Status: updates at least once a month depending on school :)

Serial heartbreaker

Chapter 4

Upon hearing Zacks voice I quickly stood up distancing myself from Alex. ‘Dude, I can’t believe you would fucking go there’ Zack snapped pushing Alex into the wall. ‘Zack calm the fuck down’ Alex spoke a cocky smirk plastered across his face. ‘Why the fuck should I?’ Zack yelled slamming his fist into Alex’s face. Shit hit the fan then and as much as I tried I couldn’t break them apart. Leaving the fighting pair I ran off in search of Rian, finding him in the front yard I quickly dragged him into the kitchen to break up the fighting pair.
It’d been hours since I’d left Rian in the kitchen dealing with Alex and Zack and I could still hear them yelling. I curled into a fetal position hugging a pillow to my chest. I let a few tears slip down my cheeks as I turned my iPod up as louder. Soon my tired eyes closed and I was out like a light, drifting into a deep peaceful sleep.
I awoke the next morning to Zacks arms wrapped tight around my waist pulling me into his muscular body. I sighed looking at the new bruises forming on his face. I softly stroked the bruise on his cheek, leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to the bruise. ‘Leah?’ Zack croaked moments later. ‘Hey’ I whispered back. It was silent, that was until Jack burst through the door. ‘Zacky, Lee Lee time to get up’ he yelled jumping on the end of the bed. ‘We are, now go away Jack’ I laughed. ‘Ok, but if you’re not up and making breakfast in 5 minutes I’ll be back with cold water’ he promised before skipping out the door. I sat up preparing myself for the cold air that would soon hit my body. As I pulled the covers back Zack grabbed my arm pulling me into his chest. ‘We need to talk still’ He spoke a serious expression covering his features. ‘Fine, we only have five minutes though’ I smiled. For some odd reason I was in a ridiculously good mood this morning. ‘Ok first I think we need to ring the police about your brother and dad today and also I need to explain why I got so upset about you and Alex.’ Zack spoke his arms snaking back around my waist. ‘Umm, I’ve already rang the police they’re looking for them. Yes please enlighten me as to why you needed to bash the shit out of each other’ I spoke my tone was expressionless because I had no idea how I was meant to be feeling right now. ‘Ok, well Alex is a man whore I didn’t want to see you get hurt and he’s got Lisa right now and she doesn’t deserve to get cheated on; no one does.’ Zack explained casually playing with a strand of my hair. ‘Ok, I don’t even know why it happened and it won’t happen again.’ I explained. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the time. ‘Zack we have to get up, Jack will be here soon’ I yelped leaping of the bed. I left Zack in my room and ran out to the kitchen where I found Alex sitting on a kitchen stool texting someone, probably Lisa. Ignoring his presence I set to work at making Jacks favourite breakfast bacon and scrambled eggs. Cooking was a great distraction from my life at the moment. I was growing increasingly worried about my brother and dad and all this extra drama with Alex was seriously stressing me out. As I cooked I thought. I hadn’t been to school in days, I would no doubt get in trouble for that and I made up my mind that I would go tomorrow. I turned around to grab the eggs but I smashed into a bare chest. ‘Alex move!’ I snapped in frustration. There was only so much I could take and Alex was getting seriously annoying. ‘No’ He pouted. I sighed I hated to admit it but he looked seriously adorable like that. I felt an annoying blush rise to my cheeks. He took my silence as invitation enough to try and kiss me again, but I was too fast and moved so his lips hit my cheek. ‘Alex no, you have a girlfriend’ I stated firmly. I turned away from his pouting face focusing on cooking the food until it was perfect; when I turned around he was gone.
I carefully set the food onto the table before calling everyone into the dining room. It was unusually quite as we ate. I noticed Zack was missing but I decided he must have just been sleeping more. Zack came into the room moments after I thought of him. He spoke quietly with a sad expression on his face. ‘Leah, it’s the police they need to talk to you.’ After he spoke the room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. I didn’t register much as I stood up and took the phone from Zack, walking into another room. When I heard the news I dropped to the floor as sobs racked through my body. It didn’t take long for Zack to be by my side cradling me in his arms doing his best to comfort me.
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So for some reason this was really hard to write and its taking my awhile to get into the flow of this story. So yeah comment and shit <3