Sequel: iGet Revenge

iGo on a Killing Spree


"i really like her spencer" Freddie said, plopping down on the couch next to Spencer.He was here before Carly and Sam.
"Who?" Spencer asked, taking a bite out of his spaghetti taco.
"Sam... i really like her"
"huh, i thought you liked carly"
" that was just a phase, this is real" Freddie stood up and walked to the counter. "what should i do?"
"well, i'd imagine the right thing to do whould be to ask her out" Spencer said sarcastically. "come on man, that's not so hard to figure out, if you like someone, you should ask them out."
"'re right, i mean what's the worse that could happen?"
"she says no" Spencer laughed getting up at the sound of knocking at the door. He opened the door and Sam pushed inside, Carly close behind her.
"what up Freddie, Spencer" Sam sat down on the couch and put her feet up
"It's Freddie time!" Spencer said pointing at Freddie with a stupid smile on his face.Freddie shot spencer a dirty look back.
"Freddie time? what do you mean Freddie time?" Carly asked, walking to the kitchen and opening the refridgerator. "does anybody want iced tea?"
"no thanks, and ignore Spencer. It's not Freddie time" Freddie said shaking his head.
"oh come on man, i'll do it for you. Sam Puckett, Freddie Benson is in love with you, he would like to ask for your hand in girlfriendism, do you accept" Spencer sat back down on the couch next to Sam and smiled at her.
"What!?" Carly said dropping the pitcher of ice tea. The glass shattered on the floor and ice tea was all over the place.
"Hey Carly be careful!" Spencer said, jumping up to help Carly clean up the glass.
"Freddie?" Sam said, standing up. "we should talk"
"uh yeah we should, lets go to my place" Freddie said, he followed Sam to the door and out into the hallway.
"look Sam i didn't mean for it to happen like this i just-" Sam cut Freddie off by pressing her finger to his lips.
"I accept" She said, smiling. "I want to be your girlfriend" Freddie smiled and pulled her in close to him to kiss her for the second time.
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carly kills in the next chapter! keep going!