‹ Prequel: Slave to Destiny
Status: Same story is posted by me on Quizilla under the username ParentalAdvisory4382

Puppet to the Crown

Chapter 2

This lovely banner was created by XxxBeatricexLeaxxX from Quizilla!

Thick brown twisted curls cascaded down my back as I stood in front of my full length mirror scrutinizing my appearance. I was one of the few girls that let my natural hair run wild. Over the years people had become even more accustomed to using human products from their world. I found it to be a complete waste of time. But as I stared I couldn’t quite kick the nerves that formed in the pit of my stomach before a party.

It had been nailed into me as child that I had be perfect. My mother had been a perfect diplomat, but she was really nothing like me. The words always seemed to spill out of my mouth no matter how rude or offensive they are.

I stared at my athletic frame that currently adorned a long golden cocktail dress. Perfect didn’t quite suite me, but I was next to perfect. As long as I kept my mouth shut, tonight would run smoothly. “My lady,” a voice called out from behind her door, “your highness wishes to see you.”

Taking a deep breath I attempted to gain my composure before sauntering out of the room with as much swagger as I could muster. Fake it until you make it. The story of my life. Upon exiting I discovered a mousy looking girl with wild blond hair staring at me. She must have been one of the new servants I concluded. Only spending three months in the castle a year left me a little out of the loop for the most part.

The halls were clear as I ambled down them allowing my heels to click on the nicely polished floor. My feet lead the way to my father’s office with ease. There had been many moments as a child where I’d spent hours cooped up begging to do something fun. Perhaps this year would be different. At least that’s what I was going to try to convince myself.

My mind was set on not backing down to any silly request he might have of me when I barged through the heavy oak door. Much to my surprise I found him sitting on the dark leather couch with my Uncle Edmund and Uncle Daniel sitting on either side. A grin played across my lips as I looked at my Uncles.

“Not giving into silly requests, huh?” laughed Daniel as he stood up and walked towards me. He had taken the words right out of my mind. Without a second thought I wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

My father had a small smile playing on his lips. He always got me to cave into everything. “What can I do for you today?” I asked him politely attempting to remain guarded with my words. I did not want to end up with even more rules.

“I would like to inform you of how important it is that things run smoothly tonight,” my father announced. Why would things not run smoothly? He read my expression like a book because he instantly answered my question, “Sir Roger will be attending.”

A low growl was emitted from my throat at the very thought. Edmund stared at me with surprise while Daniel simply grinned. Something about being a hybrid made you a bit more…temperamental. “Come off it Emily, you’re going to have to get used to having him around,” my father attempted to reason as he stood up from his seat and arched his back in a stretch.

My response was another rough growl, “Why? Why is he even still here? He holds absolutely none of the ideals we have set out for this world?”

Daniel glanced down at me with a look of satisfaction. He enjoyed my rebellious attitude to no end. For whatever reason, as a mind reader, he found conflicting personalities amongst individuals to be rather intriguing. Anywhere I go there is always someone to argue with. I had no qualms in stating my opinions on matters. “Yes, I know all of this,” my father responded mildly annoyed. We seemed to be continually having this conversation, “But things aren’t running as smoothly as one would like. A portion of the population still holds Sir Roger in very high regard. We can’t distance those people by ridding ourselves of the annoyance.”

“Stated perfectly as ever Cole,” Edmund responded grinning at his cousin. Over the years he had deemed himself to be quite the helper when it came to my father.

A light glare adorned my face as I stared at Edmund. He always agreed with my father. They were practically father and son. One could hardly declare them cousins. Edmund and my father were far closer than any of his actual children are with him. Daniel sent me a pitied glance. “Whatever,” I muttered feeling entirely deflated about tonight. If they didn’t want to hear my opinions on the matters of the ‘crown’ then maybe I should just stop giving them.

My father smiled as he ran his fingers through his thick wild hair. The only indicators that he had recently reached the ripe age of thirty-eight was the slightly more mature glint in his eyes, and the way he was able to hold himself more at ease. It was the kind of self assurance that could only be gained through years of life.

With the slightest hesitation he wrapped his arms around my frame in a hug, before whispering in my ear, “I’ve missed you terribly Emily.”

It was one of the few father daughter moments they shared. Within a second it was over. Done. Never to be seen again.

Thirty minutes later I found myself wandering down the corridors headed for the grand dining hall for yet another night of parading around with a fake smile on my face. This entire place was fake. No one wanted to hear my opinions. No one wanted to change. It was like we were forever stuck in this constant state of mourning over something that had occurred seventeen years ago.
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Come on guys I'd love some opinions :)
It amuses me how out of place Emily feels...who could that possibly sound like?