Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 49: And It Begins

Zach's POV

College was so dreading for me. Few months after I had been in college I decided it wasn't for me. I didn't have the drive to keep going. All I would thing was "when is this going to be over" and I couldn't wait till the weekends when we would get together as a band. Besides, I had better things to do than write essays and study for test. I would look around me and see all the other people in college and I would feel so left out. People would ask me questions on how I feel in college, what I want in my future, what my passion was and they looked at me as if I was up to no good when I gave them my answer. I would tell them the truth, that college isn’t for me and that all I dream about is singing on a stage, people screaming my name. Cameron seemed fine in college; it doesn't seem to bother him like it did to me. Cameron is smart anyway so it wasn't so difficult for him. Kira said she was going to take a year off and get a job. Then there was a turn of events for us and after Nathan graduated high school we began to pursue our career, together, as a band.

It has been a few months since we got signed to Hollywood Records and we recently started tour. My parents didn't want me to "throw my life away" and wanted me to continue with my studies. My mom knew how I had been feeling about everything so it didn't take too long to convince her. My dad made me do one of the hardest things asked for; since Taylor was doing college online he made me take her. He said that if I wanted to be reckless and leave school for a tour I had to take her with me. I think he thought that would make me back down but I was not letting my dream out of my hands. On this tour it's me and the guys as well as Kira, Taylor, and Mina but Mina will only stay with us for a bit because she plans on going to college.

Wow, I can't believe this is actually happening; my best friends and I will tour the country and start our career. I remember all those dreams I've had of me singing to a big crowd. Is this what my dreams were trying to show me, my future? We don't have very big crowds yet but little by little, concert after concert, I have noticed more fans. I am so happy I get to do what I love. My music is my one true love. I know this is what I was meant to do. Ever since Nathan graduated high school him and Michael are always together so now I call them Thing One and Thing Two, Michael insisted I call him Thing One because he is number one. I don't think I could even dream about doing all this with other people who aren't my best friends. I think that it is because of who we are that we are so good. No matter how hard we work or how busy we are we find time for fun and most importantly, our fans. Everything we have is because of them, all the support they give us got us where we are. I am happy about where I am in life.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the room, we were staying in a hotel and I just got out of the shower. I had forgotten my shirt so I walked out of the bathroom and I saw Kira and Mina crying as they were watching something on Mina's laptop. Mina yawned and rubbed her eyes when a tear had fallen, I smiled and shook my head.

"Why are you two crying?" I asked

"We are not crying" they said at the same time

"Oh really?" I asked then copied what Mina had done and she blushed

"Why don't you go put on a shirt and leave us to our movie?" Kira said not even looking at me

"Oh so that's why you're crying, because of a movie" I said

"Zach" they whined

"Girls" I mumbled as I put on my shirt. I turned back to them and their eyes were glued to the computer screen.

"What movie is that?" I asked

"April Showers" Mina said as she stared at an actor

"What is it about?" I asked

"About a shooting at a school" Kira said

"More details" I demanded

"Wait, let the movie finish" Kira said and I looked at the movie and there was this guy in a funeral talking about a girl. I looked at the girls and their eyes were tearing up. Then a few minutes later the movie finished and I felt so lost.

"Ok," Mina said looking at me, "the movie is based on a true story about a shooting at a high school in Chicago. Two guys who were bullied started shooting at people in the school. There was this guy and he like this girl, April. She started liking him but then he started pushing her away. On the shooting she was killed and he was devastated. Also a whole bunch of people died. The guy found her diary and read everything she said about him then at the funeral he started saying a bunch of things about her. I'm not the best at describing things as you can tell and I probably made it seem super boring but it was sad" Mina said

"Oh, well that sucks, about all those people who died and about the guy" Zach said

"I know" Kira said

"Wait, so that really happened?" I asked

"About the love part? I don't think so. It might be like in the Titanic how Jack and Rose never existed, but the rest yeah it happened. I think the school was called Columbine" Mina said

"Oh" I said

"I know how he felt" Kira said. Mina and I looked at each other then hugged Kira. I know she is thinking about Jake.

"Peoples, let's go, we want food" Michael said and we got up. Outside I saw Taylor and we glared at each other.


I was taking a shower and when I finished my clothes had disappeared along with my towel. I poked my head out and looked around to see it anyone was in the room. No one was in there so I got out but my suitcase was gone. I thought about borrowing Cam's clothes but his suitcase was gone as well. I don't know what to do, I have no clothes or anyway of contacting anyone, the stupid hotel phone didn't work. I am going crazy; we have a show in a few minutes. I went to the bathroom and stood against the door. Few minutes later I heard someone walk in.

