Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 5: Broken

Zach’s POV

It has been a week since I asked Kaylee to be my girlfriend. I’m starting to really like her, I hope she like me as much as I like her. We haven’t been on a date yet. I was going to take her to my secrete place, not even Kira knows about it but it’s raining.

"Zach, Zach, Zach." Cameron said waving a hand in front of my face


"I was saying something but you totally ignored me."

"I’m sorry I was just thinking about-"


"Hey guys." Kira said as she came up to us

"Hey." Cameron and I reply in unison

"So where’s your girlfriend?" she asked

"Ummm I don’t know." I said then my phone rang

"Wooo Layla." said Cameron after he took my phone

"She is just a friend. Now give me my phone!" I said

"Kaylee isn’t going to like this." Cameron said and I was able to take the phone from him. It was just a text

From Layla- just wondering if you gave me the right number, this is Zach right...

To Layla- haha yes its Zach but why would I give you the wrong number

From Layla- hmm I dont know...

To Layla- so what made you text me till now I thought you forgot about me :(

From Layla- I was looking through pictures and saw you and I remembered you gave me your number

To Layla- ohh well I am glad you texted :)

From Layla-well g2g

To Layla- k bye

"So what did she say?" Cameron asked

"She said she remembered bout me and was wondering if I gave her the right number." I said

"So she is the one you met at Disney?" Cameron asked and I nodded

"Well don’t forget you promised to take me." Kira said

"Now why would I do that." I said. Someone came from behind me and covered my eyes and I know who it was


"Yup it’s me how did you know?"

"I have my ways."

"So..." Kira said after an awkward silence

"Do you wanna go eat after school?" I asked Kaylee

"No I’m sorry I can’t."

"Oh... Some other time then." I said hiding my disappointment with a fake smile but I didn’t fool Kira and she gave me an apologetic look

"Well I have to go, bye." Kaylee said kissing me cheek and then walked away

Kiara's POV

"Yesterday I had the best cake ever it was so delicious." I said trying to change the subject. Zach always has a twinkle in his eyes and right now it’s gone and I don’t like it, it’s all Kaylee's fault. Zach always tries to take her out but she keeps blowing him off.

"So why didn’t you share hmm." Cameron said

"Maybe because I didn’t feel like it." I said then the bell rang

"Alright let’s go to class." Zach said

"I have an idea on how to cheer him up, I'll tell you later." I whispered to Cameron

"What are you two whispering about?" Zach asked

"Nothing." I said

Cameron's POV

We are all at my house an Kira said she had a plan. I’m not sure that’s a good idea...

"Let’s go to the back yard." Kira said. We were too close to the pool. I don’t think I’m going to like this...

"Would you be considered wet when you’re underwater?" she asked

"Yes. No. Wait is that a trick question?" I asked

"Why don’t we find out." she said with a devious look on her face then all of a sudden she pushed me and Zach in the pool.

"What was that for!" I yelled

"What the hell!" Zach yelled

"I bet you can’t get me in!" she said

"Oh we'll see about that!" Zach said with his game face

"I’d like to see you try!" she challenged

"Get her!" Zach and I yell at the same time. We chased her for a while until Zach got her cornered

"Ohhyeeaaahhhh pay back time!" I said as a grabbed one arm and one leg and Zach did the same to her other side and swung her back and forth a few times

"1 2 3!" we yelled and threw her in the pool

"You can’t beat the Zam team!" Zach yelled, "Wow that sounded lame." he said and we laughed. It was raining and we were in the pool it was so fun

Next day

Kiara's POV

We're in school now well not Zach he got sick, that boy gets sick all the time haha.

"Hey look there's Kaylee." Cameron said


"Over there with Mark."

"Mark!? What is she doing with that jerk." I said, seriously Mark is so mean and is soo stuck up and thinks he is better than everyone because he was money

"Hey Kaylee."

"Yes..." she said kind of annoyed. What did I do to her?

"Um Zach is not coming to school today just letting you know just in case you didn’t know or was wondering."

"Humm nice to know him hi for me."

"Why don’t you tell him yourself." I said getting annoyed by her tone

"I’m too busy to be calling him."

"Too busy for your boyfriend!"

