Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 6: Fixing the Damage

Kiara’s POV

I’m walking over to Zach’s house, I know he won’t want to go to school but I’m not gonna let him stay home.

“Hey buddy.” I said as I entered his room

“Hey.” he said quietly

“You lazy boy you’re not ready yet.” I said try trying to change his mood

“I’m not going to school today.” he said and I walked over to his closet and got a shirt and jeans

“Here.” I said handing him his cloths, “Now go change, I ‘m going to be mad at you if you don’t change, do you want me to be mad at you?” after I said that he sighed and got up and when he came back he sank in his bed

“You feeling better?” I asked

“I just don’t understand why… why did she do that? Did I do something wrong? Did I do something to get her mad at me?” he questioned and I saw tears forming in his eye

“If you cry one more tear because of her I swear I will hunt her down and hurt her bad.” I said. I just can’t take it anymore, I can’t see him like this, its braking my heart to see his broken heart.

“Come on lets go eat breakfast and your mom cooks delicious so you can’t say no to that.” I said

The ride to school was so awkward and his mom kept looking back and forth between us.

“Keep your head up.” I said trying to give him some confidence

“Hey guys wait up!” Cameron said coming up to us

“Zach um…sorry about what happened.” Cameron said placing his hand on Zach’s shoulder

“Whatever let’s just go ok.” Zach said

“You guys go head and go, I have something to do.” I said

“Ok, let’s go.” Cameron said and they left

I looked for my friends and proposed my plan and they agreed and we’re going this tomorrow.

Kaylee’s POV

I can’t believe this is happening, I can’t believe he left me, he played me, Mark played me. I can’t believe I left Zach, I need to talk to him. I want Zach back!

I’ve seen him between classes but he avoids me. Now that it’s lunch I hope I find him soon. Zach Zach Zach where are you… there he is. I walked up to him and covered his eyes from behind, the moment I did that Kiara practically jumped at me.

“What do you want!” she hissed

“I need to talk to Zach.” I said

“Go on.” she said motioning her hand for me to keep going

“Zach I need to talk to YOU.” I said and he turned around to face me

“What?” Zach said so coldly

“Can I talk to you in private?” I asked

“No, whatever it is you have to say you can say in front of us.” she said, she is really starting to piss me off this is none of her business.

“This is something between me and Zach.” I said

“Well he is our best friend we will find out eventually so let’s just save some time and get this over with.” she countered

“Fine, Zach I’m really sorry with what happened, it was a huge mistake and I’m truly sorry, will you forgive me and give me another chance.” I said as I said that I tried to hug him and give him a kiss I was pretty sure that would make up his mind but nooo Kiara had to come and ruin everything.

“Get away from him!” she hissed, “Don’t you ever think of getting near him or you will regret it! You don’t deserve someone like Zach, he is wayyy too good for you anyway.” that hurt. How dare she say that!

“Come on guys let’s go.” Cameron said as he gave me an evil glare and they walked away.

I can’t believe Kiara just said Zach is too good for me. I mean every boy would love to be with me. I am me so loveable and irresistible. But now that I think of it I think I really like Zach…

Cameron’s POV

Zach is doing a little better now but he still looks pretty bad. I think it would have been easier on him if Kaylee didn’t do what she did today. I guess it’s hard getting through your first heart break.

We’re making the best shakes ever, we are mixing ice cream with lots of things like chocolate, cookies, marshmallows and much more things we can find and the only word to describe it is: DELICIOUS.

“Zach are you ok?” my mom asked

“Yeah.” Zach said with a fake smile

“You better clean all your mess.” Mom said

“Yes mom.” I said

“Zach can I talk with you for a moment?” she asked him

“Yes.” he said walking out with her to the living room and of course Kira and I listened from behind.

“Look, you’re like a son to me and I notice that you’re not yourself and I see your eyes all sad instead of the happiness you always have.” she said

“It’s nothing.” Zach responded

“Zach I know you better that, you can trust me. I just don’t like seeing you like this it’s not you.” Mom said soothingly

“It’s just a problem I have and it’s kinda hard to get though but I’ll be fine…well I hope so.” Zach said

“You’re a strong boy, I’m sure you will get through, and to give you some advice; if she let you go she is not worth you thinking over her, some girls are just not smart to realize the good things they had.” Mom said

“Wait how did you know? Did Cameron tell you?” Zach asked

“No, Cameron didn’t tell me anything I just know, now I don’t want you see you sad ok. Now go finish making your shakes but don’t eat too much sugar or I don’t know how I will control you three.” she said smiling. My mom LOVES Zach and wouldn’t want him to be so sad. She is like a mother to him and I know she really cares about him and she doesn’t like seeing the people she cares about sad. I heard Zach’s footsteps getting closer and we ran back to the kitchen and pretended like we were there the whole time.

