Sequel: iGet Revenge

iGo on a Killing Spree


Carly tip-toed quickly to the large plant in the corner of the hallway and hid behind it. As soon as she hidden behind it Feddie's door swung open. He peered around the hallway and then closed his door again. Carly breathed a sigh of relief. She'd "overheard" Freddie and his mom talking about her. She was a terrible girl? How could Freddie's mother possily thnk that Carly was worse than Sam? Carly stepped out from behind the plant and stood in front of Freddie's door. It was obvious that Freddie's mother was influencing him, and Carly had to stop that

She stepped closer to the door and wrapped her hand around the knob. She inhaled as she pulled the door open, she hadn't thought about whether or not Freddie would still be in the living room. The door swung all the way open to reveal and emty room. Carly exhaled and stepped inside, closing the door quietly behind herself. She could hear water running in the kitchen. She padded toward the kitchen door and peeked inside, Freddie's mother was washing dishes. She shook her head and mumbled something. Carly scowled and stepped closer to Mrs.Benson. As Mrs.Benson opened her mouth to yawn Carly grabbed her neck and forced her head down into the sink full of soapy water. Mrs.Benson struggled but Carly held her down. She held her until she stopped struggling. Carly backed away slowly until she was back to the living room and then ran back to her apartment.