Status: Done! :)

A New Beginning


My alarm clock blared Teenage Dream by Katy Perry in my ear, shocking me into consciousness. It took a second for the reality to dawn on me: It was my first day being the new kid ever, and I was going to have to arrive with Santana.

As I picked out my clothes, I made sure to keep it as modest as possible. Once people got to know me, I would be able to wear my normal clothes, but the last thing I wanted was for kids’ first impression of me to be, “Holy shit, that chick is just like her cousin.”

Me? Like Santana? I’d rather kill myself.

“SYDNEY!” Aunt Marisol called up the stairs. “Hurry up or you’re going to be late for school!”

I sauntered down the stairs, knowing for sure that Santana was nowhere near ready yet, my bag on my shoulder.

After making myself toast with jam, I sat down at the table and ate a little, glancing at the stairs every couple of minutes to see if Santana was ever going to emerge from her room.

Finally, when there were only a couple minutes until school started, Aunt Marisol gave up. “Alright, Sydney. I’m going to bring you to school, since it looks like Santana’s sleeping in. Again. Come on.”

“It’s alright. I can drive myself.”

She gave me a look, complete with a cocked eyebrow. “Not legally, you can’t. Come on.”

Grumbling to myself about Ohio’s stupid laws, I followed her to the car and climbed in the passenger’s seat.

It was as I had a siren strapped to my head that went off the second I stepped through the front door of McKinley High School. Everyone turned to look at me with confusion before turning to their friends and whispering. Was that what being the new girl was like?

It kind of sucked.

After adjusting my bag with a little self-consciousness, I made my way to the principal’s office. “Hi,” I smiled at the woman working at the front desk. “I’m new here, and I need to get my schedule and all that stuff.”

“Sure, honey. Just sit down there for a second and Principal Figgins will be with you in a minute.”

I sat down in a seat, tapping a beat against my leg with my thumb and forefinger, waiting for this Figgins guy. God, all I wanted was my schedule. Was that too hard to ask?

“Sydney Lopez?” a man called. He was kind of short with Indian features, an accent to match. My common sense told me that it was Principal Figgins.

My face heated. Why in the world was I in the system with the last name Lopez?! I was NOT a Lopez.

“It’s Sydney Fulton,” I corrected, getting up from my seat and slinging my bag on my shoulder. “Not Lopez.”

“It says right here, Looopez,” he sounded it out, as if I was the one having difficulty understanding him.

“I know what it says, but that’s not my name. My aunt must have signed me up incorrectly. Because I’m not a Lopez.” I retracted a little, realizing that my attitude made me sound a little like Santana.

“Okay, we’ll get it straightened out right away. Come on.” He walked into his office, me tagging along behind him.

He took a seat behind his desk, and I sat down in one of the seats positioned in front of it. “All your teachers will be calling you Lopez today, Sydney, just to warn you.”

Letting out a little groan, I muttered, “I didn’t want everyone to know that I was related to Santana.”

“Why not? Santana is an excellent dancer on the Cheerios!”

“I’m sure she is. She’s very, um…flexible.” A small smirk tugged on the edge of my lip, but I was determined not to smile all the way.

Principal Figgins didn’t seem to get the innuendo and passed me a couple of papers. “That’s your schedule and a map of our school, along with a copy,” he rummaged through his desk for a second to pull out a paper book, “of the student handbook!” Wow, he sounded like, for getting that, I’d won the lottery or something.

“Thank you,” I smiled, lifting them up slightly and standing up to leave.

"You should probably be heading to class now. Welcome to McKinley High!" He extended his hand, which I shook, before rejoining the masses.

Back in the crowded hallway, I could feel the eyes on me again, hear the whispering, and I clenched my fists. Why was the new girl always such a hot topic for conversation? It didn’t make any sense to me.

My face brightened when I saw that kid Noah Puck whatever at his locker, getting a notebook. Approaching him, I greeted, “Hey there, Party Boy.”

He stared at me for a second, and it occurred to me that he didn’t even remember who I was. “Do I know you?” he asked finally, closing his locker and leaning against it with a smirk. “Because I’d sure like to get to know you. I’m Puck.”

“I know,” I replied.

“Hearing about me already? That must be a record. So why don’t you come over to my house tonight and we can-”

“Are you seriously that stupid?” I rolled my eyes. “We’ve already met. I’m the girl that took you back to her house after that party?” Then, very quietly, I whispered, “I’m Santana’s cousin.”

“Oh, okay. So…is that a yes to later then?”

I was finally starting to catch on that this guy was a grade-A douchebag. “That’s a no,” I responded, gritting my teeth, but still keeping up my smile. “But at least I learned something today.”

“And what would that be?” he questioned with a cocky smile on his face.

“Never to talk to you again,” I responded with a shrug. Turning on my heel, I looked down at my schedule and map, trying to figure out where my first class was.

“Ugh,” I sighed to myself, checking the room number next to me. “Why is this so damn difficult?”

And then, I walked straight into someone, sending my papers splaying all over the place. “I’m so sorry!” I exclaimed, collecting my stupid handbook. Why had I not thrown that out yet? “I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

“It’s alright,” the voice laughed, handing me my schedule. Finally, I got a good look at him. “I wasn’t watching either.”

He was extremely tall, way surpassing six feet, with brown hair and eyes to match.

“Sydney,” I introduced, extending my hand.

“I’m Finn.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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