Sentence Me to Another Life


"Jesus Christ. Would it kill you to show some compassion once in a while?! Why do you have to be such a jerk all the time!?" Keltie exclaimed. Her shrill voice was giving me a headache. I'm going to be late for work if she doesn't shut up.  

"Look." I said. " Can we do this another time? I don't need your shit right now." I spit back through my teeth. 

"No! I'm sick of your lame ass excuses and your fucking attitude all the time! You're never going to amount to anything with your god damn attitude! You're going to be stuck at that fucking 'Pizza Castle' for the rest of your fucking life!" She exclaimed. I had enough. I grabbed my keys and stormed out of the house, slamming the door as hard as I could. 


That argument ruined the rest I my day. I mean, I admit, I normally wasn't a very pleasant person to begin with, but today I was at my worst. 

I even snapped at a couple of customers. 


It didn't help when my favorite person showed up. 

I was at back behind the counter counting change when he snuck up behind me. 

"Hey Ryan." he said startling me. I turned around and glared at him before unresponsively walking in the other direction. 

He followed me. 

"What's wrong?" he asked. "Is it your girlfriend? Because the cards said-" 

"I don't care about your fucking cards!" I exclaimed. 

His expression faltered for a moment, but then the annoying grin reappeared on his face. 

"My horoscope said that though hurtful words may be thrown at me, and I shouldn't take any of it to heart. It's just people dealing with their own problems." he said not meeting my eye. I don't know why he's pissing me off so badly. Especially with that last statement. Maybe it's just that he's so unrealistically happy all the time. And he doesn't seem to know boundaries. 

I began grinding my teeth. If he doesn't back off in three... Two... One...

"Look! What part of I don't care don't you understand?!" I exclaimed. "Are you mental or something? You're so fucking weird and annoying! I don't need this right now!" I exclaimed before I ran off towards the back. 

It's a good thing we didn't have any customers. 

Brendon's POV 

I stood there unresponsively for a second. No one has ever spoken to me like that before. Sure people have told me I was strange, or that I had a strange obsession, but no one has ever said such hurtful things to me. 

I felt the tears begins to well up in my eyes. I was embarrassed and hurt. 

Fuck what my horoscope said. I can't not take that to heart. 

Was I really that annoying to people? Am I really mental with my obsession?

But it's not just an obsession. It's what gives me a positive outlook on life. It gives me something to believe in and something to make me happy. 

Am I not allowed to be happy? Not according to Ryan I guess. 

No. I'm thinking about this to much. I hardly know the guy. I shouldn't care what he thinks or take anything he says to heart. He's a jerk anyway. Spencer warned me. 

So why do I still feel like I'm going to fucking cry?


"Brendon,  are you alright?" said Spencer appearing out of no where. 

I looked at him while desperately willing my tears not to spill. 

I sniffed. "Yeah... I just... Ryan and.. He said... Nevermind." my voice broke at the end and I ran out of the room, locking myself in the bathroom. 


About ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. 

"Brendon, can I come in please?" a voice said. It sounded like Ryan's. 

I didnt answer, but I got up and opened it, not wanting to make a scene. I then took my seat on the floor again, not looking at Ryan. Did I mention my eyes were red and puffy? He sighed and sat down next to me. 

"Spencer is making me apologize." he said. 

"Sorry to inconvenience you." I mumbled bitterly. 

"Look, I'm sorry okay? I just... You were right. About my girlfriend I mean. We got in a big fight right before I left for work and I was still pissed off when you got here." he paused. 
"I didn't really mean most of what I said." 

I sighed. It's good enough I suppose. 

"It's fine. I'll stay away from you I guess. I'm sorry for annoying you." I mumbled again. 

He sighed. 

"No, just... Ugh. You don't have to do that... Just... You should get back to work." he said. 

The smile returned to my face and I couldn't help but wrap my arms around him. He didn't respond, he just kind of froze, but I didn't care. I was too happy. 

"I have some dishes to do." I said getting up with the grin still plastered on my face. 
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Hm.... Not to fond of this chapter. Oh well. Thanks for commenting guys. We love you. :3