Sequel: iGet Revenge

iGo on a Killing Spree


Freddie leaned forward,resting his elbows on the lunchtable in front of him. He was waiting for Carly and Sam to come back from the bathroom. He looked down at his french fries on his tray, he picked one up and waved it in front of his face.
'Hey Benson,whats up?" Gibby said,setting his tray down in front of Freddie.
"Hey" freddie replied, taking a bite out of the fry.
"what're you doing?" Gibbby asked, focusing on his food.
"waiting for sam....and carly"
"here we are!" Carly said, standing behind Freddie and smiling.Freddie turned around and looked at her,she smiled again and sat down next to him. Freddie raised his eyebrows to her and turned back to his lunch tray.Things had been different between Carly and Freddie ever since they'd dated. He didn't feel the same about her anymore, he only saw her as his friend,nothing more.The truth was, he'd stopped liking her around the time he got his first kiss. He could remember that night perfectly.The breeze on the balcolny,the feeling in his stomach,and the soft touch of sam puckett's lips.
"move Gibby you're in my spot" Sam said flicking Gibbby's ear.Gibby slid over and sam sat down. "Fredward" she said
"Sam" Freddie replied, he stared into her eyes.
"freddie,you're just going to let her take your fries like that?" Carly said, poking Fredie's arm.He hadn't noticed that Sam had taken his lunch tray and was eating his fries." i don't mind" Freddie replied. Carly laughed "look at you, being all nice" she swayed back and forth.Sam smiled "Good for you Freddie" she teased "being alll nice to Sam".
Freddie laughed and leaned forward again.
"well here's your tray back" sam said,getting up.
"where are you going ?" Freddie asked,he would have liked to gaze at her a while longer.
"i'm supposed to be in the principle's office"
"sam" Carly whined,smiling at Sam.Sam shrugged and walked away toward the cafeteria doors,Freddie watched her.
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please read chapter 2 and the other chapters, i promise it gets more exciting