesn't even pay attention to us" I said and they all turned to them.

"She is a fun person" Kira said. They act like a couple but they aren't. I am enjoying the single life. All the ladies have been enjoying sexy me for 19 years, oh yeah!

"C'mon Mikey, we are going out to eat" Zach said

"Wooot woot let's celebrate!" Kira shouted

"You can leave your motorcycle here or we can meet you there, your choice" Cameron tells me

"I want to take it" I said and we took off to a restaurant. I knew Zach was paying so I kept joking with him saying I was going to get the most expensive stuff, but since I am a good guy I didn't.

"Thanks" I said seriously

"Happy birthday" Zach said

"I have your gift at my house, I will give it to you when we go back" Kira said

"How about go to Michael's house?" Cameron asked and looked at me making sure

"Fine with me" I said. I went to my house and instantly smelled food. I walked in the kitchen and found my mom cooking.

"It smells gooooood" I said taking in the smell.

"I'm glad you like it because it is for you" she asked

"Thanks mom" I said

"Where did you come from?" she asked

"Zach invited us to eat to celebrate and they are coming later" I said

"So how much did you like your present?" she asked

"I loved!" I said

"At first I had a hard time agreeing to you getting that thing because it is dangerous so you better be careful" she said

"I will mom" I said

"You better" she said. I tried getting a pinch of food but she slapped me hand away.

"Go do something else while I finish cooking" she said I went to my room. Few minutes later the guys and girls came with parents.

"Yay presents!" I yelled like a little kid. We started playing one of the video games Cameron got me, it was boys vs. girls.

"Food's ready!" my mom yelled and everyone stopped what we were doing.

"Who said you guys are getting any?" I asked and stuck my tongue out at them to show them I was joking.

"So why didn't you want a party?" Nathan asked

"Didn't feel like it" I said

"Thank you for having us over" Cameron said to my mom and the others nodded in agreement.
"No problem, I love it when you are all here" she said smiling

"But they are so crazy" I said

"And that is why you love us" Kira said and smiled. We continued eating with my family and friends, the conversation was great and we had a great time. We are back at my room lying on the floor not moving since we are so full.

"Do you guys want to stay over?" I asked and they agreed.

We are trying to pull an all nighter and we are waiting to see who is the first to sleep.

"Look Nathan is getting sleepy" I whispered to Kira

"Let’s play a game" Zach suggested

"What game?" I asked

"Let’s play tag" Cameron suggested

"At 3 in the morning?" Mina questioned

"Yuuup" I said

"Ok let’s do this" Kira said

"Let's leave Nathan and your cousin here" Zach said

"We know they are going to lose anyway" Mina said and we headed out. We all got in Zach's car and left to the park. We ran all over the playground and since it was mostly dark it was hard to see. I feel so great right now, I feel like a little kid again. After playing tag for who knows how long when we stop and meet by Zach's car. When I got there everyone was on the ground panting and out of breath. Once in the car we were wide awake and couldn't stop laughing.

"Let's go see if anything is open, I don't want to go back yet" Cameron said. We drove around a bit and we found a little diner that was open 24/7. We ordered our food and stayed there for over an hour. By the time we got back to my place the sun was coming out.

"That was so fun" I said going in my room

"Yeah, and I'm not even tired" Kira said. The rest came in laughing but quickly stopped when they saw the "couple" sleeping together.

"So what do we do now?" Zach asked

"Let’s watch cartoons" Mina said and that is what we did. This was my best birthday. I would never trade my friends for everything.

Nathan's POV
Few Days later

Two days ago Marissa left and went back to her home. I kind of regret never going "official", we were basically a couple but we never said anything about being in a relationship. Not going to lie, I am going to miss her. I guess I will always think of what we had, if you could consider all that something we had, as a summer fling. I don't want to get stuck in the could have been.

"Let's go ice skating!" Zach shouted

"Alright lets go" Michael said. It was only me and the guys, the girls had went shopping. When we were skating Michael came up behind me and pushed e almost making me fall.

"Dude seriously?" I asked

"Someone pushed me" he defended

"Oh really because I don't see anyone around you" I said

"The person who pushed me left" he said

"What up guys" Zach said coming up to us with Cameron

"Want to race?" Cameron asked

"Ok" Zach said

"But Zach doesn’t count" Michael said

"Why not?" Zach asked

"Because the kid was in Hockey, can obviously skate better than us" Michael said

"We could let Zach run with us but it won’t count if he win" I said

"Whatever" Zach said "3 times around" "Cameron said

"Wait. I will distract you guys, but I won’t trip you or anything" Zach said

"As long as you don't distract the same person the whole time" Cameron said. After spending most part of the day ice skating we went to the theater and saw a new movie.

Kiara's POV

I called Mina and we agreed on having a girls day. We went out for breakfast and then went to the mall. At the mall we went in every store and tried on a whole bunch of stuff. We bought a few things in every other store, we did not go crazy with the shopping though. When we finished shopping we went to the food court, we ate and watched people pass by. When we finished eating we walked around for a bit. After all our shopping we went to her house. In Mina's room we tried on everything we bought, from jewelry to cloths. We painted each other's nails, did our makeup and our hair. It was fun modeling everything.

"I have always wanted a sister to do this with" I said

"Yeah me too, all I have are brothers and they never do this with me" she said

"I don't even have a brother" I said

"I love my brothers, they both have something special that we each have in common but I always wanted a sister" she said

"Which brother are you closest too?" I asked

"I think my big brother because we have always gotten along and he is always trying to protect me, I think it is so cute" she said

"We look goood" I said looking at ourselves on the mirror. "Oh yeah, we sexy" she said striking a pose. Someone opened the door and her dog, Midnight cane in. When she saw me she would not stop playing with me.

"Your dog is so adorable" I said

"I know, I love her" she said hugging Midnight. We decided on watching chick licks and now we are crying.

"I always cry during movies" Mina admitted

"I know me too, even when I watch cartoons" I said sticking my tongue out.

"Once, I cried when I was watching Pokémon" she said

"You did? Why?" I asked

"Because it was so sad, but anyway, we should watch something else" she said

"But not scary" I said

"Ok good because I am a big chicken" she said laughing. We had ordered pizza and we did not notice we had finished the while pizza until we both reached in for a slice and we grabbed each other's hand. We are now lying in the bed having a very random conversation, maybe it is the lack of sleep.

"I want to go in a black hole" she said

"Um, are you crazy, why do you want to go in a black hole?" I asked laughing

"I want to know how if feel to get sucked in since no one knows what is on the other side but I need to have a string around my waist to pull me out" she said

"You are crazy" I said looking at her

"What if I end up in an other dimension?" she asked

"What if you die? You know what, get some sleep, you do not know what you are saying" I said shaking my head and she quickly fell asleep. Today was fun, hanging out with this crazy girl. I have not had a day where all I did was hand out and do girl stuff. Today was defiantly a good day.
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i am thinking i should end this soon...
i wrote a oneshot so i will post that soon
thanks for reading and hope you have a wonderful day :)