Sequel: iGet Revenge

iGo on a Killing Spree


Sam sat back in the soft cushion chairs in the the principle's office. She was being lectured but she wasn't listening. She was thinking about Freddie Benson. Ever since they'd kissed on the balcolny that night. She hadn't been able to stop thinking about him, and the more she thought about him the more she realized that she'd always felt this way. She smiled to herself, thinking of Freddie's lips pressed against hers.
"ms.Puckett, i said you could go now" Principle Franklin waved Sam toward the door.
"oh, sorry" Sam mumbled, getting up and walking out the door. Freddie was standing at his locker, getting out a book.
"hey Fred-nerd" she called out to him, he looked up and smiled.
"hey Sam" he said quietly, still smiling. his blindingly white teeth all showing. Sam swooned, he was gorgeous,she wanted him to be her boyfriend, her everything.
"what up?" Sam asked,walking over and leaning on the locker next to his.
"nothing really, i was just-" Freddie was cut off by the growling of his own stomach.
"oh that's right, i ate your fries"
"uh yeah, but it's alright i'll" Freddie laughed.
"no, take this" Sam said, pulling her backpack off her shoulders and unzipping it. She pulled out a fat cake and handed it to Freddie. Their fingers touched as Freddie took the cupcake. "eat that" Sam said pulling her hand away.
"thanks Sam" Freddie spoke barely above a whisper, looking deep into her eyes. Sam did her best to hide her now rosy cheeks behind her golden curls.
"so..rehearsal at carly's house tonight, right after school . Can you come?"
"well then i can too" Freddie smiled, closing his locker. Sam blushed again. They stood their in silence, smiling at eachother.
"i wouldn't do that around Carly if i were you" Gibby said, approaching the two.
"what, do what?" Sam said, standing up straight.
"all the gazing and smiling" Gibby shook his hand back and forth. It was still red from being crushed under the tray. Sam shook her head and pushed past Gibby.
"Nobody was gazing at anybody" she said without turning around. she couldn't wait to see Freddie tonight.
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keep on reading :)