Status: updates at least once a month depending on school :)

Serial heartbreaker

chapter 1

'Honey, it's time for school.' I heard my dad shout from the kitchen. I groaned rolling over. Ignoring his continuous shouts I slowly fell back into a deep slumber. Unfortunately this didn't last for long, dad had sent in the big guns. My twin brother James. 'Leahhh, wakey wakey it's time to get ready for school.' he yelled whilst jumping up and down on the bed. It was hard to believe we were the same age. 'Fine' I gave in, anything to stop the noise. I had a quick shower in my ensuite before turning to the terrible uniform hung up on my chair. Sighing for what felt like the millionth time today I pulled on the uniform complete with white knee high socks. Quickly I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail applied a bit of foundation and mascara, anymore and the school would have a fit. Rushing out of my room and into the kitchen I wasn't shocked when I saw my dad had a friend sitting at the table drinking coffee. He always did since she died. I waved slightly. I brushed of the sad thoughts and set to work making myself an orange juice. 'Leah this is Steven Merrick, I knew him in high school, Steven this is my daughter Leah' dad introduced us. Wow he has the same last name as Zack Merrick I thought. I soon forgot this fact once I looked at the clock and realized the time. 'hi, nice to meet you, but I really need to go I’m running late’ I stated simply shaking his hand before turning towards the door. 'Wait! My son should be here soon if you wait a minute he can drive you?' Steven suggested 'No need to wait, I'm already here' a voice spoke from the doorway. Holy motherfucker it was Zack freaking Merrick. I smiled slightly keeping my inner fan girl inside. 'Hey I'm Zack' he smiled standing awkwardly in the doorway. His confidence from earlier seemed to have faded.
'I kind of knew that, I really like your band' I whispered blushing a furious red. 'Thanks. So what’s your name?' I felt a blush rise to my cheeks. I cleared my throat slightly ‘Leah’ I stated happy that I didn’t stutter. 'Cute name. So Leah want to hang with Alex, Jack, Rian and I?' Zack asked. I looked over at dad. 'Nope you’re not taking another day of' he announced standing up. ‘Fine! Well I have to go or I'll miss the bus' I stated before rushing out the door grabbing my bag on the way. I was walking down the street brain clouded with thoughts of Zack when out of the corner of eye I saw a grey car slowing down beside me. Keeping my eyes down I focused on walking at a steady pace, but when I heard a car door slam I broke my concentration turning around to look at the person who'd caused my fear, breathing out a sigh of relief when I realized it was just Zack. 'Hey, do you want a ride to school?' he asked a smile on his face. 'Sure I'd love one' I smiled walking over to his car. 'I heard about your mum, I'm sorry' Zack stated softly once he'd started on the route to school. 'I just wish they'd find the killer, I hate not been able to feel safe in my own home' I sighed leaning my head against the car window. ‘It’ll be alright I promise' he smiled softly rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb. I felt a blush creep onto my face and I subtly faced away from him. ‘Thanks for the ride' I murmured climbing out of the car. 'No problems' I heard him say as I slammed the door shut. I was about to walk into school when I felt a hand grab my arm. Before I had time to react Zack spoke ‘sorry to scare you I was just wondering if you would like a ride home?’ he asked, moving his body in front of mine and resting his hand on mine. ‘I don’t want to be a trouble’ I spoke blushing from the contact of his skin on mine. ‘See you here at 3 then’ he smiled moving his lips to my cheek before running back to his car. As I made my way towards my locker I could still feel his lips on my cheek. ‘Leahh!’ the voice of one of my best friends yelled. ‘Bellaa’ I yelled back just as loud. I felt the glares of those around me but I didn’t care, I was floating on cloud nine. ‘So who’s the mystery guy from this morning’ she smirked. ‘What?’ I questioned hoping that if I played dumb she’d think she saw someone else and not me. ‘Oh don’t play dumb with me. The cute guy I saw you with, the one who’s got you blushing and yelling like a freak’ she giggled. ‘Ok he’s my dad’s friend’s son, but don’t tell anyone. Not that there’s anything to tell really.’ I said a huge smile on my face. ‘Yeah, yeah. Does he have any cute single friends?’ she giggled. ‘I’ll ask for you’ I smiled hugging her before quickly running off to class.
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