Status: Fresh out of the oven

One of the Boys

Chapter Nineteen

I spent the rest of the day finishing off my classwork in the library and looking for Eric. The secret phone Teddy had given me on my first day wasn't being answered by Eric whenever I tried to call him, even though when we had exchanged numbers he hed been ecstatic. I must have freaked him out completely last night and guilt was my shadow for the rest of the day.

Lunch on the weekends is a quiet affair as most people go out to town to eat and come back only for the evening. Deciding to stick with the sheltering quiet and desolation of the library I work through lunch time on a chemistry assigment. I guess I must have been so engrossed in balancing equations and drawing chemical structures that I didn't notice it at first.

The library has various staircases that lead to higher levels and different study areas. In total I had counted three levels and five wooden staircases. Today I had decided to climb to the third floor were I had the habit of installing myself on the days I wasn't working with Eric. This space was less often used due to its high level and the large number of bookcases that cluttered the already cramp space. The books on the shelf were old versions, or damaged books that no one thus far had come to look for.

Today however something caught my attention. The boy Skylar Richardson suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs carrying a large over filled satchel on his left shoulder and a thick wad of paper on the other and a Chemistry textbook. Instinctively I froze trying not to attract any attention to myself and surveyed him as he caught his breath and cursed at the three steep stair cases he had to climb to get here. I watched him rearrange the papers in his hand that almost fumbled out his hold, regain control and walk past me and a tall oak bookcase where he disappears from view.

I started breathing again, allowed myself limited movement, and tried to think of place to hid so that when he came back from behind the bookcases he wouldn't notice me. I was perplexed by what he hoped to find in the old bookcases that have collected noticeable dust over the years. Even the librarians don't bother coming up here, because there aren't any books to reshelf or reorder. After a quick inspection of my surroundings I deducted that there is no place to hid other than down the stair case, and the creaking would alert him of my presence. I decided to stay put and not move, hopping that he would again be too distracted to notice me and he'd just walk past.

But only time passes and he doesn't come back. Now I am confused because this level is not very big. I am sitting next to a cluster of work tables, the only tables on this level, and where Skylar went were only bookcases. I could tell by the shape of room that there can't be anything but five bookcases down where he went. So that leaves the question; where did he go?

I try and go back to my work after a few minutes, but I keep glancing to my right and at the bookcases, yet he doesn't reappear. After two hours of half hearted work I finally give up and stand up and swiftly move towards the row of bookcases, curiosity over whelms me now. Then the next thing I know I slam into him and I am on the floor rubbing my backbone as Skylar looks down on me with that same suspicious glare. Where did he come from, I wonder. I look past his legs and see that I was right. The space lined with bookshelves only extends three meters in the direction he came from.

"A girl?" he mubled under his breath in confusion. The weekends were the hardest days for me, when I had do dress in casual clothes and still try to retain the masculinity that came with the school uniform. I saw a spark of recognition in his black eyes that were so dark they appeared pupiless. "No. It's that girlish boy," he analysed still from his dominant possition above me, but not really talking to me.

"Sorry," I whisper trying to get back to my feet. "For knocking into you." I send a tentative smile that is answered with a raised eyebrow. He scans me from top to bottom and I feel as though he is about to say something, maybe an apology but what comes is an even bigger glare.

A second later he side stepped me and continued to walk towards the staircase.

"Hey!" I call after him, offended by this bruskness, "You knocked me down. I shouldn't be the only one apoligizing."

"Not my problem. Little boys like you should mind their own business and not go snooping into other people's affair." I am once more paralyzed with shame. So now he fully recognizes me as the onlooker in the car park. I thought he would have forgotten by now. He goes on down the stairs and out of my view and I am left fumming on the floor. Normally in these situations I would have lashed out and demanded an apolgy, but in these circumstances I really did feel like I was a bit of a snoop.

