Sentence Me to Another Life


"Ryan, Brendon, I need you guys to stay late tomorrow and take inventory. Jon is out of town and I'm busy tomorrow, so you guys are on you're own. I'll pay you overtime." 

Brendon nodded, lost in dishwasher land, and I sighed. 

Spencer then leaned forward to whisper something in my ear. 

"Please don't kill the kid. I'll give you a bonus if you make an effort to get along." he said. 

I sighed again.

And that's why I'm stuck here, in a tiny room, with Urie. 

"Hey Brendon, you take care of all the shit in that corner and I'll take this wall." I said, sulking over to my side of the room. There are such better things I could be doing with my time. 

Okay, that's a lie. 

But no one needs to know that. 

Not even me. 

Moving on...

"Wow, you actually called me by my first name, and not even in a spiteful way." Brendon said with a smirk. 

"Spencer said I had to be nice. We wouldn't want you to lock yourself in the bathroom again." I mumbled. 

I was expecting some sort of protest, but his smirk just grew bigger. 

"Yeah well, sorry about that. I can he sensitive sometimes I guess." he said. I froze. What he said... It made me think of my dream last night. Stupid fucking dream. 

"Thomas... You are too sensitive sometimes. You know I didn't mean that." He fussed with Thomas' hair.

Just a coincidence. 

It was just a coincidence. 

I shook the memory of the dream from my head, and went back to taking stock. 

"So..." Brendon started off casually. "How long have you been working here?" 

"A few years I guess." I answered. "Spencer and I have been friends forever, and I needed a job so he hired me." I told him, surprisingly casual. "What about you? Why'd you start working here?" I asked as sort a knee jerk reaction. 

"I need to pay rent. My parents kicked me out." he said casually. 

"Thats rough man. How come?" I asked, not completely looking up, or really being that interested.  

"Because they found out I was gay." 

"Oh." I said. I wasn't really too sure how to respond. 

"Well, more like they gave me a choice to stay and be 'normal' or to just leave. So I left." he said using air quotes. 

"That's pretty rough man. Were they like religious or something?" I asked. I wasn't that interested, but I kind of felt bad for him. 

I guess. 

And I felt the need to keep the conversation going. 

"Yeah, and I used to believe in it too. But not since they kept telling me I wasnt allowed to be who I really was." he said. "I kind of felt a little lost though at first, not having something to believe in for the first time in my life." he continued. 

"Well you believe in all that superstitious mumbo jumbo don't you?" I said. I didn't mean for it to sound that... Bitchy. It just did. Force of habit. 

But he chuckled despite my bitchiness. "Yes I do. Ever since my mom dragged me to see some psychic lady who did a tarot reading on me. I don't remember the exact cards, but it predicted my, uh, sexuality, and my parents reaction to it, and turned out to be really accurate. Then after that my mother was totally against it, and being the rebellious teen I was, I got into it even more. But now that I think about it, the reason I'm so obsessed with it could be because I'm sort of like, longing for something to believe in or some shit like that." he finished. 

"Deep." I said, checking another item off the list. 

"Yeah I guess." he said. 

I looked over at him, and he wasn't smiling or laughing anymore. He looked almost sad, talking About his parents, and it was the first time I've ever seen him like this, so vulnerable. I mean, there was that time he got upset and hid in the bathroom, but this is different. He seems to have gone through a lot, and seems like less of the annoying perky clueless kid I thought he was. 

"So you really believe that we knew each other in a past life huh?" I asked, hoping to maybe set him of on a tangent, because seeing him sad made me feel uneasy for some reason. 

It worked, somewhat, and he smirked a little before nodding. "yeah." he said. "And I'm kind of surprised you don't. I mean there's just too many coincidences for them to actually be coincidences." he went on. "You can't tell me you haven't actually researched it out of curiosity." 

I sighed. "Well, uh. Fine. But just once. And it was just because I was bored and it was late at night." 

"Mhm. Did you find the wikipedia page?" he asked. 

"I, Er, yeah." I mumbled. His smirk grew. 

His smugness was oddly attractive.

"I had that dream last night too by the way. Thomas was pretty sensitive at times wasn't he?" 

My eyes grew wide. 

"How did you-"

"I saw the look on your face when I mentioned my sensitivity. Figured you had it too. Well are we about done?" he asked. 

I just stood there staring at him with wide eyes. 

"Alright. See ya tomorrow." he said before picking up his things and leaving, setting his list on Spencer's desk. 
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Love you guys. Comments? <3