Sentence Me to Another Life


"Hey!" Brendon exuberantly walks up to me at work yet again. "I had the weirdest dream last night."

I turned away from him. This is just too awkward. So apparently, silly me, but I may just have been lovers with this kid I work with in a past life and I was a prince and he was a servant and I was supposed to get married but instead I picked this gay peasant I guess. Totally logical, right?

Wait, maybe I am having a dream about having a dream...

Let me pinch myself.

Crap, it didn't work.

"Uh, Ryan?" Spencer asked from across the room. "Why are you pinching yourself, exactly?"

"Please don't ask." I replied as Brendon stepped in front of me.

"I was this servant for a mean king and his son looked exactly like you. When I woke up, I just thought 'Whoa,-" Please don't say it sounds like we were lovers. If he mentions anything about those tarot card I will have to kill him. "-This is something out of a romance movie!'"

I think he made it worse than I could imagine. That is worse than saying we were lovers, that is like saying we were madly in love and it was tragic.

I could see Spencer smirking over Brendon's shoulder.

That bastard. I wonder how long I would spend in jail if I killed both of them. Let's say 25 for Spencer if it is quick, and maybe the judge will give me mercy for Brendon and give me only 15 years. Toghether that would be 40, that means I would be out when I am 59.

Eh, not worth it I guess.

"How is that romantic, exactly?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Because we were gay and in love!" Brendon explained nonchalantly.

"Brendon," I started. My eyes narrowed and fists clenched."I swear to fucking God, if you don't give up this whole idea I will kill you. I will kill you, and no one will ever find your body and you won't even have a funeral."

Brendon seemed a bit wounded by that, which made me feel badbetter. "Don't even joke about things like that, Ryan."

"What if I wasn't joking?" I said with a wicked grin. "You have no idea what I am like."

Spencer intruded, afraid if I took this further Brendon would lock himself into the bathroom again. "Ryan, don't scare the kid." He pulled Brendon away and I finally got back to work.

But on the brightside, that was probably the most fun I have ever had while Brendon has been working here.
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Ryan seems so homicidal. Dont worry, he likes to kid.

IGS has nine stars :o That makes me suuuper happy :D