"Oh! I forgot to tell you we were supposed to meet up with someone right now. C'mon lets go." Cameron said taking me away

"We're not meeting up with someone are we?" she said looking at him

"Nope." he said sheepishly

Every time I saw Kaylee my blood boiled. I was so mad at how she talked to me and how she talked about Zach like she didn’t care. I feel really bad because I know Zach really cares about her.

"This line is taking forever." Cameron whined getting impatient

"Maybe if we start packing out lunch we wouldn’t have to wait in this line." I said.

We waited a bit longer till we got to the lunch lady, we both got a cheese burger and a chocolate milk. As we were eating I saw Kaylee HOLGING hands with Mark and KISSING him. That witch is gonna get it!

"You stupid bitch!" I yelled as I punched her in the face

"What the hell!" she yelled

"Cameron let go!" I yelled while he was caring me away. Then I yelled at Kaylee, "You’re gonna pay for what you did to Zach!"

Zach's POV

I hate being sick. I want to be with my girl and with my best friends not laying here in this bed. I have a pretty bad cough and a runny nose and my stomach feel horrible oh and I have a headache.

Kira and Cameron are here, they said they wanted to see how I was doing but they are acting all suspicious and I can’t get them to talk.

"How was Kaylee?" I asked smiling as I said her name

"Ohh she was doing good alright." Kira said and then Cameron glared at her.

My mom came in and brought us snacks. As I was watching my show I started getting back my headache.

"Guys my head hurts." I whined

"Aww my poor Zachary." Kira said

"I guess you could care less if I die right now because my head explodes." I said dramatically

"Zach don’t say that!" she yelled at me.

A little later I fell asleep and they left after.

Next Day

I woke up to the dreadful sound of my alarm. I got up to my normal morning routine
1st: shower
2nd: brush my teeth
3rd: do my hair, since I have short hair I like it spikey
4th: my favorite; breakfast.

I was getting ready to leave when I got a phone call from John asking if I was going to school today and I told him yes and then he told me I was going to see something I would not like but whatever I’m sure it wont matter since I will have my girlfriend by my side, that caused me to smile like an idiot.

Once I got to school I see Kira and Cameron and I walk up to them

"Hey there my angle, hey CamCam." I said happily

"Hey." they said

"It’s so nice to see Zam together." Kira teased and I blushed

"Why did you come up with that anyway?" Cameron asked

"Well Zach and Cam together just take of the ch and adding the m makes Zam." I explained blushing, ”I wasn’t thinking at the moment ok!" I exclaimed, "I know its lame..."

It has been half the day now in lunch and I haven’t seen Kaylee man I miss her. The longer I wait in this line the hungrier I get.

I was still in line when I see Kaylee KISSING mark. That stung bad I felt to hurt and betrayed. Kaylee turned and saw me and then turned back to Mark and kissed him forcefully. My heart just broke to a million pieces.

"I-I can’t believe this is happening to me..." I say and get out of the line

"Zach! Zach!" Kira and Cameron yelled after me.

I sat under a tree and brought my knees to my chest and I put my head down covering my face but I didn’t cry but I wasn’t far from it.

I heard foot steps but I didn’t look up I already knew it is Cameron with Kira. Each of them sat by my both sides and the pulled me in a hug while Kira rubbed my back trying to make me feel better and it’s actually makes me feel worse. I feel horrible, my first girlfriend and she cheats on me. Life sucks.

The rest of the day was a blur but when Kaylee walked in 7th period I couldn’t look at her and I looked down and Kira patted my back.

Kaylee's POV

I know I hurt Zach bad he won’t even look at me and his friends keep giving me glares I feel like Kira will just jump on me any moment.

I left Zach of Mark because Mark is...well rich. Zach is sweet and everything but that isn’t enough he wont even be able to buy me the things I want and he probably can’t even be entertaining and Mark gets me anything I want. But I still can’t help feeling bad for Zach... But this is what is best for me, Mark is want I need.

Zach's POV

I'm in my secret hideout at the beach in this place no one passes by and I like to be here when I want to be alone and this is a time I defiantly want to be alone. I had told my mom to drop me off and not pick me up.

