Sequel: iGet Revenge

iGo on a Killing Spree


Sam smiled at Freddie and Freddie smiled back.
"how long have you been wannting to ask me out?" She asked, blushing.
"since the night we first kissed" Freddie replied, grabbing Sam's hand.
"this is so weird" Sam said, taking a sip from her smoothie. "good weird. it's just that, you're the first guy that i've actually wanted to date you know?" Freddie laughed and nodded, squeezing Sam's hand.
"i know...i'm just a little worried about Carly,she seemed a little shocked earlier."
"i know, i didn't tell her we were coming here together, i said we went back home." Sam said looking into Freddie's eyes, she found comfort in his eyes. " i'm worried too, something about how angry she sounded really put me on edge." The look in Carly's eyes was burned into her memory.
"let's not think about her, lets just take time to celebrate us, eh?"
"you're right, we can talk to carly tommorow"
"until then, what do you say we break the good news to T-bo?" Freddie said pulling Sam towards the counter. "Hey T-bo" Freddie smiled. T-bo turned around and raised his eyebrows at Sam.
"what's with the hand holding?" T-bo asked.
"Sam and i are dating now" Freddie kissed Sam's cheek.
"i always knew you two would end up together, thats good for you but you better be careful"
"be careful? why should we be careful?" Sam asked, confused.
"well she's bound to be feeling a little rejected. She's used to Freddie liking her and she might feel like a third wheel now. Some girls go crazy over stuff like that" T-bo furrowed his brow and scratched his chin.
"Carly's not like that though, she's fine" Sam shook her head and looked at Freddie "Right?"
"right" Freddie squeezed Sam's hand.
"you don't know what that girl is capable of! in fact, i'm gonna need you guys to get out of here" T-bo came around the counter and began pushing Sam and Freddie to the door. "Look, i'm happy for you two and all but i don't need to give Carly any reason to come up here and give me a hard time, now get out" He pushed them out the door and walked back to the counter.