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Don't Pop My Bubble


I woke up in Jimmy’s arms. I was still dressed so I knew nothing bad happened. Jimmy’s eyes fluttered open and he smiled, “You really can’t hold your alcohol.”

“Oh, shut up.” I groaned and hid my face in his pillows.

“Hungry? I know this good diner not to far from here.” Jimmy threw the covers off of us and lifted me up.

“Pancakes?” I questioned.

“And butter.” Jimmy pounded his fist in the air.

“Butter makes you fat.” I made a face.

“Butter makes you fat?” His jaw dropped.

I giggled and jumped out of his arms, “If you eat enough of it.”

Jimmy let me go to the living room and watch TV. I watched Shrek until Jimmy walked down the stairs, all dressed.

“Ready my lady?” He questioned, bowing in front of me.

I lightly moved him out of the way of the TV and continued to watch the movie.

“You’re blowing breakfast off with me for Shrek?” He asked, faking hurt.

“What can I say, there’s something sexy about green men.” I joked and turned off the TV.

He took my hand and led me outside to his car. Jimmy turned on the radio and played with it until he found a station that was playing Afterlife.

“You listen to your own music?” I questioned, giggling.

He chuckled and pulled out of the drive way, “What can I say? I like our music therefore I listen to our music.”

“Cute.” I pinched his cheeks.

Jimmy playfully swatted my hands away and pouted, “No touching.”

“Aww.” I complained.

“Aww.” He mimicked me as he parked in front of a small diner.

“Coming?” He asked getting out and opening my door for me.

“No.” I crossed my arms over my chest and acted mad.

“Why?” Jimmy pouted.

“Because you wouldn’t let me pinch your cheeks!” I exclaimed.

He kneeled down in front of me and huffed, “Fine.”

“Yay!” I giggled and pinched his cheeks until they turned red.

“Okay, I’m done.” I giggled getting out of the car and taking his hand.

“Damn, you pinch hard.” He wined rubbing his cheeks after shutting the door.

We walked inside of the diner and got a table for two.

“Hi, I’m Leana and I’ll be your waitress.” A short brunette girl smiled.

Once she looked over at Jimmy they both stared at each other.

She smirked at Jimmy, “Hello James.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooohhh drama!!!! :P

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