Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 50: Bad News

Nathan's POV

It’s early 2011, currently on tour. We have recorded two albums; Suddenly and Suddenly Yours. Our career is getting better and better. We have also created a stronger fan base. Our fans mean the world to us and we are glad to see how dedicated they are.

We have a week off and we are using a car we rented. We thought that since we had a week off we should just rent a car instead of driving a bus around all over town. We are exhausted of all we did, mostly running around and sightseeing. Cameron is driving right now. Zach and Michael fell asleep and the rest of us stayed awake. There is a light conversation on our way back to the hotel, but then there was a bump on the road that made us all jump. When we hit the bump on the road Zach's head hit the window.

"Oh my gosh, Zach are you ok?" Kira asked shaking him but he didn't reply.

"You know how he sleeps, he probably didn't even feel it" Cameron said

"You're right, probably didn't feel it" Kira said and she gently put his head on her shoulder

"Guys he got a bump" Kira said

"Is it big? I asked

"No it’s small" Kira said

"You should drive better so you won’t kill us" I told Cameron

"I'm not the one who put a bump in the middle of the road" Cameron defended. We finally got to the hotel and woke Zach and Michael up. Kira and Taylor went to their room and the guys and I went to ours.

"Zach who are you sleeping with?" I asked

"I don't care, I just want to sleep" he said falling on the bed and instantly going to sleep. He didn't even take off his shoes or his little back pack that he carries around everywhere, that’s where he keeps his lyric book.

"Well he's tired" Cameron said. Michael came out the bathroom and stood next to us and looked at Zach.

"Is he sleeping already?" Michael asked

"Yeah" I said

"I'm not tired anymore" Michael said

"It's 10:00, that’s not that late" I said

"Let’s go down to the cafeteria and eat something" Michael suggested

"Alright lets go" Cameron said. We got our food then we went to sleep.

Kiara's POV

I'm in the guy's hotel room doing nothing in particular but there is always laughter.

"Today is our last day off, what should we do?" Michael asked

"I don't know..." Nathan said. Zach got a phone call and froze. What did they tell him?

"...Is everything ok?...In my room is fine...Ok bye, take care, I love you" Zach said and hung up. Zach doesn't usually add "I love you" at the end of his call, what happened?

“Is everything alright?" Cameron asked

"Not really" Zach said

"What happened?" Michael asked

"Something bad, It's making me worried" Zach said

"Tell us what happened" Nathan said

"Something bad happened last night" Zach said

"What happened last night?... Say something" I said after he had gotten quiet

"Ki, this affects you" Zach finally said

"Ok now you HAVE to tell" I said

"Something happened to your house last night" Zach said

"Tell me NOW" I demanded

"Your house was lit on fire-" Zach said

"WHAT!?! Oh no, oh no, oh no, why? My parents?" I asked freaking out

"Your parents got out in time. Only the bottom half got destroyed, the fire was stopped before there was more damage" Zach said

"I'm so glad my parents are ok" I said

"They are staying at my house" Zach said

"Why would anyone do that?" I asked

"Because people like that don't have consideration for other people's feeling" Michael said hugging me. I called my parents and they confirmed me they were ok and convinced me to stay on tour with the guys. I'm so worried now, was this done for a reason or was it random? I have a bad feeling about this. I don't know what I would have done if something would have happened to my parents in that fire. They can't leave me like Jake did. I can't lose the people I love.

The guys came back with something for me trying to cheer me up. When they walked through the door I ran up to them and hugged them tight, then I started crying. They were confused but held me in a group hug.

"Why are you crying?" Cameron asked

"Because I love you guys and I don't want you to die" I said

"We won’t be dying any time soon, you'll have to deal with us for many many more years" Zach said

"You don't have to be scared, we are right here" Michael said

"We brought you snacks so cheer up kk" Nathan said

"Thank you my loves" I said whipping my tears and tired to smile.

"We brought you movies too; we got horror, comedy" romance, action, and animated" Zach said

"I'm stupid for fearing that you guys would die, who would want to kill such awesome, sweet, and good looking guys" I said.

We were all able to fit in one bed and we watched movies for hours and didn't even leave the room. They did a good job on cheering me up but I am still worried about what happened. I don't understand what happened? Why would anyone try to burn my house? Did we anger someone so much that they want to burn mu house with my parents in there? That’s just horrible! Someone must have a twisted mind to try to do that. I think I'm just paranoid, who would hate me or my parents, no one. I'm just over thinking everything and I need to calm down. Everything will be fine, I keep telling myself. I look at my friends and Zach turns to me and smiles. I smile back and grab his hand and he gives me a reassuring squeeze. Somewhere between watching movie I ended up falling asleep, and woke up screaming from a nightmare.

"Zach!" I yelled hugging him

"Relax, it's not real" he said. I hugged him until I calmed down.

"Where is everyone?" I asked

"They left to get everything ready at the venue" he said

"How come you didn't go?" I asked

"Because I wasn't going to leave you alone" he said

"Thanks and sorry" I said

"Sorry for what?" he asked

"Yesterday was your last day off and you spent it here with me when you and the guys could have gone off and done something fun" I said

"Don't be sorry for that, we wanted to stay with you. Get ready so that we can go eat and then go to the venue" Zach said

"Ok. I'm going to change" I said and left to my room. Taylor was probably glad we didn't sleep
together. She is so annoying. It's a good thing that the guys have a tour bus now and the only time I have to share room with Taylor is when we stay at hotels, which isn't much.

I met up with Zach and we went out for breakfast. While we were out he tried to distract me but it didn't work much. The dream I had left me shaken up. I hope everything turns out ok
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yeah i know this is shorter that usual but the next one will be longer and it will be up shortly :)