Status: updates at least once a month depending on school :)

Serial heartbreaker

Chapter 5

I stood in front of the grave. I couldn't believe that he was gone, ruthlessly murdered. The tears came steadily as they lowered the box containing my father’s body into the grave. I watched as the dirt covered the box that contained the remains of my last family member. It had all being a blur since I received that phone call. They had told me they'd found my dad’s body, but my brother was still missing. I was too distraught to be able to organize the funeral plans and so Zack and his father had stepped in. I knew Zack and the other guys were leaving in two days and that made more tears fall. In the few weeks I’d known them they'd become some of my closest friends. I felt a hand on my lower back and looked into the brown eyes of Alex. Surprisingly he had been a great shoulder to lean on when Zack was busy, and the kiss was long forgotten. 'I just don't want you guys to leave me too' I didn't know why I felt the need to explain my tears when he hadn't asked. 'You think we'd just leave you here, we're not that heartless' upon hearing those words I felt a great weight lifted off my shoulders. 'Why didn't you tell me earlier' I spoke smiling softly, feeling guilty straight away though. I'd just buried my father I didn't have the right to smile. 'Zack only just got it Okayed with Matt.'
I had left Adelaide without telling anyone, except the police. I knew I should have told my friends but I didn't want to face anymore goodbyes. I also knew I should have been grateful to be on an All Time Low tour and any other time I would have been. It's just I felt so alone, my phone was broken so I couldn't speak to anyone from home and although everyone tried to make me feel welcome I felt so awkward, I wished one of the guys girlfriends could come on tour but Cassadee was busy on her own tour and Lisa and Alex were fighting and Zack and Jack didn't have a significant other. I was currently lying in the small cramped bunk listening to everyone partying in the front lounge. They'd asked me to join but I'd snapped at Jack when he'd asked me, I guessed that it was nearly that time of month again and I was just been moody. I heard loud drunken footsteps approaching the bunks and I rolled over pretending to sleep. If it was Zack or Alex they'd no doubt open the curtain to check that I was still breathing. I heard the sound of the curtain been pulled across and I was instantly overwhelmed by the stink of alcohol covering the intruder. I was even more shocked when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer to their body. I knew straight away that it was Zack, I could tell from his defined chest. I also knew he'd left the party early to be with me and I felt guilty. In that moment I decided that I needed to at least pretend to be happier, they didn't deserve a moody bitch taking up space on the bus.
The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed and as good as I've felt in a while. It could have been the fact that Zack’s arms were still wrapped around my torso or the promise I'd made to myself last night. Either way I didn't care. As quietly as I could I climbed out of the bunk. I had decided to make Jack his favorite food (cake) as an apology for snapping at him, but before i did that I set to work on making coffee and breakfast for the rest of the guys. As soon as the bacon hit the pan I felt a sort of calmness wash over me. I'm aware it sounds stupid but cooking always relaxes me. I plated the bacon, eggs and toast and left it on the bench. I knew the guys would be angry at me for waking them but they had a meet and greet and it was already 1:30. I went to Jacks bunk first, i gently shook him awake telling him breakfast was on the bench and the coffee was ready as well as apologizing. I did the same to Rian and Matt. I decided to wake Alex next because he'd take longer than Zack to wake up. When I pulled the curtain open I wasn't expecting to find him and a girl lying naked, I quickly averted my eyes. I walked into the small kitchen space, grabbing a wooden spoon I went back to the scene in Alex's bunk. I focused on his face so I wouldn't have to look 'down there' and used the spoon to poke his arm. I watched as he slowly opened his eyes, yawning slightly. 'You’re such a dickhead' I whispered yelled. I realized that the girl he was with probably wasn't Lisa and no girl deserves to be cheated on. 'What'd I do and why are you waking me up?' his voice was croaky but he made no attempt to be quite and let his girl keep sleeping, although she didn't wake. 'You have a girlfriend, Lisa. Or have you forgotten about her? And I woke you for breakfast but whatever enjoy you little slut.' I yelled I wasn't sure why I was so angry, maybe because he seemed like he didn't care that he'd cheated on his girlfriend or maybe I was jealous. No it was definitely the former, I had no reason to be jealous at all. I left when I realized he wasn't going to respond. I checked my bunk and then Zack’s in search of Zack but he wasn't there. I guessed he'd already gotten up. My suspicions where confirmed when I saw him sitting with the others on the lounge eating. I sat in the vacant spot next to him. 'Hey Leah thanks for the food' Jack grinned mouth full of food. 'No problems Jacky' I smiled although I was still tense, I couldn't get the thought of Alex and the girl out of my head. Rian must have noticed my hand that lay clenched on my thighs. 'Hey is everything ok' he asked and I felt everyone's eyes on me. 'I’m fine, I just found Alex with some girl and I'm angry because he has a girlfriend and he cheated on her' I explained. 'I don't think he did it to intentionally hurt Lisa he was pissed of his face last night. he probably didn't even know his own name.' Zack spoke setting his plate down and pulling me onto his lap. 'Naw look at the cute couple and Zack I did know my name last night I was just horny and wanted a fuck.' I became so angry at Alex's words that even Zack rubbing comforting circles on my back wasn't helping. 'Don't bother saying anything Leah' Zack whispered in my ear before I could open my mouth to yell. Alex sighed when he realized I wasn't going to dignify his comment with a response. He seemed to think I wouldn't hurt him though because he lifted my legs up and sat down before placing them over his lap. I kicked him in the stomach like I used to do to my brother. 'Don't touch me dick.' I yelled standing up and going into the kitchen. I needed to cook before I did anything else that I'd end up regretting. I had started beating the eggs and sugar together when Jack came in. He didn't try to apologize for Alex's behavior or talk he just sat and watched, which I was grateful for. 'Leah can I help?' he asked. Sitting still must have gotten too much for him, I was surprised he'd lasted for more than a minute. 'Sure Jack' I smiled genuinely for what was probably the first time since I’d met Zack. I passed him a bowl with the cake mix in it. He looked at it for a few seconds before he asked 'what do I do with it?' 'Just mix it Jack' I explained. Once the cake was in the oven we sat down in the back lounge. Jack turned the TV on at low volume before turning to face me. 'You know I think that Alex likes you.' he gushed. I smiled, he reminded me a lot of a gossiping girl in that moment. 'No I don't think he likes me, even as a friend.' Before Jack was given the chance to disagree with me Alex walked in flopping down on the couch completely oblivious that Jack and I had just been talking about him.
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yeah it's not the best but please comment. Also if you find any errors tell me and i'll fix it :)