‹ Prequel: Slave to Destiny
Status: Same story is posted by me on Quizilla under the username ParentalAdvisory4382

Puppet to the Crown

Chapter 14


Chapter 14

Escape was the only thing on my mind as I stealthily pressed my body up against the walls as a guard wandered past me. It had been two freaking days since I made down to the streets. Nathan had been watching me like a hawk in a desperate attempt to keep tabs on my whereabouts. Normally I wouldn’t take a risk like this, but I caught wind of Tyrone entering the castle. I was not about to spend the day with him.

In a full fledge sprint I dashed towards the library. It was second nature to wander down the repulsive passageway. Excitement clawed at the edges of my stomach as my feet sloshed in the muck while I walked through sewer.

Over the past few days, as much as I hate to admit it, Axel had been hot on my mind. I felt like he was important even if I wasn’t sure why. I mean the freaking Night Mother appeared in his headquarters. That must mean something, right?

My muscles ached ever so slightly from the intensive training I’d been forced to endure. For the most part Roland had been focusing intensely on fitness. Just before pulling myself up out of the hole that hung overhead, I flipped the scarlet hood up of one of my many cloaks. My arms clung to the outer rim of the hole. I struggled against the throbbing ache of the muscles as I dragged myself out of the sewers into the streets.

It felt wonderful to be back in the crowds letting them make my choices for me. My eyes searched desperately for the man with midnight colored hair. What would I do when I found him? I don’t know. Why did I want to find him? I don’t know.

As I searched and searched frustration slammed into me repeatedly. Where the hell was his headquarters? I couldn’t quite figure out which alley it had been in. A small growl was released from my lips as I looked.

Finally I came to an alley that I was nearly positive contained Axel’s home. Nearly.

Determination and confidence filled me with every step. I was going to march inside and demand to be taken seriously…or not. By the time I reached the familiar brick wall I was shocked to find I was in the wrong alley entirely. Instead of finding a hidden door I found a giant brown oak door hanging slightly ajar. Girls stood out front wearing skimpy clothing that barely covered any of their flesh at all.

How old were they? Vile rose in my throat as I stared at the girl who I guessed to be about fourteen.

“What are you doing here?” a deep, husky voice echoed in my ear as I stood there staring. My body physically flenched as I jumped out of fear.

Slowly I turned to see the very man I was looking for. Axel’s thick black hair was in complete disarray framing his face perfectly. A familiar smirk adorned his lips as he stared at me. “I…” why was I here? “Uh…”

He laughed.

“What is this place?” I snapped at him. He looked rather surprised by remark.

Axel took care to answer in a slow condescending voice, “Its a brothel of course.”

“A what?” I yelped in shock. How did I not know our cities had brothels? Since when did we have young girls selling themselves on the streets.

Rolling his eyes he continued, “You know a whore house. Girls sell themselves on the street.”

“I know what a brothel is,” I growled.

Why was I even looking for Axel. Now that I found him all I wanted to do was storm off. He was so infuriating. I might actually enjoy spending more time with Tyrone. At least Tyrone practically worships the ground I walk on…when he feels like dating me…which is not often. Come to think of it, Tyrone only wants to date me when we aren’t dating.

“Once again, what are you doing here?” he asked me in a bored tone.

Deciding that I no longer wanted to talk to him, I just wandered off back down the street. Why did I come back to him if he was just going to treat me like crap? I didn’t know the answer but I was certainly not going to stick around.

It wasn’t before long I was back in the crowd of people. Axel didn’t come after me, not that it surprised me. My feet led the way while my mind was lost in the crowd. It took me totally off guard when someone placed their hand on my shoulder dragging me to a halt. Roland’s training snapped in my mind as I crouched down in a defensive position.

My fingers were bawled up into a fist in a flash. My breaths were coming in short gasps as I turned my body ready to attack the person behind me. It had never occurred to me how scared the bloody man had made me. It never occurred to me that maybe he would come back, but at that moment when I felt someone unknown touch me all I could feel was fear.

Not just any fear. It was the kind of fear that made your blood run cold. The kind of fear that you palms break out in sweat. It was the kind of fear that I loved to hate. Fear such a funny thing. In a way I feared fear itself. I didn’t want to be afraid. I didn’t want to feel dominated. I didn’t want to ever be forced into submission. Internally I was to much of a wild child to ever be tamed by one person.

As I turned to meet my attacker in a face to face onslaught, I pulled back my fist ready to throw the first punch. Shock radiated through my body when I saw the person staring across at me. What the hell?
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So bad news...I probably won't update until sunday :(

I have a tennis tournament like three hours away and I won't have internet connection. I'm sorry!

Anyway hope you enjoy the cliff hanger I left you with!