By this time it was already 9 o'clock and I had to get ready for tonight. I meandered my way back to my room and tried not to think too much about Skylar. But everything about him was mysterious. At Holderns there weren't a lot of students so I had become familiar with everyones face by now even though they may not have been in my classes. But I hadn't seen Skylar once since that slight glimps on the first day of class. Then there were those accumulating messages on his phone and I was sure they were linked to that dreadfully pained expression that I had first witnessed on him.

When I reached my room I heard Marcus in the shower and noticed a white envelope on my bed adressed to L. J. Inside was a small little white card with scripted writing on it in black ink.

Looking forward to see how you carry yourself out of the tame school ground. If you care to stay in Ely with teddy Marcys and Eric you'll take care to impress. You are now officially up to the highest bidder. Don't mess up. Signed L.

Inside was an ID card and the same photo of me that was on my driving license. On it my name was Christian Kerg and I was nineteen.There was also a neatly folded sheet with instructions neatly written out. Reading them I came to the frustrating conclusion that this was going to be a long evening.

I quickly changed into the outfit I had spent the whole week pondering over and dabbled on men perfume. The whole thing was done pretty quickly. With no nails to polish, and hair to shave, or make up to apply I was done in no time. It also gave me time to think . I was certain that Leo had written this message. Everything about it oozed Leonard. ; The letter format, the scripted hand writing, finding it on my bed and not the mail slots each student has. He obviously wanted me to play this little game of his and weight me up. I wonder if anyone else knew about this task he had set me. Cameron had obviously warned me about it but I don't think he knew the details. Just as I don't think he knew the details about what went on in the storage room on the first day of school. I blushed at the memory of it and tried not to remember his groan of pleasure, deep and lustfull.

"You're thinking about something dirty?"

I swirled around and found the smirking Marcus, fresh out of the shower and looking good in denim jeans and a dark blue polo and his large headphones around his neck and a bottle of vodka in his hand.

"I was not,"

"Were they about me and my unrivaled sexiness?"

"No they were about Leo actually," I replied stuffing the ID into my pocket and grabbing my wallet.

Marcus was obviously disappointed my by answer and took a glup of vodka. "Not fair. Every girl always goes for Leo or Cameron or Nathaniel. I only get the slutty ones."

"That my dear Marcus is because you act like one," and with a impatient sigh I left the room and headed towards the car park with Marcus trailing behind me moaning about unfairness and lack of good taste.

When we get to the car park Leo and Cameron are already there. Leo was leaning casually against a gleaming convertible. In fact the whole car park was filled with cars that had a price tag well over 30 thousand pounds. I hadn't come down here since I had properlly park my little Clio and had been astounded.,Sure a lot of them were second owned, but you could tell they were worth so much.

Cameron was having fun kicking a football against a low brick wall that lined a part of the parking lot and congradulated me when I successfully received and stopped the ball that he kicked to me as a gretting. Ludovic and Nathaniel where already in a car together and had some loud dubstep music blasting out of their Range Rover Sport.

"Hey Lucas!" called Ludovic as I neared them, "You actually look good. Maybe you'll manage to score some tonight on the dance floor. But then again you'll have Nat, Marc, and Me to compete with, so...probably not," he gwaffed playfully and Nataniel rolled his eyes at his best friend's antiques.

I kicked the ball towards Ludo's car, scaring him as it flew just centimeters above side mirrors. "Opps," I sarcastically said, "I missed." I chuckled as Ludovic swore perfusively at me.

Cameron cheered and whooped loudly and I glowed inside knowing I had made him laugh once more. He came over and beamed at me brightly. His hair was disheveled as always due to his inability to stay still. "Lucas, we are going to have such a good time tonight! I've got a list of all the drinks you have to try. Terrance is the barman and he makes the best shots. Ever."

Marcus got into the car with Nat and Ludo and suggestively winked at me.
"What I'm looking forward to is seeing how well Lucas can hold his drink, and how well he can move on the dancefloor."

I glared at Marcus and turned back to Cameron. "Well which car is yours then? I think it's time we get a move on."

