Status: updates at least once a month depending on school :)

Serial heartbreaker

chapter 2

I lifted my face towards the sun as I left the school grounds. Isabella and Jacinta were animatedly talking about the upcoming Rostrevor social and what they would be wearing. I quickly scanned the area where cars were waiting to pick up students. I was shocked when I saw Zack leaning against his car. ‘I can’t believe he actually came’ I murmured quietly. ‘Mystery guy’s even cuter up close’ Bella joked pushing against my arm as I blushed a bright red. ‘Ha ha ha, very funny’ I smiled pulling her into a hug before moving onto Jacinta. ‘I have to go. I’ll talk to you tonight’ I grinned before walking over to Zacks car. ‘You look shocked to see me. Didn’t you think I’d come?’ he questioned unlocking the door and walking over to the driver’s side. ‘Not really, I figured you’d be a bit busy.’ I spoke clicking the seatbelt into place. ‘Busy doing what?’ he asked ‘Band stuff’ I answered quickly. ‘No we’re here on vacation. Alex needed some quite time off the road to write’. ‘Hey Zack your driving the wrong way’ I giggled watching as he drove in the opposite direction to my house. ‘Yes because we’re stopping of to see the guys. I thought you may want to meet them’ he said a smile gracing his face. I was nervous. As great as it was meeting Zack I was freaking out about meeting Alex. I mean he was the one who wrote the lyrics that got me through the toughest period in my life. What do you say to the man that pretty much saved your life? ‘You ok?’ Zack inquired, pulling into an empty parking space in a hotel parking lot. ‘Fine, why wouldn’t I be?’ ‘No reason you’re just quite’ he spoke. ‘Ok, if there’s no problem lets go then.’ I spoke slamming the door shut.
‘So, what year are you in?’ Zack questioned once we stood waiting for the elevator. ‘Nearly finished year 10’ I mumbled. I was getting increasingly nervous as the lift neared the 8th floor. ‘So, I should probably warn you. Alex is a little pissy at the moment, trouble in paradise’ he warned. That small sentence made my nerves grow tremendously. Great I would be meeting my fucking hero when he’s pissy. I bit my lip as Zack placed a comforting hand on my lower back, guiding me towards hotel room number 386. He slid the key card into the door and pushed it open. I jumped a little at the loud bang it made when it hit the wall. ‘Geez Zack, you nearly gave me a heart attack!’ I smiled. ‘Sorry. Come on lets go find the others’ He smiled leading me into the large hotel room. It wasn’t even a room it was more like a miniature house. ‘I know it’s a bit over the top but drama queen over there wanted the best’ He joked gesturing towards Alex. ‘Alex, get the fuck up’ Zack yelled. When Alex didn’t move Zack picked up a pillow from the floor and ditched it at his head. ‘What the fuck do you want?’ Alex snapped at Zack. I cowered a bit behind Zack. I got scared when people got angry and yelled. ‘Dude I brought someone to meet you. It would mean a lot if you would get off your fucking sorry arse and act like the Alex we all know and love!’ Zack snapped. When he noticed I was slightly scared with all the yelling he covered my hand with his offering a form of comfort. ‘Leah, why don’t you go see Jack he’s in the second room on the left.’ I nodded, reluctant to let go of Zacks hand. ‘It’ll be fine, Jack's a nice guy’ he whispered in my ear. As I walked away I heard more yells coming from both Zack and Alex but I couldn’t figure out what they were saying.
I came to a stop in front of the room that was housing Jack Barakat; taking a deep breath I knocked on the door hoping he would be kinder than Alex. The door was opened quickly and a dishevelled Jack stood on the other side. ‘Um, I’m a friend of Zack he uh told me to come see you while he and Alex are fighting’ I spoke quietly, hoping he could hear me and I wouldn’t need to repeat myself. ‘Right, come in then.’ I walked into the room and stood awkwardly while Jack sat on the bed. ‘Sit.’ He smiled patting the vacant spot next to him. ‘So you must be Leah’ Jack stated as I took the spot next to him. ‘Uh yeah’ I stuttered. ‘Seriously don’t be nervous around me, I don’t bite I swear’ Jack smiled. ‘Sorry it’s just I really like your music and I’ve kind of looked up to you for ages; I have a right to be nervous. Oh and I just met your singer.’ I joked slightly. Jack let out a slight chuckle ‘Yeah Alex...’ He was cut off by a knock on the door. ‘Geez I’m popular today’ he joked standing up to open the door. ‘Hey Jack is Leah here?’ A voice asked. I recognised it as Alex’s. What would he want? I was so deep in thought that I didn’t realise Jack had let Alex in already. ‘Jack can you please leave for a sec?’ Alex asked. Great now I was going to be left alone with Alex; not that that’s a bad thing just with the way he was acting before I’m not sure I want to be alone with him. Before I had time to protest Jack was gone closing the door behind him.
Alex sat next to me on the bed. ‘Look I wanted to apologise for my behaviour out there. I just had a fight with Lisa and I’m a bit confused.’ He spoke a stray tear falling down his cheek; although he wiped it away so fast I wasn’t sure if I was just imagining things. ‘It’s ok; you didn’t really do anything to me. You should really be apologising to Zack.’ I smiled making the mistake of looking into his eyes; they were truly the most gorgeous shade of brown. Looking away I shook my head. I quickly scribbled my number on a piece of paper I found on Jacks bedside table. ‘If you ever need to talk about Lisa or whatever I do have pretty good advice.’ I smiled throwing the piece of paper with my number on it on to the bed next to him. I was surprised at the confidence I’d had in that moment. If you’d asked me yesterday if I’d give Alex Gaskarth my number I would’ve laughed and walked away. I walked out the door bumping into Jack on the way. ‘Jack have you seen Zack?’ I asked quietly. I was disappointed my confidence hadn’t stuck with me. ‘Kitchen’ he smiled. ‘Bye Jack’ I smiled waving slightly. ‘Bye’ he smiled back wrapping his lanky arms around my waist. After he finally let go I continued my search for Zack. I finally did find him in the kitchen holding an ice-pack to his eye. ‘Zack, what the hell happened?’ I questioned. A dark purple bruise was forming around his eye. ‘Let’s just say Alex is stronger than he looks’ He smiled. ‘Zack how can you smile that looks fucking painful' I spoke walking closer to Zack so I could look at the bruise more closely. 'It looks worse than it feels. We should probably get going. Your dad's probably worried.' Zack spoke through gritted teeth. His cheek obviously hurt more than he let on.