"Who's there?" I asked desperately

"Zach what the hell! We should be at the venue by now!" Cam yelled

"Please help me! Cam, please!" I pleaded

"What Zach?" he asked annoyed

"I can't go out" I said

"Why the hell not?" he asked

"My clothes disappeared" I said

"Stop making up excuses and hurry up" Cam said

"I'm serious! I don't even have a towel!" I yelled

"Are you serious?" he asked

"Yes!" I yelled

"Then why didn’t you just use my clothes?" he asked

"It's gone! Everything, no phone, no computer, nothing!" I yelled then punched the door multiple times

"Ok calm down, I'm going to try to get you some clothes" he said then I heard the door clothes.

"I'm back, I have the key to the girl's room and I got you one of Kira's sweats and you can wear my sweater" Cam said

"Um, I don't have underwear" I said embarrassed

"You're going to have to suck it up. I'm sorry, it's the best I could do, everyone else is gone" Cam said

"Ok... Um, come and leave the clothes somewhere" I said and ran in the shower

"Did you get out already?" I asked

"Yes" Cam answered and I got dressed. I went out and Can was sitting on the bed tapping his foot.

"Thank you soooo much" I said almost hugging him

"We need to leave NOW" he said getting up

"How late are we?" I asked and he took a look at my face before answering

"Very" he said walking away. He told me to text them telling them we were on our way but I kept dropping the phone because my hands are so shaky. When we got there they all started yelling at me. Them yelling only made me feel worse and I walked out on them. I know it's rude but I couldn't take it. I went to pour myself some water but my hand was shaking so much that I couldn't serve it. I got mad and threw the cup on the ground then saw water bottles. I got one and drank a bit but kept spilling it.

"We are going on in five minutes" Michael said looking at me, mad at first bit then his expression changed.

"Are you ok?" he asked

"Y-yeah" I said

"I'm going to practice" I said grabbing a microphone then quickly dropping it and Michael looked at me

"I didn't want to use it anymore" I said. I looked away from him and started singing Dance Forever but halfway through the song I forgot the words and I started panicking.

"What's wrong?" Cam asked, I didn't even know he was there

"Cam I forgot the song, I can't remember how any of the songs go" I said freaking out

"What are we going to do, we don't have much time before we have to perform" Michael said

"You need to calm down ok, ever since we left the hotel room you keep knocking stuff over, dropping thing, and your hands keep shaking" Cam said

"Ever since I got out of the shower I've been on the edge" I said and Cam gave me a water bottle but I dropped it

"Is this about the clothes, don’t worry about that" Cam said

"What are you talking about?" Michael asked

"Oh yeah huh, I never told you but Zach's clothes disappeared but so did mine and out electronics are also gone" Cam explained

"That sucks man but Cam's right, don’t worry about that now" Michael said

"I need you to relax ok" Cam said and I nodded "Ok, take a deep breath then let it out and do it again" Cam ordered. I did as told and I started to feel better.

"Don't think of nothing except for having a good time and making the fans happy" Michael said

"Ok" I said standing up. The show went great and I didn't even mess up. When we got off the stage I saw Taylor and she was smirking at me.

"I see you found some clothes" she said looking superior

"It was you!" I accused

"Me what?" she said innocently

"The clothes, you stole it" I said

"Oh that, I didn't STEAL it, I just misplaced it" she said innocently

"Why?" I asked

"Its fun" she said

"What did you do with mine and Cam's stuff?" I demanded

"Somewhere, don't worry, I'll give it back" she said

End of Flashback

Taylor is seriously trying to ruin my life. I don't even know what I did to make her hate me so much. The earliest memory of us is when we were babies and for some reason she pushed me off a bed. I wish she wasn't on tour with us. I wish she would stop bothering me. Why does she have to be rude all the time? Unfortunately there is nothing I can do to change this.

Kira put a hand on my shoulder and I smiled at her.

"Her there my little angel" I said and she smiled

"My king I'm so proud of you. I'm glad I am witnessing my best friends live their dreams" She said

"You pushed us to keep going, you know how devastated I was when we lost that contest bit you believed in us and made sure we kept going" I said and we hugged

"Anything for my best friends" she said

"I'm so happy you came with us" I said

"Is she still bothering you?" she asked

"When does she not?" I asked and she looked at me sadly

"C'mon, let’s go, we’re missing all the fun" Kira said pulling me in one of the rooms. I opened the door and the music was pretty loud, food was everywhere and they were jumping on the beds. I looked at Kira and we shook our heads, then I felt a pillow hit my face

"You missed!" Cam shouted

"Not exactly, Nathan said

"Oh it’s on" I challenged and attacked them with my pillow starting an epic pillow fight.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it took me forever to update but i had to write a stupid essay i like to write fanfics but something about essays... and i have also been distracted by the world of facebook lol

there will be two more chapters for this story

and its thursday :)