Sequel: iGet Revenge

iGo on a Killing Spree


Freddie sat inside of Mcdonalds wondering what he was going to do once he moved to Montana. He didn't want toleave Sam here. He didn't want to be seperated from her.
"There's got to be a way i can stay here" He whispered to himself.
"A way for you to stay where?" Carly asked coming up behind him and wrapping her arms around his neck. Freddie stood up, brushing Carly off.
"Hey Freddie. I heard about you moving to Montana, and about your mom" Carly said, sitting down on the opposite end of the table. "It's too bad really, but you and i have still got somwe time to be together."
"What are you talking about Carly?" Freddie sat back down.
"Well...we are in love Freddie, don't you remember?" Carly laughed for a moment.
"I'm in love with Sam. I don't know why you don't understand that. I don't love you"
"But, Freddie" Carly reached out for him, but he stood up again.
"No, Carly. I love Sam, she has my heart. I'll never be able to give it to anyone else."
Carly stood up, looking down. "So it was Sam, all along. It wasn't all those other people that just made you think you loved her...It was her! She brainwashed you, and took you away from me! I did this all for you Freddie! I did it all for you, and all this time i was wrong!"
Freddie backed away from Carly. "You did what?"
"All of it! Freddie! everything!" Carly shouted before screaming out in anger and storming toward the door. "But i'll take care of it, and then you'll be mine for sure" She said before turning on her heel and stomping out the door.

Freddie sat back down, trying to make sense of what he'd just heard."She did it all for me?" Freddie whispered to himself. "Oh no."