"The Range Rover is actually mine, but I promised Ludo I'd let him drive it today. He loves the car even more than I do." He smiled akwardly, "I'll just be driving shot gun."

"That's okay, it means-"

"You'll be driving with me Lucas." I turned my head and focused on Leo. He had entered the two seater Mercedes and had rolled down his windows. His arm hung loosely out of the empty frame twirlling a short looking stick between two fingers of his hand.

"What! Why?" demanded Cameron, before I could even ask the same thing. "I was planning on telling Luc how the evening was going to roll out in miticuouls detail."

"There will be no need for such conversation Cam," Leo said in a impatient manner. "He's already been brifed. Lucas will sit in my car for this journey, there are things we must go over. I haven't had the privilage that you've had Cam, and I haven't had a single proper conversation with him yet. Now as a fellow school council member, you should recognize this as appauling manners on my part."

"Leo? What is going on? You didn't even say anything when I told you I wanted to ask Lucas to join us," argued Cameron looking dejected by Leo's decision.

"As I said Cam, there are matters that would best be discussed in the privacy of my two seater. Now I'll tell you all about it tonight."

"Fine," relented Cameron. He threw me a wave with a sorry smile and jumped into the passenger seat of the other car. "Don't let him bully you into anything Lucas," he then called out, "That's my job!"

Leo sighed exhasperatly and beckoned with a wave of his hand to get in the car. I did so promptly careful to only let my smart trainers touch the mat on the floor of the passager seat, which itself still looked to clean to wipe my shoes on.

"Nice ride," I say to him as he starts the engine and it gives out a soft purr. "The interior is really something." I only got a stiff nod in reply.

"Where does the school think we are going," I asked suddenly realizing that curfew was to come back from town was at eight o'clock, unless you spend the weekend at home with your guardians.

"With me," he said simply laughing at my sudden panic.

"And where do they think you are going?"

"Attending the 45th annual Gala at the Tate Museum for post modern Art with a few of my closest friends. Why?"

"You are such a liar," I could hear the awe in my voice. "You have them all believing your goody two shoes story but, truefully, your baddest of them all."

"You really shouldn't praise me so much, it's not good for my ego, Baby Doll" he said glimering, "Baby doll. Isn't that what Theo calls you?"

"He is only allowed to call be that because I call him Teddy Bear,"

"Well I like it. It suits you."

I blushed terribly and couldn't bring myself to look at him.

"Thanks, but enough of the small talk. There somethings about you that doesn't add up, so your going to help me out what it is."

"Ah sorry but I didn't bring my calculator." I grumbled annoyed by his dominating attitude. How this guy had any friends was beyond me understanding. Leonard Castello obviously expected people to submit to him with no questions about it. Even Cameron whom I deeply respected for his kindness towards me, was prey to Leo's demands.

"Funny," he actually chuckled and craked a small smile. "I heard that you were funny Lucas. Among other things." He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes knowingly. Leo backed out of the parking spot and smoothly turned the car around with one hand on the wheel to face the exit. The other hand playfully flicked my forhead making me squeal in surprise and curl away from him and into myself. I had seen him do this little move of his to Teddy on numerous occassion, I couldn't work out the meaning behind it.

"Whay was that for," I scowled, "You don't just do that to people."

"Hmm," was his only response. Completely disinterested, his focus was turned to the car in front of us that beeped twice before speeding down the long stone drive of the college. "We better get going or else Cameron will have my head. He seems to have taken quite a shine to you."

"So? You're jealous? Worried you friend is realizing you aren't that great?"

He sent me a look that seemed to say in its hostility -please don't associate me with such demeaning actions. He typed in the location into an inbuilt GPS screen and then chose a radio channel that aired big band tunes.

"So let me ask the questions from now on, Okay? There are some issues that have come to my attention and as Chair I must adress them. Craig Miller and his boys have been moaning at my ear non stop that you've been inturpting the system for the past fortnight. Apperently you're not letting them use the first years as their personal assistants."

