Status: updates at least once a month depending on school :)

Serial heartbreaker

Chapter 6

I was sitting on the bus alone while the guys did sound check. Rian had kindly lent me his phone so that I could talk to my friends from back home. I wasn't really in the mood to talk to people so I sent the same text to Bella, Tania and Jacinta. I made a mental note to make sure to pay Rian back for his credit I was using. I didn't want to use all Rian’s credit so I promised to find a computer and Skype them later. It was nice to know that people at home still cared about me. I also made sure to text my cousin and let him know I was fine. I had just put Rian's phone down when Zack flopped down next to me resting his feet on my lap. 'I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever' I smiled, despite the fact that having feet on my lap was grossing me out I was happy. 'I know. Hey I'm going to go take photos at the beach do you want to come?' he asked stumbling over a few words. 'Of course just let me get changed first.' I spoke gesturing to the baggy clothes that adorned my body. Once I'd changed into a pair of ripped shorts and a plain tee that stopped just above my belly button and had a pair of floral sandals covering my feet Zack and I set out on our little excursion to the beach. The walk was short and filled with short conversations and the rest in silence. We had been sitting at the beach and Zack had been showing me his photographs. 'Zack you have mad skills. If you ever had spare time you should make it like a side project' I spoke earnestly, his photos were gorgeous. 'Thanks, but they're not that good.' He spoke a cute blush covering his cheeks. 'They're beautiful Zack' 'Not as beautiful as you' he mumbled. I guessed that he meant for me to not here it. 'Your beautiful too Zack, inside and out’ he reached over brushing a stray piece of hair of my face tucking it behind my ear. He leant in until his lips where millimeters away from mine. 'You’re amazing' he whispered closing the gap. I practically melted. Zack’s lips were soft and tasted like the sprite he'd had minutes before. I never knew what people meant when they said they see fireworks when you kiss the one but I get it now. You don't actually see fireworks it's a metaphor for what you feel at that moment. When he pulled away I was aware of being breathless and realized I must have forgotten to breath. Taking a shaky breath I dared to look up at Zack. He seemed dazed and I hoped it had felt as good for him as it had or me. 'I um, I know we haven't known each other for that long and we haven't even been on a date yet but uhh will you be my girlfriend?' I was definitely not expecting that question to fall for Zack’s lips but my lips already formed the word yes before I could think about it. On the walk back I was very aware of Zack’s hand in mine. I was aware of the way all the guys minus Alex smiled when Zack and I told them the news and I was also aware of the way Alex's expression changed from hurt to anger in a matter of seconds and finally I was aware of the way his fist collided with Zack’s cheek. All hell broke loose in that second, people where yelling but the one sentence that caught my attention the most was the one that fell from Alex's lips directed towards Zack. 'I liked her, you knew that yet you still took her away from me you fucking dick.'

Alex had been missing for days only coming out to play shows and then leaving straight after
All time lows set. We all knew that the fans knew something was up with him, it was obvious
to any onlooker. Things with Zack had been going well and I was getting along better with all the guys. Although I was the happiest I'd been in awhile the thought that my brother was still missing was always in the back of my mind. I was on the bus alone while the guys were at souncheck. Alex was here but he doesn't really count because he doesn't leave his bunk. I was lying on the lounge watching the annoying people from Jersey Shore bitching about who had hooked up with who when my new phone vibrated in my jeans pocket. 'Break up with your new boy toy or your brother gets it.' I read and reread the sentence over and over. I didn't know if this was a sick joke or if it actually was the sicko who had killed my parents. I quickly typed a message asking how I could know this was true. I almost instantly got a message back. It was a picture of my brother tied to a chair, cuts and bruises covering his thin body. As well as a picture there was a message saying to not call the police or else. As much as I didn't want to break up with Zack I knew I had to. I sighed when I saw Zacks form enter the cramped space. 'Hey babe are you ok? You look a little pale.' Zack asked, always the considerate one. I felt sick to my stomach as I spoke my next words. 'I think we need to break up.' Zack looked hurt as he asked his next question. 'Why?' 'Because we don't know each other well enough to be in a relationship and I think we worked better as friends and I hope we still can be.' I hoped he wouldn't question my terrible lie. 'What? Friends. Ha maybe' For the first time Zack's voice was sarcastic and I knew that us having a friendship was probably out of the question.
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Sorry that these chapters aren't the longest. Also I know everything is moving extremely fast and that this story is really unrealistic but if I write it so that they know each other for months it would be boring and filled with uninteresting chapters so forgive the fact that this moves extremely quickly.