The ride home was silent except for when I told Zack what had happened with Alex. When Zack pulled up to my house I noticed that there was no car parked in front of my house. ‘Zack can you come in and stay until my dad comes home? Please I really can’t be alone.’ I asked. I was stressed I couldn’t be home alone. What if Zack said no? I’d have to be by myself all night. I was officially freaking out. ‘Of course I can’ he smiled climbing out of the car. I clung to Zacks arm as we made our way up the path. As soon as we got to the porch I dropped his arm in embarrassment. Looking down I quickly opened the door glad that my dad had left lights on. When we got to my room I made Zack wait outside while I got changed. As soon as I was done I pulled him into the room. ‘Sorry I’m just really freaked out I hate been by myself.’ I explained. ‘It’s seriously no problem’ he smiled wrapping his arms around my small body. I untangled myself and made my way over to my bed. I quickly climbed under the covers welcoming the warmth. I looked over at Zack standing awkwardly by the door. I sighed softly. ‘Zack come lay next to me’ I smiled. Zack made his way over and got comfortable under the covers. I closed my eyes and snuggled closer to Zacks warm body as he wrapped his arms around my waist. ‘Night Zacky’ I yawned into his chest. He chuckled making his chest vibrate. ‘ Night Lee Lee’.
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RIAN WILL BE IN THE NEXT CHAPTER DONT WORRY. Anyways this took me forever to write and i wrote it in parts so its not that great. Not really happy with parts of this chapter but i needed to post something :) Comment please :) anyways expect more updates because its holidays.