Sequel: iGet Revenge

iGo on a Killing Spree


Carly could feel herself losing it. Freddie liked Sam? and Spencer was egging him on? Her own brother? She looked down at him, he was on his hands and knees picking up big pieces of glass. The front door opened and Sam poked her head inside.
"i think i'm going to go home Carly, i'll see you later. Freddie is going home too."
"Wait, are you two dating?" Carly asked, afraid of Sam's anwser.
"yeah,bye" Sam smiled and closed the door. Carly could feel her eye twitching, her hands were shaking, her whole body was shaking.
"Hey could you get me the broom kiddo?" Spencer asked.
" ...Sure" Carly said numbly as she went to get the broom. Carly picked up the broom and held it like a bat, she walked back to Spencer, tightening her grip.
"Spencer" Carly said, he looked up and carly swung the broom down hard, over and over again. Spencer screamed out in pain and tried to crawl away. Carly followed him, still beating him with the broom.
"Carly! stop, i'm your brother! please!" Spencer begged, tears running down his face.
" A good brother wouldn't ask Sam out for Freddie! he was supposed to be mine! he's supposed to love me!" Carly beat him even harder, relentlessly. She pressed the broom to his throat, strangling him.
"i'm sorry Carly, i'm sorry" Spencer gasped for air. Carly kept the broom on his neck even after he stopped kicking. "i hope you learned your lesson" She whispered. The door opened and Gibby stepped inside, his eyes grew wide at the sight of a dead Spencer on the floor.
"What did you do?" Gibby gasped, carly looked up, her eyes cold and dead.
"you should go Gibby, and don't say a word or you'll be next" Gibby nodded and closed the door, Carly heard him run down the hallway, she already knew he was going to tell.
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comment please and watch for the next chapter!