I’m here alone looking at the water crying my eyes out. I am crying harder than any time I can remember. She was my first girlfriend. She was so pretty and her smile... Now thinking of that is making me cry harder. Why did she have to break my heart? Why did she cheat on me? Was it because of me? Maybe I’m just not good enough... By each passing minute I would cry more and more.

My phone rang but I didn’t answer I don’t want to talk to anyone 5 minutes later they called again and I just let it go to voicemail.

"Zach it’s me Kira please answer me." she said leaving the message.

She called again few minutes later but I still didn’t answer.

"Are you ok?" she said leavening another message.

She called again. Why can’t she just leave me alone I don’t want to talk to anyone!

"Zach if you don’t answer your phone I’m going to get your mom." she said threatening me. No not my mom not my mom.

" y-ou...want." I said answering her between my sobs

"Oh no Zach please don’t cry." she said in a soft voice, "Zach please stop, please don’t cry, it hurts too much to hear you like this." she said but I just couldn’t stop

"I-I..." I started saying but I stopped

"Are you at the beach?


"Can I go with you?"


"Why not?"

"I-I want to be a-alone."

"Zach you’re not alone. Zach I will always be with you and I will never hurt you." she said trying to convince me I’m not alone, "And I thought I told you, I don’t want to hear you cry"

"Do-do you think I-I wasn’t...good enough." I said feeling more miserable

"Zach don’t ever say that again!"

"’s t-true, I’m a horrible Boyfriend...I didn’t treat her good enough."

"Stop saying those stupid things do you hear me!" she yelled and I stayed quiet, "Do you hear me!" she yelled louder

"Yes." I said quietly

"I didn’t hear that." she said

"Yes." I said louder

"That’s better." she said, "Your a wonderful guy and she lost the best thing she could ever have; you. You know why? Because you’re sweet, fun, nice, entertaining, spontaneous, fearless, a gentleman...well sometimes haha." she said. I couldn’t help but smile at the last thing she said. I don’t know if she read my mind or something but then said, "And you have a killer smile that makes your eyes twinkle more than the stars so now let them shine." I had to smile. She was actually making me feel better then she said, "One day Zach, one day she is going to regret what she did to you. You were waayy too cute for her anyway."

"I have to go now."

"Fine bye buddy and cheer up."


Kiara's POV

It's been a while since I talked with Zach I hope he’s ok I’m so worried about him.

"Kira!" I heard mom yell, what does she want now...

"Kiara, phone!" she yelled again

"Hello." I said in the phone

"Kiara I’m so sorry to bother you but Zach...Zach seems very upset. He won't leave his room, he is ignoring us all, he wont eat, when he got home he seemed so crushed, do you know what’s wrong with him?" she said

"He had a very bad day I can’t really tell you why I don’t think he would want me saying." I said

"Please help me I'm very worried he has never acted like this." she said, I could hear all the concern in her voice.

"I promise to talk to him ok." I said

"Thank you." she said and we hung up

"What was that about?" mom asked as I hung up

"Something about Zach." I said and ran up to my room, I don’t want to answer her questions

I looked out the window and there was Zach sitting on the tree.

"Hey there buddy." I say as I put my hand on his shoulder

"Hey." he said so quietly I barely heard. I looked and made him look at me and he had tears running down his cheeks but at least he wasn’t crying uncontrollably like last time.

"Your mom is worried about you and so am I." I said

"W-what do you mean." he said in a shaky voice

"She said you wont talk and that you wont eat and that you look crushed." I told him, "Zach look at me." I said, He slowly looked at me and I saw soo much pain in his eyes I felt his pain just by looking at him. It broke my heart to see him like this in all the time I have known him I have never seen him cry and I hate this.

"You’re a good guy you don’t deserve this." I said

"I...just...never mind" he said and sighed

"I’m sorry you have to go through this, I promise you she WILL pay for what she did to you." I said getting angry and I know just how to get back at her I just need help from my girls and I’m good. I whipped the tears from his face and I stayed there hugging him quietly and watched the stars.
♠ ♠ ♠
it was so sad to picture Zach cry like that
this chapter ended up a bit longer than it was supposed to be oh well...
i know a kaylee but she is actually nice not like this one
i wanna say thanks to those who read this and those who subscribe so thank you :)
next chapter soon