Sequel: iGet Revenge

iGo on a Killing Spree


Freddie massaged the back of his neck as he walked down the hall.What was T-bo so freaked out about? Carly wouldn't do anything crazy, she was probably happy for Sam and Freddie. Freddie pulled his key out of his pocket and started opening his door
"Freddie!" Someone whispered. Freddie turned around and looked.
"Who said that?" he asked, he jumped a little as Gibby appeared from behind a fake tree.
"Freddie, Freddie i saw something...something bad" Gibby grabbed Freddie's shirt and stared up at him, his eyes wide. He looked like he'd been crying for a while
"What Gibby? What'd you see?"
"something terrible she-"
"Gibby, what are you still doing here?" Carly said, her door was half open and she was leaning on the door frame.
"i...was just leaving. I've got to go Freddie" Gibby blurted before running down the hall and turning the corner.
"Gibby wait!" Freddie called out "What's wrong with him?"
"i don't know, he's Gibby, he's weird" Carly said stepping into the hallway and closing her door. "Sam said you guys both went home...where are you coming from?"
"um...the groovy smoothie"
"With Sam?" Carly asked, stepping closer to Freddie, he stepped back.
"No" he lied, pressing his back against the wall next to his door.
"No?" Carly stepped closer to Freddie and began playing with a button on his shirt.
"okay i was with Sam. We wanted to tell T-bo the good news" Freddie pushed Carly's hand away.
"oh you were with Sam,that's nice"
"yeah it is" Freddie bit his lip, Carly was getting closer to him every second.
"you know Freddie, i always thought we could be...nice"
"no you didn't, when i liked you, you rejected me everyday"
"Liked?" Carly asked, looking at Freddie sternly
"yes, liked, past tense. I'm with Sam now"
"i bet i can make you like me again" Carly said, wrapping her arms around Freddie's neck and kissing him. Freddie pushed Carly away from him, shocked.
"i said i was with Sam now! i don't like you anymore carly, i like Sam! don't you get it?"
"Freddie i-" Carly stuttered reaching out for him again.
"i don't want to talk anymore...i guess i'll see you tommorow" Freddie said, opening his door and stepping inside.
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please leave a comment and make sure you read the next chapter when i post it