“I bet I can make the most delicious one.” I challenged

“Oh no you won’t cus I will, Zach let’s team up and show him whos boss.” Kira

“No I want Zach, he is with me!” I yelled

“Why are you guys fighting over me?” Zach asked

“Dude because you are the one that goes crazy and puts the most things so you’re in my team.” I said

“No! you won’t win cus he will be on my team!” Kira yelled back

“No me!” I said and we kept arguing and pulling Zach back and forth

“You wanna be on the winning side?” Kira asked Zach

“Actually yes I do.” he answered

“So who’s it gonna be?” I asked

“Both.” he said

“Both?” we asked

“Yeah imagine what we can do if we combine everything to just one.” he said liking his lips

Kira and I actually did this kind of on purpose to get Zach’s mind of things and to get distracted hehe.

So we made it and it was bomb it was soooo good I think it’s the best one we have made, crazy Zach decided to put some cereal into the mix. While we were eating we were watching a movie but Kira was acting a bit suspicious…

Next Day
Kiara’s POV

Today is going to be the day of revenge. My friends and I had our things ready. We’re going to give Kaylee a little surprise. We know Kaylee walks to school and at the time she goes (wow that sounded stalkerish but I’m not a stalker), she can’t afford one more tardy or she will get detention and since she is a “good girl” and listens to her mommy and daddy she can’t get in trouble so that fits us perfectly.

My friends and I are ready in our positions. Alright here she comes. We give the signal and it starts, we threw eggs at her, water balloons with paint some had powder and some had mud, she had it all bad. We (well mostly me) wanted to get her VERY dirty and to smell BAD. She screamed as we were attacking her. Her hair was all messed up and you could barely find a clean part o her, she actually looked…horrible, which meant mission accomplished. We had to stop because we ran out of balloons. All the people that passed by would stop and laugh. Oh I can’t wait till she gets to school.

Zach’s POV

I did not feel like getting out of bed, I still felt horrible but Cam's mom is right Kaylee is not worth my pain and besides I have the best friends anyone could ask for and I know they care about me, I feel like they are the only people who wouldn’t hurt me.

“Zach honey come down already!” Mom yelled probably from the kitchen and I dragged myself down stairs

“Go go eat…you don’t look so good.” Mom said touching my face

“I’m fine.” I mumbled and ate some cereal because we were running late. I feel paranoid that I’m going to be late, good thing I get dropped off before Vic.

“Mom hurry I’m gonna be late!” I whined

Finally here and five minutes before the bell. The reason I’m so worried about being late is because when I was with Kaylee we would stay out when everyone was in class, we would talk, run around, or hug- I need to snap out of it, that was all a lie, that was never true, all those good time were nothing, it was all a game to her. I sighed as I walked in school.

"Zach!” I hear Cameron yell as I turned around I saw him running towards me

“Hey.” I said as he caught up

We talked for a while then Kira came. She seemed very happy today.

“Guys look.” Kira said pointing at someone really dirty.

“Who is that?” I asked

“I don’t know.” she said

“She looks familiar…” Cameron said

“Let’s go.” Kira said as she grabbed our hands and walked over to her…

“I-I think it’s Kaylee.” I said

“What happened to her?” Kira asked

“Well whatever it was it wasn’t pretty.” Cameron said

At this point I’m not sure if I should be great full or sorry…but I can’t help the felling like she deserved it. Everyone was laughing at her. She looked at me in the eye and then walked away.

The day passed by pretty good I guess. Everyone kept talking about Kaylee, I guess she went home because I didn’t see her in 7th period.

I’m at my secrete place at the beach. This place is soo peaceful. Even the water looks more bule I guess it’s because people don’t come to this part. I’m sitting in the middle of this barrier of rocks the sand almost white and the water looking to beautiful. Somehow coming here always makes me feel more relived.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you enjoyed
now that i am out of school i will probably be able to post more often
i think i will post another chapter sometime this week
once again thanx :)