This is not were I though the conversation would be going. "Yeah so? I dislike people using weaker ones to do t. Miller and the things for them. They had it coming."

"What about Charles Juster and his friends?"

"He also had it coming,"

"Even the tripple kicks to the groin?"

I blushed.

"And the punches to the stomach, all because they had demanded the boy's key's to the ferrarie his dad had let him have for his birthday weekend. It's all a bit excessive, wouldn't you say."

I glowered at his patronizing tone, "They were threatening to key the thing! What would you know about the situation? You are the Chair and you don't do anything. It's like you don't care."

"Ah, that's because I truely don't." He smile at me kindly as if pitying my ignorance. "I only care when it becomes my own problem because people don't stop pestering me. No worry. I have a perfect solution to this problem, it will all be determined by your preformance in tonight's task and your initiation."

"Why do you care about me so much?" I asked perplex. The amount of trouble he was going through to obviously set all this up. The fake ID, the letters, it was a bit on the excessive side.

"Because Cameron does, and he's always been a good judge of character."

"Then I don't know what went wrong when he met you." This comment made him swerve slightly into the next lane. I waited for retaliation but none came, instead he calmly asked me more questions.

"Tell me Lucas, how come there is no record of your previous schools in your file? There is in fact very little record about you at all. Do you know how hard it was to procure that photo of your for your fake ID? Or any information on you for the matter. Empty school file, no Facebook account, none of our connections in the previous schools you mentioned could remember ever knowing a Lucas John attending their school. Or any of the other school we checked out, yet you claim to have moved boarding schools a lot. Strange isn't it?"

"What is your point?" I was glad to see we had entered a four lane carriage way now. Leo was a confident driver and had no trouble looking away from the road to speak to me, but now it would be to difficult and dangerous. His crisp green eyes were trained on to the increased level of traffic. Therefore he couldn't see the panic arise in me as I focused on scenery that zoomed past.

"Nothing much, it's just that now, I am intrigued, something that I don't make a habit of being."

"Great." I need to find a way out of this mess. Leo being has a strong position in the school and it would be devastating if he ever came close to finding out. "Look Leo, I just want a simple year, you understand. Simple. As you can imagine my impulsive and semi violent behaviour got me into a lot of trouble previously. It cannot happen again." I said slow to punctuate its importance. "Ever."

"So Lucas John what did you do to to piss of Eric Hales so badly last night?"

To say that I was suprised would be an understatement. I didn't even think Eric was pissed, just upset at the most. He was understanding as always from what I could remember of the conversation we had outside my door.

"What makes you think anything went down?" Suspision colored my tone.

"He normal rushes to your room every morning including the weekends at 8:30 with a black Americano and two lumps of sugar then drags you to breakfast. This morning he didn't."

"Nothing happened," The soft vibrations of the car suddenly triggered a shiver to crawl up my spine.

"Really. 'Nothing' doesn't seem quite right, does it." When I didn't respond or show sign of giving him any other leads on the situation he moved on. "You've been struggeling to keep up with the school's assigments and that you were really disappointed by your result at the start of the year Chemistry test and surprised by the proficiency of the rest of the students."

The saliva in my mouth started to thicken and my stomach was starting to lurch. I fixated my gaze on my shacking knees and refused to meet Leo's mint stare.

"Let me guess. You are wondering how it is possible that someone like you ; who always had a restricted amount of social interaction, thus dedicated the most part of their school years to studying, could obtain such a low grade on the aptitude test."

My fist clenched and unclenched during his little analysis, and it was only because he was driving the vehicle that I didn't unleash my frustration out on him. "What the hell do you care Leo?"

"Proving to you that I know more about what goes on in this school than you'd ever know. Whether I care or not doesn't matter at all. Your birthday is the sixteenth of May, you hate any sort of root vegetable apart from potatoes, you like to color code all your notes, you trying out for the rugby and football team though your skill lies in martial art sport, your best subject is maths, and you've never owned a pet in your life. Shall I go on?"

