Status: updates at least once a month depending on school :)

Serial heartbreaker

chapter 3

I spent the next few days cooped up at home with Zack watching movies and talking about whatever we wanted. I’d like to think that we had become close and I was comfortable with him. One thing was on my mind though my brother and father still hadn’t come back. I received a message from my dad saying they’d be home soon but other than that I’d had no contact with them and I was becoming increasingly worried as the days wore on. Zack could make me forget my worries momentarily but they always came back as strong as ever. I stretched my arms and legs and slowly climbed out of bed, I started the walk to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. As I neared the kitchen I could hear Zack on the phone with someone. ‘Alex, please just for an hour I need to see my dad and I can’t leave her alone’ I heard him whisper. ‘Thanks so much dude I owe you one’ I heard only moments later. I opened the door and walked over to the coffee machine muttering a hello to Zack on the way. ‘I’m guessing you heard that then?’ Zack asked although he already knew the answer, he could read me like a book already. I spoke quietly ‘Yes and I’m fine with it, you have a life and I’ve already kept you from it for long enough’ I gulped after I’d finished speaking, I was hoping I would get to spend more than a few days with Zack. ‘Sweetie it’s not that, I need to speak to my dad about staying in Australia for longer so I can stay with you. With your dad and brother not here you’re by yourself and I don’t want that. That’s why I’m asking to stay longer and why I’m getting Alex to stay here while I’m out’ He explained and I automatically felt guilty for making assumptions about Zack and his motives. ‘Why Alex then? I don’t think he really likes me’ I asked ‘It’s not just going to be Alex, Rian will be here too but you haven’t met him yet and I wanted someone you had at least met before here and Jack was busy so that leaves Alex.’ He explained. ‘Zack, you’re the best.’ I smiled wrapping him into a warm hug. ‘Yeah, Yeah. Now my dad said that apparently you’re a good cook do you want me to get some you some ingredients’ Zack smiled successfully changing the topic.
A few hours later there was a knock on the door. I was currently making a cake so I let Zack answer it. Moments later he traipsed in followed by Alex and Rian. ‘Rian this is Leah, Leah this is Rian’ he spoke gesturing between the two of us. ‘I would shake your hand or hug you but I’m kind of floury’ I giggled. I’d noticed that the time I’d spent with Zack had given me more confidence. Zack left soon after that and Rian went to make a phone call so it was just me and Alex. It was silent in the kitchen as I worked on mixing the batter and Alex sat playing with his phone. ‘So, you and Zack then?’ he asked a smirk adorning his face. ‘No not me and Zack’ I snapped. ‘Well he’s very protective of you, I mean not wanting you to stay home by your self is a little over the top don’t you think?’ ‘My mum was fucking murdered and my brother and dad are missing, I didn’t want to be by myself and Zack was been a good friend so why don’t you shut the fuck up you little insensitive prick!’ I yelled surprising Alex and myself. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t know about you mum or any of that stuff’ He spoke his voice was sincer. ‘It’s ok.’ I forced a smile back, I wasn't going to be the rude one . I decided I’d had enough of the awkward silence and picked up a handful of cake batter that was sitting in a bown on the bench and threw it at Alex's face. I laughed at his reaction. ‘I will so get you back for that’ he threatened running towards me flour in hand. I let out a shriek attempting to run away but Alex was faster and knocked me down positing himself so he was straddling me and holding the flour over my head. ‘Alex don’t you dare’ I warned. ‘Or what?’ he laughed enjoying the power he held over me. Then I made the first mistake I looked into his eyes. He has really mesmerizing eyes. ‘You have really pretty eyes’ I spoke without realising it until the words had come out of my mouth. ‘I’m going to kiss you is that ok?’ Alex asked. I must have nodded because his lips were pressed to mine in a matter of moments. ‘What the fuck guys' I heard Zacks voice and he didn’t sound happy.
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Another chapter go me! Anways Rian is introduced woo Rian. Some Alex drama thrown in as well.