Sentence Me to Another Life


"You're very lucky Mister Amberwood." the older woman stated wiping her hands on he apron. "If the Mistress had not taken pity on you and allowed you to stay, you could very well be dead right now." she said as she lead the way through the dining room.

My mind flashed back to the brutal life changing memory. There was a fire. My mother was pregnant. She was lighting the stove to make some late night tea, when the baby kicked, causing her to drop the match onto her book. The flame became larger and larger, then caught a nearby cloth on fire, which then caught the curtains on fire. Eventually everything around her was engulfed in flames. I was just in the other room, so I had heard her cries for help, but by the time I reached the kitchen, my eyes and lungs were already burning from the smoke, and things were falling from the ceiling. I called out to her, but she was on the floor, coughing and gasping for breath. Before I could reach her, a beam fell from the ceiling of our tiny house, causing a wall of fire blocking the only entrance and exit from the kitchen. The fire soon spread, then it was taking over the sitting room and the stairway. I began to feel light headed from all the smoke; it burned at my lungs and eyes. 

It got worse and worse until I was on my knees. 

The front door. I thought. I just had to make it outside, then I could go for help. I crawled for the door, but I was getting weaker and slower.

Eventually, and I'm not sure how, I found myself outside. The last thing I remembered from that night was my face hitting the dirt. 

My entire family perished in that fire. 

There were no other houses for miles. So if it had been any other night, and the queen had not been passing by in her carriage, if she hadn't found me and brought me back to the palace, I could very well be dead right now. 

even though I feel like it should have been me instead if my mother and unborn brother or sister

I am grateful she saved me and offered to let me stay here as a servant so I don't end up on the streets.

I remember overhearing the queen trying to convince the king to let me stay.
"George we can't just throw him out on the streets." she had said. "He has no family. No one. He's all alone. He's our sons age too. You know how he's always complaining that he has no one to talk to. Please George." she pleaded. 

So after a lot of persuasion, he agreed to let me stay. But only as a servant. 

And after hearing this, I was curious to maybe meet this boy, but being a prince and all his was probably some spoiled little snob. 

Back to present time. 

I followed the woman through the parlor, where a younger looking boy sat reading a book. 

"Evening sir. Is there anything I can get you?" she asked the boy. 

"No. That's alright." he said looking up from his book. He then looked my way and caught my gaze, causing me to turn red from embarrassment and look down. 

This had to be the most gorgeous boy I've ever seen. 

"Who is this?" he asked, nodding in my direction. 

"This is mister Thomas Amberwood. The newest servant to the Royal family. I was just showing him to his room." She introduced me.

"I see. Well it's a pleasure to meet you Thomas. Welcome." he greeted with a small smile. 

"Thank you sir." I replied, not looking him in the eye.

"Well I was just getting ready to go off to bed." The prince said, closing his book. "Good evening. Sleep well." he said as he disappeared through the newest door way. 

"Good night sir." both of us said at the same time. 

"Come. Let me show you to your room." the woman said, pushing me along as I stared after him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey everyone, I'm really sorry this took so long. I've been a little preoccupied. Ha.

Now it's time for a little shameless self advertising! You all should check out our new story called I Want To Hate You Half As Much As I Hate Myself. if you do, and leave comments telling us what you like and don't, I promise we'll try and update this more frequently.

Er, not to try and bribe/blackmail or anything. (nervous laugh) I just feel like our story is being neglected. Which sucks because it's amazing. (Ha I just made this promise with out even talking to Judy. xD oh well.)

Okay I'm going to stop before the AN is longer then the chapter. xD

Wel love you all so much. <3 comments?