"No," I try to say as collected as I could. "That's enough! Why are caring about me so much? Why do you bother?"

He tsked me reproachfully as if aghast more than anything. "I told you it's not that I care, in that sense you are right, I have no reason to. But you are hiding something and its my job to find out what?"

"Why don't I ask the questions now? I am dead sure I am not the only one who has secrets."

I let him laugh at me merrily for half a minute, rejoicing that I remembered that I have something over him.

"You don't want to find out about me. I leave much to be desired and underneath it all I am not what people expect. Even when they expect the worst." His voice was low and threatening, though intertwined with a confidence that left me to believe that he didn't think I could ever come close to peeling back all the layers his soul was bound under.

He'd won this battle.

"How long are you planning on glaring at me with those little chocolate buttons of yours?"

I froze, my brain was slow on figuering out how you respond to such a comment. I couldn't work out what was meant by the adjective he had attached to my glare, which had done nothing to intimidate him. Boys didn't speak to each other like this as far as I had witnessed. This made me worried that he was some how aware of the truth.

"W-What"? I stuttered shifting my body against the strap of seat belt that tried to keep me in place as we sped at 90 down the highway.

"You've now awaken a craving. Luckly I nabbed a packed of Cardbury's Chocolate buttons from Theo last week. They are in the glove box. Give me some please."

When I didn't reacted directly he sighed and with a tilt of his head he pointed out for me. "Quickly, I am feeling sugar low."

I opened the glove box to find multitude of items. A English to Chinese Dictionary, a deoderant, a few pens, a packet of tissues, an A6 note book, a lace underwear, two unopened condom packets, a pair of hand cuffs and a half empty packet of chocolate buttons. I gazed at these for a moment, but Leonard's question of whether there was anything wrong made me grab the bag and snap the box shut. Did he want me to find these things, or had he honestly forgotten that they were there, I asked myself. Or was it that he honestly didn't care whether I saw them or not.

I held out the back to him, but he shook his head. "I am busy driving. Feed them to me."

"No way!" I shouted pressing my body against the door. "That's to- to - personal. Save such a thing for your buddy with the lace panties. Keep me out of it."

Leo suprises me by taking a moment to look away from the road and to me. His eyebrows are knoted and eyes small.

"There was nothing personal about this request Lucas. I am sorry if you took it as anything other than servicing me while I am busy driving. I have no hidden intent. None of the ones your testosterone driven mind thought up at least. " I blushed perfusively and grimaced out of emberassment. "Now give me three."

He stuck out his the tip of his moist red tongue and waited. I didn't do anything for a while. This was a power play, he obviously wanted to assert his authority. Everything about that made me want to do anything but listen to him; but at the same time I need him on my side. I couldn't have him hating me, trying to find my secrete, wanting to turn me in and make my life at Holderns hell.

Tentatively I put my hand into the bag and took out three chocolate circles. There all were quite melted already and my fingers came out of the bag coated with chocolate. With a hand shaky from the movement of the car I deposited the three buttons on his tongue. Suddenly Leo changed gears and the car lurched in response. Leo's lips wrapped themselves around my coca coated fingers and sucked them clean. For an instant I was transfixed by his movement, by his daring, and by the heated look his eyes held whilst looking into mine. Then a knowing smile broke the spell. With an other shift of the gears, the car swayed and I lurched hand away instantaneously and stared in horror as Leo lick with his tongue the very lips that had clasped my three fingers.

"Yum," was his passive answer.

I shrieked in disgust and dug in the box for the packet of tissues I had seen, and wiped them clean as quickly as possible. "What the fuck was that Castello," I demand going mad with confusion. What game was he playing at?

"Just testing a hypothesis. It came out positive."
♠ ♠ ♠
Here were are. It took me two long weeks to write, and I really struggled with creating Leo's character. Tell me what you think!