Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 7: Life Keeps Going


It's almost Christmas, I'm so exacted. I have all the present ready. The best thing is that I have a boyfriend, his name is Rob, we have been together for a week now, I'm so happy, he is my first boyfriend. Oh and Zach has a girlfriend too. She had it though, it was really hard for her to brake down the walls Zach had built up, it was very hard for him to get over Kaylee. I'm glad Janet was able to get to Zach, he is soo happy you can tell by just looking at him. They got together a little before Zach's birthday. It has almost been a year since Kaylee broke his heart and no one ever found out it was me and my friends who attacked Kaylee with balloons the other day. But she totally deserved it, she messed with the wrong people.

"What should I get Zach?" Janet asked me. I'm with her helping with Christmas shopping.

"You should get him one of those shirts." I said pointing to a shirt that said "I'm crazy but you just cant get enough" and the other one said "I'm Boss"

"I think I want both." she said

"Ok." I said

"So what did you get him?" she asked

"I got him a surf board." I said smiling. Zach has always wanted to learn how to learn how to surf. I can just imagine his adorable smile and his sparkling eyes when he sees it.

Zach's POV

"What are you thinking about?" Cameron asked

"Hu, what you say?"

"What you thinking about?"

"Just stuff, life, future."

"Oh I see" he said, "So what do you want to do?"

"Something with the girls."

"Well it's late so there is nothing to do anymore."

"I can't believe I just heard YOU Cameron Quiseng say there is nothing to do." I said with a shocked expression then started laughing and he just chuckled

"So what do you want to play video games with them." he said being sarcastic

"You know that's not a bad idea." I said thinking, "And then we could go to the beach"

"What are you thinking?" he asked unsure if it was a good idea

"A campfire and marshmallows!" I exclaimed

"Now we're getting somewhere." he said

"Hold up I got a text." I said and looked at my phone and it was Layla

"Who is it?" he asked

"It's Layla." I said reading the text

From Layla- hey watz up

To Layla- nothing much with my friend Cam making
plans and you

From Layla- tell him I say hi oh cool what are you planning I'm just chillin in my bed

"She says hi." I told Cameron

"Oh ok tell her I said hi too." he said

To Layla- he says hi too and we’re thinking of playing and to go to the beach later

"Zaaaach!" Janet screamed as she came and tackled me with a hug

"Hey." I said hugging her back

"And I don't get a hug." Kira said pouting

"Of course you do my angle." I said hugging her

"So what are we doing?" Kira asked

"Video games and then beach, sounds good?" I asked them

"Sure." they replied and I went back to my text

From Layla- so what are you going to do at the beach

To Layla- campfire and marshmallows :p

"Who are you texting?" Kira asked

"Layla." I said

"Who is Layla?" Janet asked

"My friend." I said just as I got a text

From Layla- sounds fun are you going to tell ghost stories

To Layla- good idea I think Kira and Janet are gonna freak

"What did you friend of yours tell you?" Janet asked getting jealous and I just laughed with a smirk on my face. I walked over to Cameron and whispered in his ear a plan to scare them later and he smirked and high-fived me

From Layla- your nice

To Layla- haha I am

“Ok lest go play video games.” Kira said

From Layla- sure you are

To Layla- of course I am um g2g got to beat my gf and my bf in video games

From Layla- ok good luck haha

“Time to kick some butt, right Cam.” I said

“Oh yeaah prepare to lose girls.” he said

“Lose to what? Zam.” Kira said mocking me and I blushed

“Shut up.” I said

Cameron’s POV

We are in Kira’s living room playing Need for Speed

“We won oh yeah!” Zach exclaimed. We won the past to 2 races

“Whatever we are winning next right Janet.” Kira said

“Of course this is war.” Janet said

“Yeah and we’re winning.” Zach said

We played a few more rounds but they totally smoked us, we lost 3-8 that’s bad

“Losers! Losers! Losers!” they yelled

“Whatever.” Zach said as he sank to the couch and I sat next to him

"We're failures." I said to him

"Yes, yes we are we can't even win a video game." he said trying to put a straight face

"Come on let's go to the beach." Janet said

"I see how much you care about your boyfriend." I said

"After she realized what a failure I am she wants to leave me and I don’t blame her." he said pretending to be heart broken

"No of course not, I’m always going to be with you." she said hugging him and he kissed her head. Then out of nowhere Kira jumped on us

"I'm so lucky to have friends like you, I love you guys." Kira saild after a long silence. We were now at the beach.

"And we love you too." I said hugging her

"Of course my angle." Zach said and hugged her too

"The sky is so beautiful tonight." Janet said

"Yes it is, especially because you are here." Zach said, he let go of Kira to hug Janet and he kissed her cheek.

"Cam should we start now or should we wait?" Zach asked

“Now.” I replied and we had smirks on our faces. Zach and I sat in front of the girls and I started to tell a scary story. I told a story my grandma used to tell us. I was half way through the story and then it got really quite, Zach and I froze not blinking of moving at all and the girls stated to panic. Then Rob walked behind them dressed in all black with fake blood on hands, he also had a creepy mask on. He put a hand on their shoulder.

“Hello ladies.” he said in a very scary voice and they jumped up and screamed, when we saw their reactions we fell to the ground with uncontrollable laughter.

“What the hell! Why did you do that?!?” Janet yelled at us

“You-you should have seen your faces.” Zach said still laughing

“Good job man.” I said and we all high-fived each other and the girls glared at us.

“Don’t ever do that again!” Janet yelled

After everyone calmed down we just talked and ate roasted marshmallows. The two couples were cuddled together and seeing them like that made me wish I had a girlfriend to hug and kiss like they do.

We headed over to Kira’s house for a sleepover but Rob didn’t stay. We were watching a movie in Kira’s room and then we all fell asleep.