Sequel: iGet Revenge

iGo on a Killing Spree


Sam stepped into the school building, excited to see Freddie. she walked to her locker to wait for him but noticed a large crowd of people standing around it.
"what's going on?" she was late to school today and had missed first hour. Girls were crying and boys were turning a green color.Sam pushed to the front of the crowd and gasped. Gibby was dead. A tray had been snapped in half and pressed into his stomach. his throat had been sliced, and the collar of his shirt had been closed in the locker. he had been murdered. Sam let out a whimper and brought her hand to her mouth, a tear rolled down her cheek.
"Sam!" someone cried. Sam turned around to see Carly running towards her.
"Carly..when did this happen?"
"During first hour, someone did this first hour" Carly hugged Sam .
"Sam" Freddie said, he put his hand on her back, Sam let go of Carly and ran into Freddie's arms. For a moment she thought she saw Carly glower at her, but decided to ignore it.
"Come on Sam,they want all the students out of the building" Sam nodded and began to walk away with Freddie
"Just, Sam? i can't come?" Carly said, crossing her arms.
" can come too" Freddie mumbled.

Sam chewed on her smoothie straw and stared at the table. She knew T-Bo was watching her. He'd only let Sam and Freddie back in because they were with Carly.
"I just can't believe, something like that would actually school" Freddie shook his head.
"and to Gibby of all people" Sam blurted "Sure he was kind of weird, but he didn't deserve that"
"You don't know what he deserved" Carly snapped. Sam looked up at Carly.
"What?" Freddie asked.
"I mean, maybe he did something to someone,or...or saw something he shouldn't have seen, or something." Carly stammered.
"i guess he might have, but if he did i wish he would of told us he was in trouble or something" Sam said staring at Carly.
"What's that on your shirt Carly?" Freddie pointed to a crimson colored spot on the front of Carly's shirt. Carly looked down and gasped.
"I've got to go I'll see you guys later" Carly rushed out and Sam watched her.
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sorry it's been so long to those of you that still read this, I've been having some issues i had to deal with lately but I'm back now