Status: Fresh out of the oven

One of the Boys

Chapter Two

I have promised myself that I wouldn't get into anymore trouble, or let any more 'accidents' occur. It's my last year, I just have my exams to prepare and then I am done. I repeat this to myself as I carry a cardboard box in my arms towards the building. I've already check that my wig is on tightly, that my small breasts aren't noticeable and that my pants are hanging low. I turn a corner and see something not right.

A small girl is being pinned up against the far side of the building, a cloud of smoke warps itself around her small features making her cough violently. I put my box down and edge forward trying not to draw attention to myself. Three guys are surrounding her and she is searching wildly for a way out. The boy, twice her size is wearing a neighboring public college's uniform- The Lake's College.
I am guessing he is asking her questions and demanding something. When she answers negative he rip her satchel from her grip search madly through it. Whatever he want is not in there...

This is bad.

I feel anger start to rise up inside me, it's unjust what he is doing. She must be about twelve. Desperately trying to hold myself back I look around for an alternative solution. One lone figure is looking from a hundred meters away, an Asian looking student, wearing this college's uniform. He doesn't look like he's about to try and stop them. Suddenly I see a fist raise. I see it moving down at full speed. And that's how come I am suddenly flying across the parking lot, shouting towards them. Talk about old habits dieing hard.

"Hey! You! Leave her alone. How dare you fight a girl?" I shout at him. Such a hypocritical thing to say. My fist waste no time coming in contact with his brick face like a sledge hammer. I wince feeling a burst of pain and stumble back form the impact. The bully, turns and looks at me completely confused.

His cigarette is hanging limply between his bloody lips his eyes are wide open. I move back into my stance, ready to throw him another one if he tries anything funny. I can barely see him as the sun is in my eyes, but he is quite tall and hench. That has never stopped me before. Bullies like him only know brute strenght, I have kickboxing training and lots of martial arts experience.

He eyes me suspiciously, scanning me to see how I only 5 feet 5 had managed such powerful punch. He's eyes look past my shoulder and to the girl behind me, before dashing off and muttering he'll be back for it. What ever 'it' was.
"Coward!" I shout after him, "That'll teach you to fight with innocent girls." I am still panting hard as I say this, and wincing through my teeth as my knuckles are bruised and aching terribly. I turn to look at the victim.

She frowns are me in an adorable and confused sort of way. She must have been a sister to one of the boys here, or a girl that has wandered in from across the street. She's quite tomboyish in appearance though with a plain white t-shirt and skinny blue jeans. I smile at her thinking how I was going to explain my random intervention, but when I hear the pitch of her voice my eyes grow huge.

"Uh...thanks a lot, but I am not a girl, plus, I am not that innocent. I dumped his kid sister." I had to blink a few time to see it. And when I did it sort of clicked. He sorta did look like a boy, I guess, but the cutest boy ever with big eyes long eyelashes and pink red lips. I couldn't say anything, I couldn't do anything but blink. He gave be a big smile and a shrug and laughed.

"Don't worry, it happens all the time. Nice punch by the way. I'm Teddy, in third year. You?" His voice has not deep, but unmistakably male, and I still could not think straight.

"My name? Lucas, Lucas Johns." Hearing myself I cringed, "I wasn't trying to be James Bond or anything."

"Sure," he said simply, which frustrated me,

"I wasn't! I just flipped when I saw him."

"Don't worry, James Bond has more class, and isn't as pretty as you."

I chocked, "Pretty?"

He cocked his head to the side reminding of an innocent little puppy. He had a large head of messy pale blond hair pointing in each and every direction. "Yeah," he replied innocently, "you must get mistaken for a girl too sometimes, especially out of your uniform. Don't worry, girls dig the femininity."

To this I couldn't reply but looked away. I was becoming increasingly worried that this whole plan would sink before I even started.

"Are you new here? I know pretty much everyone in this place," he turns and points to the school. I shyly nod my head, and shrug.

"Why did you dump his sister anyway?" I was desperate to change the subject way from me. We had started walking back towards the schools entrance, and I was focusing on the contents of my box.

"Ah...well, she-" suddenly a bell rang across the lot a voice over was heard.
"Students should by now be in the assembly hall for the first term's assembly. Parents should by now getting ready to leave the premises. Thank you."

"Oh," shrugged Teddy with a nonchalant expression, "Looks like we are late. The Deputy Head hates late comers. I think I'll just go to my room and have a nap instead. Better that than his evil glare."

Frustrated I put my box in one hand, under my arm, and the other on his small wrist dragging him up the stairs into the college.
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Comment and review!
Hope Lucy (that's her name) isn't what you expected.